What unknown ( to you) artist’s music just blew you away


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2013
Rarely do I get something on spec from, for me, a totally unknown artist and think, wow every track on side 1 is a hit and there’s six tracks there!

It happened though when I first heard Caravan Palaces Chronologica lp. Simply stunning. It’s their second lp I think. ( I then got their first which wasn’t nearly as good) I’d never heard of them till I put the record on the TT and gave it a spin.

Lionel Hampton meets electronica/vintage-modern dance/pop. Yes really.

I pulled it out tonight and it still screams MASSIVE, why are these people not huge. Why is nobody talking about Caravan Palace. Who screwed up their career? Or have I just lost it in the hit record stakes?

What’s been your astonishing ‘find’?
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The two bands/albums that fit into the somewhat recent discovery category for me that I found out about while browsing around Qobuzz are these two below. Listened to the albums once while streaming them and decided that I had to buy them right away.

Interestingly enough, they both contain the same word "Church" in the band name but both bands sit at a very different location in the musical genre spectrum. Nonetheless, I enjoy listening to them just the same.


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There are many...

A few years ago I went to a concert on a whim and heard Mdou Moctar. Hypnotic Touareg vibes with a Hendrix touch. Was really something. Even my wife dug it and she hates 'screechy guitar'. We went backstage and hugged him :)
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Never heard of this Australian band until this month. Their 8th release is one of my favorite 2021 LPs
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Stray cats. This group was unknown to me until I heard it at my friends house and it blew me away.great beat and music.I love this group.
Stray Cats are great, especially mister Brian Setzer, You might also enjoy Danny Gatton check out "Cruisin Deuces" ~

Rarely do I get something on spec from, for me, a totally unknown artist and think, wow every track on side 1 is a hit and there’s six tracks there!

It happened though when I first heard Caravan Palaces Chronologica lp. Simply stunning. It’s their second lp I think. ( I then got their first which wasn’t nearly as good) I’d never heard of them till I put the record on the TT and gave it a spin.

Lionel Hampton meets electronica/vintage-modern dance/pop. Yes really.

I pulled it out tonight and it still screams MASSIVE, why are these people not huge. Why is nobody talking about Caravan Palace. Who screwed up their career? Or have I just lost it in the hit record stakes?

What’s been your astonishing ‘find’?
Out of nowhere, pinned to my consciousness now . . . .Watchhouse (formerly known as Mandolin Orange) being "at once almost familiar and yet with the most mysterious aspect of detailed insight into the human condition... Are these old souls reborn into a married couple with tales to tell ? Incredible harmony, peerless song writing .

Golden Embers​

Just like an old friend, kinder than expected
That Cadillac came and gave our girl a ride
Loss has no end, it binds to our connection
We don't speak of it, we don't even try

If you could help me to share the trouble
But you've got burned and then you, then you can help me
And in our time together, her memory will ever
Shine like golden embers in the night

I miss the old hymns when she used to sing
The sparrows spread their mortal wings
Now they've all lighted with the silence of strings
Like notes on the pages, she breathed life into all things

If you could help me to share the trouble
But you've got burned and then you, then you can help me
And in our time together, her memory will ever
Shine like golden embers in the night

Just like an old friend, reach out to me
Bathe me in the light of understanding
Try to help me to share the trouble
But you've got burned and then you, then you can help me
And in our time together, her memory will ever
Shine like golden embers in the night

Listen / Hear ~



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that a musician dream, you sit in the subway in paris and play your song, the next day you get a record deal. his lyrics and music are art for me.
Benjamin Clementine-at least for now(lp)
Great thread. Gutsy American blues with attitude. Larkin Poe.


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Here is Larkin Poe covering Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd

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The two bands/albums that fit into the somewhat recent discovery category for me that I found out about while browsing around Qobuzz are these two below. Listened to the albums once while streaming them and decided that I had to buy them right away.

Interestingly enough, they both contain the same word "Church" in the band name but both bands sit at a very different location in the musical genre spectrum. Nonetheless, I enjoy listening to them just the same.



I saw The Church play live last weekend. They were playing their singles from 1980 - 1990.
Great band, seen them many times over the years

Hadouk Trio- Live a Fip
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Hans Theessink
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Five Finger Death Punch. Here’s one example.

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Veljanov aka (deine Lakaien band )give goosebumps every time i listen such a so deep voice.


At the dawn of an ordinary Sunday
I remember the taste of you, sweet in my mouth

Late in the year

And in the stillness of the Oriental rainfall
I remember the warmth of you, still in my arms

Late, late in the year

I can bring to you flowers in the night
Soft as my trembling fingers touching ... love
I can offer you wine and candlelight
If only my aching fingers clutching ... love

Late in the year
Late in the year . .. ...

Love Song for the Dead Che ~
Veljanov aka (deine Lakaien band )give goosebumps every time i listen such a so deep voice.

somehow I never heard of Deine Lakaien despite being the right age and inclination.

@DasguteOhr is there a standout album in terms of music content and recording quality?

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