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    • RCanelas
      RCanelas reacted to matthias's post in the thread Munich HighEnd 2024 with Like Like.
      @RCanelas Maybe at next years High End Munich? There are venues across the street and at Motorworld which are most certainly much less...
    • RCanelas
      RCanelas reacted to David MS's post in the thread Munich HighEnd 2024 with Love Love.
      I assume (perhaps wrongly) that most of those in this forum have yet to hear the Cinnamon Galle DAC. I just had the opportunity to...
    • RCanelas
      RCanelas reacted to hopkins's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      Thanks. It's probably a topic for another thread.
    • RCanelas
      RCanelas replied to the thread Natural Sound.
      This is a supper broad statement. As an example: have you spent time with a very low distortion amp? Those that say thd 0.001% @ 500W...
    • RCanelas
      RCanelas reacted to Hyperion's post in the thread Aries Cerat DACs vs. other brands with Like Like.
      There are only winners on this level among these three high end candidates. What it comes down to is to clarify the differences...
    • RCanelas
      RCanelas reacted to PeterA's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      Did not this discussion get started because Ralph claimed that my system could not sound natural precisely because a signal at my Lamm...
    • RCanelas
      RCanelas replied to the thread Natural Sound.
      I guess it did. But he also says his amps (or any other) also incur on the same grave sin, in a different way (both in nature and...
      • 1721303535427.png
    • RCanelas
      RCanelas replied to the thread Natural Sound.
      Ah, this is a good point. My english allows me to go a certain distance before it gives up on me. I think it is quite clear by now that...
    • RCanelas
      RCanelas reacted to tima's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      Thanks for replying. I read what you wrote several times and don't see an argument that I understand. Ralph can jump in here too. I...
    • RCanelas
      RCanelas replied to the thread Natural Sound.
      Technically it is not a syllogism as there is either only one proposition, or several more, if you consider truisms propositions. I...
    • RCanelas
      RCanelas reacted to hopkins's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      Interesting system described here, for those curious about it: https://www.thraxaudio.com/post/gaida-displayed-at-munich-high-end-2024
    • RCanelas
      RCanelas replied to the thread Natural Sound.
      I agree. An acoustical event can be recorded in a myriad of ways, some better than others. But once that is done, the recording is all...
    • RCanelas
      RCanelas reacted to morricab's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      Exactly and after hearing a full weekend of horn orchestras it only reinforces that dynamics are the final frontier of audio...
    • RCanelas
      RCanelas reacted to PeterA's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      We could not know what instruments captured on the recording sound like unless we had the reference of the actual sound of those real...
    • RCanelas
      RCanelas replied to the thread Natural Sound.
      I don't see any incongruence if one admits that the recording is all we have, and the only actual reference. Under those terms, natural...
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