Crystal Disc US$1600 was played with Genesis Speaker

+1 Myles point - we still have not extracted everything we can from 16/44.1 yet. The price makes me weak at the knees, but I cannot deny that on the system in Hong Kong, to my ears is sounds better in all respects - even on a state-of-the-art transport.

According to Andy's website, the price ranges from HK$6000 to HK$12,800. This is definitely not for newcomers to the hobby, but for the enthusiast who wants to get the most out of his system. The enthusiasts in Hong Kong and China would pay for this - Andy sold 50 pieces during the show.
+1 Myles point - we still have not extracted everything we can from 16/44.1 yet. The price makes me weak at the knees, but I cannot deny that on the system in Hong Kong, to my ears is sounds better in all respects - even on a state-of-the-art transport.

According to Andy's website, the price ranges from HK$6000 to HK$12,800. This is definitely not for newcomers to the hobby, but for the enthusiast who wants to get the most out of his system. The enthusiasts in Hong Kong and China would pay for this - Andy sold 50 pieces during the show.

Explain to me how the raw digital data stored on a $1600 disc is any different than the raw data stored on a $10 disc. One could argue that the $1600 disc somehow allows a transport to extract this data from a player with lower error rates, but an error corrected copy of this data on a harddrive is bit for bit the same information. Reading the discs with a memory player there should also be absolutely zero difference between what the player loads into memory.
+1 Myles point - we still have not extracted everything we can from 16/44.1 yet. The price makes me weak at the knees, but I cannot deny that on the system in Hong Kong, to my ears is sounds better in all respects - even on a state-of-the-art transport.

According to Andy's website, the price ranges from HK$6000 to HK$12,800. This is definitely not for newcomers to the hobby, but for the enthusiast who wants to get the most out of his system. The enthusiasts in Hong Kong and China would pay for this - Andy sold 50 pieces during the show.

Wow 50 pieces. This IMO is not about being an enthousiast
Explain to me how the raw digital data stored on a $1600 disc is any different than the raw data stored on a $10 disc. One could argue that the $1600 disc somehow allows a transport to extract this data from a player with lower error rates, but an error corrected copy of this data on a harddrive is bit for bit the same information. Reading the discs with a memory player there should also be absolutely zero difference between what the player loads into memory.

+1 Just give me the source files
Explain to me how the raw digital data stored on a $1600 disc is any different than the raw data stored on a $10 disc. One could argue that the $1600 disc somehow allows a transport to extract this data from a player with lower error rates, but an error corrected copy of this data on a harddrive is bit for bit the same information. Reading the discs with a memory player there should also be absolutely zero difference between what the player loads into memory.

As one of the first high-end proponents of the music server (I demo'ed with one at CES 2005), I agree with you. However, this product is for the buyer of the $45,000 CD transport, not you and I.
You can't take it with you...may as splurge if you can!
As one of the first high-end proponents of the music server (I demo'ed with one at CES 2005), I agree with you. However, this product is for the buyer of the $45,000 CD transport, not you and I.

I respectfully disagree. Not trying to rain on the parade of the people at Crystal Disc but this is not about for an enthousiast but rather for someone who still has to prove that his doniker is bigger than ours.

Where's our friend Frantz on this one

Also please tell me that you were joking when you said they are working on a platinum disc
I respectfully disagree. Not trying to rain on the parade of the people at Crystal Disc but this is not about for an enthousiast but rather for someone who still has to prove that his doniker is bigger than ours.

Where's our friend Frantz on this one

Also please tell me that you were joking when you said they are working on a platinum disc

Edorr posted about the Pt disc, not Gary ;)
I respectfully disagree. Not trying to rain on the parade of the people at Crystal Disc but this is not about for an enthousiast but rather for someone who still has to prove that his doniker is bigger than ours.

In fairness (IMO only) it's not much different than buying a $45,000 CDP or a $100,000 TT (no offense intended). The people that buy those components can afford whatever media they want, and if it floats their my guest.

I will agree that the motivation to purchase this media is not entirely audio related. ;)
I read this entire thread and I just don't know for sure what I can add!

If in another country they can sell those Crystal Discs for that much money, good for someone!
Methinks that it's ridiculous, but I truly feel that these buyers simply don't care about what I think!

Oh well, another page in our audio (music recording medium) world .... :b
The fact remains, it's 16/44 digital. If you really want an improvement you need to change format from digital to analog as long as the original material was recorded analog.

DSD, not analog?
Glad to see we've found a BS meter tripping point for some of our more faithful members.

The funny thing is that lots of U.S. digital lovers complain about paying $15 for a CD. I don't think there will be much of a market here for those CDs.
Explain to me how the raw digital data stored on a $1600 disc is any different than the raw data stored on a $10 disc. One could argue that the $1600 disc somehow allows a transport to extract this data from a player with lower error rates, but an error corrected copy of this data on a harddrive is bit for bit the same information. Reading the discs with a memory player there should also be absolutely zero difference between what the player loads into memory.

. . . . this is not about for an enthousiast but rather for someone who still has to prove that his doniker is bigger than ours. . . .

If I had the $1600 to spend on ONE cd, I'd get the best $50 digital version of the recording I could find and give the rest to a reputable charity.

I hope the glass CD is an ultra high strength glass like Hercuglass.
Glad to see we've found a BS meter tripping point for some of our more faithful members.


I have seen the BS-o-meter pegged a few times here .. This may be one of those welcomed happenings :) ...
Here's what I don't understand......

Is this version better than any other formats we have (ie DSD, hires digital,vinyl tape) OR is it just a better version of the redbook CD because if you say it's better than any other format what would we think :confused: and if it is merely better than the standard redbook version then we can spend $1000 on a redbook CD which isn't as good as other formats :confused:

again caveat emptor
Let's not lose sight of the music. As far as I can tell, we're talking about $1600 for "Sorrow of the River" by Guo Ya-zhi. That must be some kind of humdinger CD. Is it just me, or was that just one of those incredible musical pearls that were snubbed at the Grammys?

By the way, I was at Tanglewood on Saturday for Mahler's Fourth. As much as I love Mahler, it would be hard for me to spend more than 5 bucks for a great used Mahler recording. So I really want to know who is spending $1600 for Ya-zhi, and what medications they are on? :)
Let's not lose sight of the music. As far as I can tell, we're talking about $1600 for "Sorrow of the River" by Guo Ya-zhi. That must be some kind of humdinger CD. Is it just me, or was that just one of those incredible musical pearls that were snubbed at the Grammys?

By the way, I was at Tanglewood on Saturday for Mahler's Fourth. As much as I love Mahler, it would be hard for me to spend more than 5 bucks for a great used Mahler recording. So I really want to know who is spending $1600 for Ya-zhi, and what medications they are on. :)

I though about that. So even assuming there are some sonic merits to the super disc, I very much doubt the crystal version is going to sound any better than a plain vanilla stellar ECM recording/mastering, not to mention the fact that ECM has some content to offer of artistic merit/interest.
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Let's not lose sight of the music. As far as I can tell, we're talking about $1600 for "Sorrow of the River" by Guo Ya-zhi. That must be some kind of humdinger CD. Is it just me, or was that just one of those incredible musical pearls that were snubbed at the Grammys?

By the way, I was at Tanglewood on Saturday for Mahler's Fourth. As much as I love Mahler, it would be hard for me to spend more than 5 bucks for a great used Mahler recording.
So I really want to know who is spending $1600 for Ya-zhi, and what medications they are on? :)

This guy today just bought an older 1967 Ferrari convertible for $27 and a half millions! ...$27.5 million dollars!
...Most ever paid for a single car at an auction; only ten were made. ...Just google it.
{Most of the proceeds from that auction sale goes to charity.}

So, that would be people with money, and lots of it! ...And that, is their medication.

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