Your suggestions on a high end dac/streamer.


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2018
I would just like to say what a pleasure and an education it is to be part of this forum and compliment all of you members who share their wisdom, knowledge and experience with all of us others.
I am considering four dacs and dac/streamer combinations and would welcome any comments and considerations that this forum has to offer. They are;
1. Mark Levinson 519 that will only be used as a dac and streamer.
2. Aurender A 30
3. Balanced Lampizator G.G. Engine 11
4. Berkeley Alpha Dac Series 3.
Thank you,
I would just like to say what a pleasure and an education it is to be part of this forum and compliment all of you members who share their wisdom, knowledge and experience with all of us others.
I am considering four dacs and dac/streamer combinations and would welcome any comments and considerations that this forum has to offer. They are;
1. Mark Levinson 519 that will only be used as a dac and streamer.
2. Aurender A 30
3. Balanced Lampizator G.G. Engine 11
4. Berkeley Alpha Dac Series 3.
Thank you,
Not on your list but am hearing great things about the Grimm MU2 dac/streamer/Roon. Am hoping to review in the near future….currently have a dCS Bartok (non-APEX).
As a former Berkeley Alpha owner (first edition) I suspect you’ll need to factor in the Alpha USB as well….Berkeley wanted it in line even if the streamer could output AES directly….counterintuitive I know.
Additionally, I'd contemplate Brinkmann's streaming DAC, the Nyquist II.
Thank you guys for your replies.

WDW, yes I have been researching Grimm products. Do you worry about these new, boutique audio producers that seem to be popping up every few months? Should the respective longevities of companies be of concern when purchasing a high, priced piece of audio gear?

exupgh12, regarding the Brinkman, Nyquist 2: yes, I have considered it. One was listed for a very short while on Canuk Audio Mart and by the time I saw it advertised it was pending...the price was fantastic. I own The Brinkman Spyder with three tonearms, cartridges and The Ront Tube Supply. Brinkman products are amazing audio pieces.

One more question: does anyone have an opinion of a brand new, just taken out of the box, Goldnote DS-1000, dac/streamer coupled to the Goldnote PSU 1250 power supply?
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Thank you guys for your replies.

WDW, yes I have been researching Grimm products. Do you worry about these new, boutique audio producers that seem to be popping up every few months? Should the respective longevities of companies be of concern when purchasing a high, priced piece of audio gear?

exupgh12, regarding the Brinkman, Nyquist 2: yes, I have considered it. One was listed for a very short while on Canuk Audio Mart and by the time I saw it advertised it was pending...the price was fantastic. I own The Brinkman Spyder with three tonearms, cartridges and The Ront Tube Supply. Brinkman products are amazing audio pieces.

One more question: does anyone have an opinion of a brand new, just taken out of the box, Goldnote DS-1000, dac/streamer coupled to the Goldnote PSU 1250 power supply?
From Grimm's website: "Grimm Audio was founded in 2004 and is based in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Our initial aim was to combine the mastery of the greatest minds of audio experts, and we continue to do so. All Grimm Audio products carry the joined insight of well known scientists in the fields of audio electronics, acoustics and physics, fused with an intuition build on the experience of many years of focussed listening, professional engineering and audiophile enthusiasm.

Our first product, the AD1 discrete 1 bit analog to digital converter, is still the benchmark for sound quality. A classical music label like Channel Classics has reinforced its reputation using this converter. While refining the AD1’s clock circuitry, the CC1 master clock was developed, that is measured as being the lowest jitter master clock in the professional audio industry. It serves as the digital heart beat of many studios around the world."

Doesn't sound too bad...
I just purchased a Lampizatior Baltic 3/4 dac Engine 11.
I am still looking for a streamer and am considering The Lampizator Gulfstream and The 432 EVo Aeon music server.
Do you guys prefer either of these with The Baltic and any other suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you,
I listened to an Ideon EOS streamer, first in Munich and then recently and found it impressive (coherent, dynamic, sufficiently detailed...).
I use a dedicated MiniX pc with an aftermarket linear PS and the EOS was better.
All in the ear of the beholder. I have the LossLess Echo's End Reference. Have the Innuos Zenith and I am done.
All in the ear of the beholder. I have the LossLess Echo's End Reference. Have the Innuos Zenith and I am done.
In a world of aluminum, the LossLess looks beautiful. Read a few of the comments on the website and get a sense of what you enjoy about this piece of gear.
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Not on your list but am hearing great things about the Grimm MU2 dac/streamer/Roon. Am hoping to review in the near future….currently have a dCS Bartok (non-APEX).
As a former Berkeley Alpha owner (first edition) I suspect you’ll need to factor in the Alpha USB as well….Berkeley wanted it in line even if the streamer could output AES directly….counterintuitive I know.
I love the Bartok Apex! I have to have one. Berkely just upgraded my Alpha USB to series 2.
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I am considering four dacs and dac/streamer combinations and would welcome any comments and considerations that this forum has to offer. They are;
1. Mark Levinson 519 that will only be used as a dac and streamer.
The ML 519 offers so much more (preamp and CDP) so may be overkill for your needs.

I'm looking for the ML 519 myself to replace the excellent NAS Master Series M33. It would be feeding Atma-Sphere Class D monos and is all-digital - no analogue inputs, so just the job for me.

Very rare in the UK at £22K, so I grabbed an Ebay "But it Now" bargain at £2799 + postage. However my suspicions were raised by the long delivery date and no reply to my message asking if I could collect the item in person. I alerted Ebay who, after investigation, refunded my payment in full. It seems that this item probably never existed.

Anyone got a 519 for sale in Europe?

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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