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    • R
      I suggest stop meeting these people unless they are giving you a contract for their power supply. Then upgrade their power and tell them...
    • R
      cleaning and listening to 70+ new to me (old-random other than alphabetized) pressings in my system these last 10 days or so, all...
    • R
      I did the reverse, I wanted to know if vinyl playback could be good enough to make me invest in a better turntable/tonearm/cartridge. I...
    • R
      Rexp reacted to Ron Resnick's post in the thread Natural Sound with Wow Wow.
      My only personal experience with Class D (apart from subwoofers) is MBL Noble (Class D) versus MBL (Class A) on MBL 101E Mk. IIs. I...
    • R
      Rexp replied to the thread Natural Sound.
      Came across this very natural sounding vid, anyone agree/disagree?
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      Rexp replied to the thread Natural Sound.
      What about digital-only audiophiles, they're fair game, surely?
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      Rexp reacted to bonzo75's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      You can always WhatsApp me happy to post them for you
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      Rexp reacted to Mike Lavigne's post in the thread Natural Sound with Wow Wow.
      sometimes wrong is right.
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      Rexp reacted to Amir's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      Some records are more live and some studio records have more silent backgrounds but if the listener feels the “black background” in...
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      Rexp reacted to bonzo75's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      There are lots of people on this forum who do many wrong things, including matching wrong amps to wrong speakers and defending digital...
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      Rexp reacted to Lagonda's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      Now Peter has "gotten this right" you should supply him with loaner amps of your OTL and class D variety and trust his ears. He will no...
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      Really, any WBF members? (who are not promoting digital gear or gear that improves digital playback)
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      Rexp replied to the thread TIDAL - The hidden gems.
      So MQA is no more, the good news is albums like this one, which were made worse by MQA, now sound good! https://tidal.com/album/111062567?u
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      Rexp reacted to tima's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      The introduction and advocacy for "black backgrounds" as a sound attribute came out of the Pearson/TAS wing of audio reviewing. Today...
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      Rexp reacted to PeterA's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      You missed the point. It’s not that it doesn’t have any attributes of realism or fidelity,, it’s that the system does not accentuate or...
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