Incoming CSPort TAT1 M2 Turntable with Two Tonearms and The Phasemation EA-2000 Phono Stage

what a nice set up!

Today I was having a tonearm cable comparison, trying to find a good match for my EA-2000.
Currently I like most the SAEC Triple C cables, so I am waiting for the new Phasemation cables to be shipped to Europe soon.
Phasemation is launching new Triple C Phonocables as well and I am looking forward to give them a try on my EA-2000.

Currently I do have a second T-2000 step up and a Consolidated Audio 1:10 copper step up for high resistance carts.

Looks very similar to your EA-2000 set up.

I would love to hear the CS-Port turntable, unfortunately nearly impossible in Germany. NL and F are better supported :) .
Fell welcome to come to Netherlands to hear the CS Port LFT1 as i am the distributor of Cs Port and have a Wonderfull piece in my Studio/Demoroom.
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After almost three weeks with the TAT1 M2 in my system, I can provide some more insight.

The CSPort TAT1 is not plug and play and requires some skills for fine tuning especially the air flow management between the platter and the linear tracking tonearm as well as the levelling of the tonearm.

Several upgrades have been implemented.

A graphite Boston Audio Design Mat 2 has been added.


We compared the stock headshell against the ones from My Sonic Lab and Phasemation. The latter was chosen as the best fit with the Transfiguration Proteus Diamond. The headshell leads are a prototype from Elpispandora.



The stock tonearm cable has been replaced by a Black Cat Graceline Level 3 which I compared against the Phasemation and the Black Cat Graceline Level 2 cables.


In my previous post, I mentioned that we compared several cartridges. François had brought five 5 cartridges: the Mutech Hayabusa, the Audio Technica ART-1000, the Phasemation PP2000, the Sculpture A A.5 Ebony and the My Sonic Lab Signature Platinum. Though the final choice will be confirmed once I receive the second tonearm, the My Sonic Lab Signature Platinum cartridge has impressed me the most.


François came back a week ago for a follow up.

We have slightly increased the tension of the string/thread which has yielded in better speed management. This was confirmed by measurements with Analog Magik.


As François had brought back his Phasemation EA-2000 phono stage (mine should arrive soon), we also compared some phono cables between the SUT and the Phono stage. The best cable was a top of the line Black Cat from the late Chris Sommovigo (here connected to the Consolidated Audio Silver SUT).

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After almost three weeks with the TAT1 M2 in my system, I can provide some more insight.

The CSPort TAT1 is not plug and play and requires some skills for fine tuning especially the air flow management between the platter and the linear tracking tonearm as well as the levelling of the tonearm.

Several upgrades have been implemented.

A graphite Boston Audio Design Mat 2 has been added.


We compared the stock headshell against the ones from several My Sonic Lab and the Phasemation. The latter was chosen as the best fit with the Transfiguration Proteus Diamond. The headshell leads are a prototype from Elpispandora.



The stock tonearm cable has been replaced by a Black Cat Graceline Level 3 which I compared against the Phasemation and the Black Cat Graceline Level 2 cables.


In my previous post, I mentioned that we compared several cartridges. François had brought five 5 cartridges: the Mutech Hayabusa, the Audio Technica ART-1000, the Phasemation PP2000, the Sculpture A A.5 Ebony and the My Sonic Lab Signature Platinum. Though the final choice will be confirmed once I receive the second tonearm, the My Sonic Lab Signature Platinum cartridge has impressed me the most.


François came back a week ago for a follow up.

We have slightly increased the tension of the string/thread which has yielded in better speed management. This was confirmed by measurements with Analog Magik.


As François had brought back his Phasemation EA-2000 phono stage (mine should arrive soon), we also compared some phono cables between the SUT and the Phono stage. The best cable was a top of the line Black Cat from the late Chris Sommovigo (here connected to the Consolidated Audio Silver SUT).

Great update thanks!

I have two questions:
-The Cs Port Turntables are designed to use the record straight on the metal platter the Graphite Boston Audio Design Mat 2 improved playback i guess and in which way?
-Can you tell the improvement of the tonearm cable upgrade?

So how does it sound as compared to your previous tables?
-The Cs Port Turntables are designed to use the record straight on the metal platter the Graphite Boston Audio Design Mat 2 improved playback i guess
Adding to that, I believe Toshi (the designer) does not recommend using a platter mat due to the build/design of the platter.
Great update thanks!

I have two questions:
-The Cs Port Turntables are designed to use the record straight on the metal platter the Graphite Boston Audio Design Mat 2 improved playback i guess and in which way?
-Can you tell the improvement of the tonearm cable upgrade?

I use the 10mm thick Audio Tekne carbon mat on my TAT2. This was the best of the mats and no mat that I tried. The problem is it’s so thick there’s not much spindle left so I use without the record weight. To me, it seems like hot swapping records on the bare metal platter is not good. There’s a friction that happens when replacing the record and my platter top seems slightly rough.
After almost three weeks with the TAT1 M2 in my system, I can provide some more insight.

The CSPort TAT1 is not plug and play and requires some skills for fine tuning especially the air flow management between the platter and the linear tracking tonearm as well as the levelling of the tonearm.

Several upgrades have been implemented.

A graphite Boston Audio Design Mat 2 has been added.


We compared the stock headshell against the ones from several My Sonic Lab and the Phasemation. The latter was chosen as the best fit with the Transfiguration Proteus Diamond. The headshell leads are a prototype from Elpispandora.



The stock tonearm cable has been replaced by a Black Cat Graceline Level 3 which I compared against the Phasemation and the Black Cat Graceline Level 2 cables.


In my previous post, I mentioned that we compared several cartridges. François had brought five 5 cartridges: the Mutech Hayabusa, the Audio Technica ART-1000, the Phasemation PP2000, the Sculpture A A.5 Ebony and the My Sonic Lab Signature Platinum. Though the final choice will be confirmed once I receive the second tonearm, the My Sonic Lab Signature Platinum cartridge has impressed me the most.


François came back a week ago for a follow up.

We have slightly increased the tension of the string/thread which has yielded in better speed management. This was confirmed by measurements with Analog Magik.


As François had brought back his Phasemation EA-2000 phono stage (mine should arrive soon), we also compared some phono cables between the SUT and the Phono stage. The best cable was a top of the line Black Cat from the late Chris Sommovigo (here connected to the Consolidated Audio Silver SUT).

If you like the MSL Signature Platinum, you might also like the derivative of this Design, the Sumile cartridge.

I tried them both and finally, looking back, I preferred the Sumile.

I am now close by, using mostly the MSL produced TechDAS TDC-01 cart.
Great update thanks!

I have two questions:
-The Cs Port Turntables are designed to use the record straight on the metal platter the Graphite Boston Audio Design Mat 2 improved playback i guess and in which way?
-Can you tell the improvement of the tonearm cable upgrade?


François from Ana Mighty Sound did a comprehensive comparison of mats and came to the conclusion that the Boston Audio Design Mat 2 allowed a better "extraction" of the musical message. The mat was included in the package.

I compared the following tonearm cables against the stock cable: the Phasemation, the Black Cat Graceline Level 2 and Graceline Level 3. The comparisons were performed with the Phasemation EA-2000 phono stage. Each tonearm gave an increased level of clarity and details with the Black Cat Graceline Level 3 being the best but also the most expensive.
Hello Denis, just wondering if you can share any further thoughts and impressions on your wonderful new turntable and phono stage? Many thanks
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The EA-2000 has not landed yet. It is leaving Japan early next week and I hope receiving it by mid-February as François will come to my place to deliver it.

I got the chance of testing the EA-2000 three times in my own system (once with my previous turntable and twice with the CSport TAT1). The level of transparency and dynamics is unmatched. I am keeping the Allnic phono stage as it will move to my secondary system.

More on that in hopefully a few weeks.
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The whole setup had to be dismantled. Though I have the M2 version of the TAT1, CSPort has developed a new air bearing that was retrofitted by François from Ana Mighty Sound. CSPort has also announced a new ultra quiet motor that will be retrofitted as well.



The 6 box Phasemation EA-2000 has been installed. The rectifiers have been swapped for NOS Sylvania tubes with a quite audible improvement. As I have two tonearms, I am also keeping the Consolidated Audio SUT specifically designed for the Transfiguration Proteus Diamond.



Le SAT LM-12 comes now with a alignment jig for the cartridge which is a very handy tool.


The Transfiguration Proteus D cartridge will stay on the CSPort Linear tracking tonearm whereas a My Sonic Lab Signature Platinum is mounted on the SAT. i previously compared teh MSL against several cartridges (Mutech Hayabusa, AT ART-1000, Phasemation PP2000 and Sculpture A A5 Ebony). This time, I compared the MSL against a Jan Allaerts MC 2 Finish Gold but I was not convinced.



The alignment of the two cartridges were performed with Analog Magik. François was quite impressed by the figures he obtained with the SAT and MSL combo.


Soundwise, the two cartridges are quite different. The Tansfiguration Protus Diamond on the linear tracking tonearm is quite relaxed whereas the MSL Signature Platinum with the SAT is full of energy.


Many thanks to François from Ana Mighty Sound for having spent two full days in setting up my new analog rig.
Why is your IME1 so low and angled like that? Does it work better? I think the manual says 3” off the LP surface at 15 deg angle.
the rectifiers have been swapped for NOS Sylvania tubes with a quite audible improvement.
thank you for the recommendation,
I was recently trying to find a pair of NOS rectifiers fitting into the limited space of the EA-2000 PSU cabinet.

Now I ordered a pair of NOS Sylvania :)
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The whole setup had to be dismantled. Though I have the M2 version of the TAT1, CSPort has developed a new air bearing that was retrofitted by François from Ana Mighty Sound. CSPort has also announced a new ultra quiet motor that will be retrofitted as well.

View attachment 105053

View attachment 105054

The 6 box Phasemation EA-2000 has been installed. The rectifiers have been swapped for NOS Sylvania tubes with a quite audible improvement. As I have two tonearms, I am also keeping the Consolidated Audio SUT specifically designed for the Transfiguration Proteus Diamond.

View attachment 105055

View attachment 105056

Le SAT LM-12 comes now with a alignment jig for the cartridge which is a very handy tool.

View attachment 105057

View attachment 105058
The Transfiguration Proteus D cartridge will stay on the CSPort Linear tracking tonearm whereas a My Sonic Lab Signature Platinum is mounted on the SAT. i previously compared teh MSL against several cartridges (Mutech Hayabusa, AT ART-1000, Phasemation PP2000 and Sculpture A A5 Ebony). This time, I compared the MSL against a Jan Allaerts MC 2 Finish Gold but I was not convinced.

View attachment 105059

View attachment 105060

The alignment of the two cartridges were performed with Analog Magik. François was quite impressed by the figures he obtained with the SAT and MSL combo.

View attachment 105061

Soundwise, the two cartridges are quite different. The Tansfiguration Protus Diamond on the linear tracking tonearm is quite relaxed whereas the MSL Signature Platinum with the SAT is full of energy.

View attachment 105062

Many thanks to François from Ana Mighty Sound for having spent two full days in setting up my new analog rig.
Hi dcc, so interesting to follow your posts on the TAT1. I have been eyeing the LFT1 but read some where about the linear arm while great for classical but less than ideal for jazz and pops and other power music. I don't know your genre preference but wondering if you feel you would have been content with only the linear arm on CSPort? or a pivot arm is really necessary?
I listen to classical music, jazz and rock music and the linear tracking arm excels in all genres. Some of my friends prefer the SAT and some others prefer the linear tracking arm. To me, it is more a question of finding the ideal cartridge. Also, the stock phono cable from the linear tracking arm can be replaced with a much better one.
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I listen to classical music, jazz and rock music and the linear tracking arm excels in all genres. Some of my friends prefer the SAT and some others prefer the linear tracking arm. To me, it is more a question of finding the ideal cartridge. Also, the stock phono cable from the linear tracking arm can be replaced with a much better one.
Happy for you that you have found the linear arm exceling across genres. may i know which cartridge are you using?
A Transfiguration Proteus « Diamond ». Originally, it was a Transfiguration Proteus and i got it retipped with the same diamond cantilever as the one on the new darTZeel cartridge. I recently had the chance to compare it against a darTZeel prototype cart (both mounted on the linear tracking arm) and both were quite close to each other.
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