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    • ozy
      ozy reacted to caesar's post in the thread Pilium Audio in action- with Like Like.
      Thanks. For what it's worth, I find it really strange that Wolf likes to show off his speakers with CH Precision. Not sure whom he's...
    • ozy
      ozy reacted to steve williams's post in the thread Pilium Audio in action- with Like Like.
      I have to say Bob that whenever you post pictures of your gear I am like a kid in toy land at Christmas. Nice to share your odyssey with...
    • ozy
      ozy reacted to Esotar's post in the thread Pilium Audio in action- with Like Like.
      Bulgaria may not sells only yogurt no more. Pilium power amp has very fast response and deep texture. In Korea, Pilium is called as...
    • ozy
      ozy reacted to audiophilac1's post in the thread Esprit Cables with Like Like.
      Running in the Eterna power cord, it replaces a SR Euphoria HC. (I'm powering the amp) Quite a difference, I'm pleased!
    • ozy
      ozy reacted to audiophilac1's post in the thread Esprit Cables with Like Like.
      Ordered an Esprit Eterna power cord. Waiting for arrival!
    • ozy
      ozy reacted to caesar's post in the thread Totaldac new DACs with Like Like.
      Hey Elliot, If some idiot chooses a DAC or just because Wolf "selected" it, well he is a dumb mother fuyer who is taking a huge risk...
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