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Viewing thread Post Your Frequency Response Curve!

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    • sbo6
      sbo6 replied to the thread Post Your Frequency Response Curve!.
      You guys must be kidding me, I said, a quick tip, grow up. Zooming out too far yields no way to assess and help should it be deemed...
    • sbo6
      sbo6 replied to the thread Post Your Frequency Response Curve!.
      Just a quick tip - when you display your FR, use a scale that's represents the response visually, for example 40 - 90DB. Using 0 - 100DB...
    • sbo6
      sbo6 replied to the thread Post Your Frequency Response Curve!.
      Your range is too broad to discern anything, can you please change to 40-90DB and repost?
    • sbo6
      sbo6 reacted to dcc's post in the thread My Journey With SUTs with Like Like.
      My ultimate SUT is the Phasemation T-2000 that I had the chance to test in my main system with its bespoke EA 2000 phono stage...
    • sbo6
      sbo6 reacted to Tim Link's post in the thread Post Your Frequency Response Curve! with Like Like.
      You are right, the moving mic method is going to show less change at 100hz than 600. 1/4 wavelength things can start happening, and the...
    • sbo6
      sbo6 replied to the thread Post Your Frequency Response Curve!.
      You raise a good point in that what we hear does not always exactly correlate with what we measure and see on a graph. Also, we each...
    • sbo6
      sbo6 reacted to Dustin Symanski's post in the thread Clocks with Like Like.
      With asynchronous sample rate conversion it would be possible to use 10Mhz directly in a DAC but I have never seen this done in...
    • sbo6
      sbo6 replied to the thread Clocks.
      And probably just as many who agree with him. :cool:
    • sbo6
      sbo6 reacted to Bruce B's post in the thread Clocks with Like Like.
      Here's my 2cents and that is all I will say. I have NEVER inserted a Clock in a single converter system and made it sound "better"...
    • sbo6
      I hope you calibrated those meters beforehand. ;-)
    • sbo6
      sbo6 replied to the thread Post Your Frequency Response Curve!.
      You stated, "The problem with taking a room measurement is that you can sometimes get a drastically different result just by moving the...
    • sbo6
      sbo6 replied to the thread Post Your Frequency Response Curve!.
      In the mids and highs, maybe, depending how stable your mic stand is, but for low frequencies no as a little movement won't affect...
    • sbo6
      sbo6 reacted to WADAX's post in the thread Wadax World Premiere at Munich Highend with Like Like.
      This is correct. You can also gain access to other devices using UPnP.
    • sbo6
      sbo6 reacted to Gary Lee's post in the thread Wadax World Premiere at Munich Highend with Like Like.
      I am currently using JPlay to stream music files from my NAS (Fidata), Tidal and Qobuz to my WADAX Studio Player without any issues...
    • sbo6
      So for folks asking earlier about connectivity to Taiko, it, and pretty much any other server can be used as a front end (including...
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