Interconnects for Gryphon Antileon and Gryphon Pandora?


Apr 21, 2022

I need to find a 3m XLR interconnect for the Gryphon Pandora to the Gryphon Antileon Monos and a short interconnect for the Gryphon Ethos to the Pandora.

Unfortunately here in South Africa are not many cables available for testing. I need to order these without having heard them before - I hate this, but there is no alternative. I am sure I am not the only person here with this configuration or maybe a dealer here has tried various options? What interconnects are you using?

Thanks you very much for your insights,
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I need to find a 3m XLR interconnect for the Gryphon Pandora to the Gryphon Antileon Monos and a short interconnect for the Gryphon Ethos to the Pandora.

Unfortunately here in South Africa are not many cables available for testing. I need to order these without having heard them before - I hate this, but there is no alternative. I am sure I am not the only person here with this configuration or maybe a dealer here has tried various options? What interconnects are you using?

Thanks you very much for your insights,
Can you give us some pointers? What do you miss in your sound? What's the direction you want to go? Warm? Bright?
Is there anything in the sound that bothers you? Or is there something that you really like now?
I have just bought the Gryphon components from a local dealer who closed his showroom. Currently I have Gryphon VIP interconnects on loan. I like the sound as it is but I have no comparison how f.e. a Shunyata interconnect would sound. I was hoping for someone who has heard Gryphon Pandora / Antileon with different interconnects.
I have just bought the Gryphon components from a local dealer who closed his showroom. Currently I have Gryphon VIP interconnects on loan. I like the sound as it is but I have no comparison how f.e. a Shunyata interconnect would sound. I was hoping for someone who has heard Gryphon Pandora / Antileon with different interconnects.
Your gear is just a part of the whole sound. two other things are crucial to how your system sounds. It's your room and you.
Your room's acoustic properties have a significant influence on the sound. It can make it or break it. We can't predict how your room sounds. It can have a booming bass or not enough of it. That's one example.
Your hearing and your taste are another things we can't foresee. You might like a cleaner, faster sound. Or you can like a warmer and thicker one. That's why I asked you how do you feel about the sound right now. That would give us a reference.
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I use Stealth Audio Sakra V17 LE balanced interconnects between my Pandora and Antileon EVO. These cables do the least amount of damage to the signal. I have tried Shunyata and Wireworld, as well as a few other brands. I have a full loom of Stealth cables in my setup. Highly recommended!
I use the full bloom of Siltech Classic Legend 880 cables with my Gryphon Antileon / Zena and I am very happy. Very neutral and natural sound.
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Thank you for your replies. I have had the chance to hear a couple of different interconnects in my system now. Here are some reflections:

Gryphon VIP reference: very smooth and nice but a bit on the dark side.
Shunyata Sigma V2: much brighter and airy than the Gryphon VIP, a bit sharp here and there though.
In-Akustik Reference LS-2404 Air Pure Silver: similar to the Shunayta, maybe a bit smother. Less defined in the lower frequencies.

All of these I had given some weeks of listening, avoiding A/B/C tests of cables. Somehow none of these interconnects sounded like the perfect solution. Although the Gryphon was a bit dark in comparison, we listened to more music when the Gryphon cable was installed. We always remarked how much brighter it got with the Shunyata and the In-Akustik as if this was a improvement. But both of them we switched off earlier most evenings.

Then we got another cable, a Tara Labs The Muse. I have a little playlist of some songs where I have special moments that I find noticeable (special drum sound, voice etc etc). When I started my playlist with the Tara Labs cable there was a "wow" moment after 10 seconds. Bright and airy, transparent, with a lot of bass pressure. Not sharp or edgy at all, very smooth but powerful and controlled. Definitely the best sounding cable in my configuration that I have heard.

Now I am listening to it for a week before having to make a decision. But after 2 days I am already very sure it will be the Tara Labs cable.
I use the full bloom of Siltech Classic Legend 880 cables with my Gryphon Antileon / Zena and I am very happy. Very neutral and natural sound.
I also like the 880 series from Siltech. They are a significant improvement over the previous series.
@Solartiger if you can, try to audition them too. They are top-notch.
I use Stealth Audio Sakra V17 LE balanced interconnects between my Pandora and Antileon EVO. These cables do the least amount of damage to the signal. I have tried Shunyata and Wireworld, as well as a few other brands. I have a full loom of Stealth cables in my setup. Highly recommended!
How would you describe the Sakra V17 in comparison with the WWs? I currently use the WW Platinum 7, and would love to hear a pair of top Stealth cables in my system.
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How would you describe the Sakra V17 in comparison with the WWs? I currently use the WW Platinum 7, and would love to hear a pair of top Stealth cables in my system.
When you listen using the WireWorld Platinum 7 interconnects, you cannot imagine an improvement is possible, or necessary. When you switch to the V17 Sakra you see that you were incorrect. I simply can't imagine a better cable. I know there will be, and maybe there is already. I am so satisfied with what I have. My system is all Stealth Audio Cables. It is not accidental.
You are definitely not suffering with the fine WireWorld cables. But the Sakra gets out of the way and lets the music flow better than any other cable I have tried. For giggles I want to try an AQ Dragon. What I have read suggests they are also invisible.
Solartiger - did you find your perfect interconnect? I'm on a similar journey.
I don't know about the Antileon with the Pandora. However the Cardas Clear Beyond with Pandora/Mephisto work extremely well together.
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Can anybody recommend budget friendly XLR cables? I suppose that might seem strange to ask on the Gryphon forum but after buying the components, I’m tapped out and can’t spend a lot on cables.
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Can anybody recommend budget friendly XLR cables? I suppose that might seem strange to ask on the Gryphon forum but after buying the components, I’m tapped out and can’t spend a lot on cables.
Not strange at all. But what constitutes your budget and what components will they connect? I'm having a very challenging time of cabling owing to Gryphon electronics being so transparent and, therefore, sensitive to every nuance any cable offers, good and bad.
If its any consolation, typically Gryphon gear isn't very fussy with cabling. (Especially power cables) I had to have one of my Cardas Clear Beyond re-terminated. The only XLR I had was a lesser expensive AQ pair. Was it awful? No. Point being to really appreciate sonic nuances it happens over time with different pieces in the puzzle.
Here is a picture of all of the connections that go into a Gryphon Pandora. I purchased a Pandora but do not have it yet.

I have an XLR output from my preamp to my Gryphon Colosseum. I believe it is a Nordost cable, not sure which one.

I don’t have any other XLR connections from the source components to my current preamp, all single ended, so, I will need XLR cables for those.

I hope I hear some benefits from upgrading to this preamp and going to an all balanced system.

Here is a picture of all of the connections that go into a Gryphon Pandora. I purchased a Pandora but do not have it yet.

I have an XLR output from my preamp to my Gryphon Colosseum. I believe it is a Nordost cable, not sure which one.

I don’t have any other XLR connections from the source components to my current preamp, all single ended, so, I will need XLR cables for those.

I hope I hear some benefits from upgrading to this preamp and going to an all balanced system.

Larry you made a very wise choice and you will love how it pairs with the Colosseum. Very low noise floor and if for some reason you ever stumble upon a Mephisto your good to go! Enjoy...John
Larry you made a very wise choice and you will love how it pairs with the Colosseum. Very low noise floor and if for some reason you ever stumble upon a Mephisto your good to go! Enjoy...John
Thanks John! I’m excited to put my system back together after I get the Colosseum fixed and receive the Pandora.

I think I will get my tonearm rewired for the Lemo balanced connectors but I have not decided yet.

How much does the Mephisto weigh? I will get a lot of criticism from my wife if I buy a heavier amp. The Colosseum weights 175lbs.
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Thanks John! I’m excited to put my system back together after I get the Colosseum fixed and receive the Pandora.

I think I will get my tonearm rewired for the Lemo balanced connectors but I have not decided yet.

How much does the Mephisto weigh? I will get a lot of criticism from my wife if I buy a heavier amp. The Colosseum weights 175lbs/
Around 250LBS. Cumbersome but worth it. Or the APEX? That tips the scales North of 450LBS. Pure Class A has to be built right, with that comes the unfortunate weight! Good luck with everything Larry...John

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