V.Y.G.E.R indian signature & VYDA cables.

soon (a couples of months) i will get the TALOS phono from Aries with his special SUT for the RS, and then all will be align as intended ;)
I Quite understand regarding swapping your Sparrow around at this time … By the way I have the same SUT specification Talos on Stavros’s work bench as we speak ;)
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Excellent post Aviad and congratulations , I wish you joy of your new turntable … For my part my own VYGER Indian Signature / TITAN has just been completed and are awaiting construction of their shipping crates. In my case Bjorn will be performing the setup procedure :)

Argonaut, it’s been two months. How’s your new turntable? Do you have any photos?
Things getting a little too hot for you elsewhere on the forum are they …Weak , terribly weak ;)
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I figured after three months you would share your impressions and some photos here on this thread.

Naaaaahhhhh … Petty attempt at diversion .

You seem to be having some problems with your memory as I posted the following section from the forum TOS a mere three weeks ago :rolleyes:

18. All material posted becomes the property of the What's Best Forum. All postings and material contained in this site are copyrighted and may NOT be republished or reposted without express written consent of forum administrators.
That isn’t any of my concern is it , perhaps you might contact the system owners and make enquiries .
I have been listening to the Viger Indian signature with TITAN for almost two months now...
and did substantial test drives with many of my cartridges, and against other turntables that i have\had in demo etc.

I can say now without any doubt that the Indian Signature with Titan is the Best turntable i ever owned and heard at any price. (of course i did not test all of them around the world in my listening room, but i've been dealing with analog systems for more than 30 years and owned an enormous quantity of turntables, arms, cartridges and all analog related).

The Final test for me was against my own CS PORT TATM2 and LT that was my reference prior to the Indian. And Unfortunately i must admit that he also fell short in rounds v.s the Indian.
although the TAT2M2 is an AMAZING piece of machinery and their LT is also VERY good in comparison to a lot of LT i had and heard in my time...
when you switch to the Indian everything feels in another league!

The CS PORT sounds Very balanced, with very good details and Very decent bass reproduction. The music floats un forcely in the stage and it feels that this combo just plays at ease almost everything you throw at it. their LT is a Very good one and once you dialed it perfectly it will play everything with a little to none distortion. maybe some minor issues on the inner groove but this is far more related to various LPs..

When the Indian Signature aligned and well broke in, the sound became just "stupid" good. you have a "WOW" figure face with everything that comes out of it. it's not playing music, it recreates music for you. my vinyls just came Alive!
The bass is the strongest, most fast and nuanced I ever encountered in analog reproduction. it is well balances everything. The transient effect in classical music (that i'm listening to 90% of my time) is sky rocket fast and with the ease and clarity he does that it is almost unbelievable it comes from a cartridge and a turntable. the TITAN electronics are just dead quiet, non issue plug and play, on\off systems that just let you put on an LP and listen for days!
The Vision Linear arm is very very very equirate. Once you handle the subtels of set it up (and I think everyone in this forum could do it easely ! ) it's just stayed perfect with no tweaks for it no matter what.
Once I put my Red sparrow on, the Game was Over. it's just become a spaceship with the most delicate but strong, fast but balanced and most coherent and amazing musical piece i ever owned!
i'm still using my CH PRECISION P1 phono stage with CS PORT SUT to suit the RS application, and I cannot wait for my AC TALOS to arrive to try it on.

It is very important to mention the VYDA cable that Enrico made for me to work from the Indian to my phono stage, it is maybe the fastest, most amazing cable I have ever had and it matches the Indian characteristic perfectly to my ears. I will be Very happy if I will have more of his creations with the rest of my system.
maybe someday.

for now, the CS PORT is in Boxes to make some room to some new stuff i ordered after i established that i just dont need it, and i can mount a second arm to the Indian to get some playing around with different arms and cartridges along with the Vision and the Red sparrow.


viger 1.jpeg
I have been listening to the Viger Indian signature with TITAN for almost two months now...
and did substantial test drives with many of my cartridges, and against other turntables that i have\had in demo etc.

I can say now without any doubt that the Indian Signature with Titan is the Best turntable i ever owned and heard at any price. (of course i did not test all of them around the world in my listening room, but i've been dealing with analog systems for more than 30 years and owned an enormous quantity of turntables, arms, cartridges and all analog related).

The Final test for me was against my own CS PORT TATM2 and LT that was my reference prior to the Indian. And Unfortunately i must admit that he also fell short in rounds v.s the Indian.
although the TAT2M2 is an AMAZING piece of machinery and their LT is also VERY good in comparison to a lot of LT i had and heard in my time...
when you switch to the Indian everything feels in another league!

The CS PORT sounds Very balanced, with very good details and Very decent bass reproduction. The music floats un forcely in the stage and it feels that this combo just plays at ease almost everything you throw at it. their LT is a Very good one and once you dialed it perfectly it will play everything with a little to none distortion. maybe some minor issues on the inner groove but this is far more related to various LPs..

When the Indian Signature aligned and well broke in, the sound became just "stupid" good. you have a "WOW" figure face with everything that comes out of it. it's not playing music, it recreates music for you. my vinyls just came Alive!
The bass is the strongest, most fast and nuanced I ever encountered in analog reproduction. it is well balances everything. The transient effect in classical music (that i'm listening to 90% of my time) is sky rocket fast and with the ease and clarity he does that it is almost unbelievable it comes from a cartridge and a turntable. the TITAN electronics are just dead quiet, non issue plug and play, on\off systems that just let you put on an LP and listen for days!
The Vision Linear arm is very very very equirate. Once you handle the subtels of set it up (and I think everyone in this forum could do it easely ! ) it's just stayed perfect with no tweaks for it no matter what.
Once I put my Red sparrow on, the Game was Over. it's just become a spaceship with the most delicate but strong, fast but balanced and most coherent and amazing musical piece i ever owned!
i'm still using my CH PRECISION P1 phono stage with CS PORT SUT to suit the RS application, and I cannot wait for my AC TALOS to arrive to try it on.

It is very important to mention the VYDA cable that Enrico made for me to work from the Indian to my phono stage, it is maybe the fastest, most amazing cable I have ever had and it matches the Indian characteristic perfectly to my ears. I will be Very happy if I will have more of his creations with the rest of my system.
maybe someday.

for now, the CS PORT is in Boxes to make some room to some new stuff i ordered after i established that i just dont need it, and i can mount a second arm to the Indian to get some playing around with different arms and cartridges along with the Vision and the Red sparrow.


View attachment 120151
Congratulations… really inspiring setup. Your enthusiasm for it is very clear… nice write up.
I have been listening to the Viger Indian signature with TITAN for almost two months now...
and did substantial test drives with many of my cartridges, and against other turntables that i have\had in demo etc.

I can say now without any doubt that the Indian Signature with Titan is the Best turntable i ever owned and heard at any price. (of course i did not test all of them around the world in my listening room, but i've been dealing with analog systems for more than 30 years and owned an enormous quantity of turntables, arms, cartridges and all analog related).

The Final test for me was against my own CS PORT TATM2 and LT that was my reference prior to the Indian. And Unfortunately i must admit that he also fell short in rounds v.s the Indian.
although the TAT2M2 is an AMAZING piece of machinery and their LT is also VERY good in comparison to a lot of LT i had and heard in my time...
when you switch to the Indian everything feels in another league!

The CS PORT sounds Very balanced, with very good details and Very decent bass reproduction. The music floats un forcely in the stage and it feels that this combo just plays at ease almost everything you throw at it. their LT is a Very good one and once you dialed it perfectly it will play everything with a little to none distortion. maybe some minor issues on the inner groove but this is far more related to various LPs..

When the Indian Signature aligned and well broke in, the sound became just "stupid" good. you have a "WOW" figure face with everything that comes out of it. it's not playing music, it recreates music for you. my vinyls just came Alive!
The bass is the strongest, most fast and nuanced I ever encountered in analog reproduction. it is well balances everything. The transient effect in classical music (that i'm listening to 90% of my time) is sky rocket fast and with the ease and clarity he does that it is almost unbelievable it comes from a cartridge and a turntable. the TITAN electronics are just dead quiet, non issue plug and play, on\off systems that just let you put on an LP and listen for days!
The Vision Linear arm is very very very equirate. Once you handle the subtels of set it up (and I think everyone in this forum could do it easely ! ) it's just stayed perfect with no tweaks for it no matter what.
Once I put my Red sparrow on, the Game was Over. it's just become a spaceship with the most delicate but strong, fast but balanced and most coherent and amazing musical piece i ever owned!
i'm still using my CH PRECISION P1 phono stage with CS PORT SUT to suit the RS application, and I cannot wait for my AC TALOS to arrive to try it on.

It is very important to mention the VYDA cable that Enrico made for me to work from the Indian to my phono stage, it is maybe the fastest, most amazing cable I have ever had and it matches the Indian characteristic perfectly to my ears. I will be Very happy if I will have more of his creations with the rest of my system.
maybe someday.

for now, the CS PORT is in Boxes to make some room to some new stuff i ordered after i established that i just dont need it, and i can mount a second arm to the Indian to get some playing around with different arms and cartridges along with the Vision and the Red sparrow.


View attachment 120151
So you have chosen the Indian over the brands that you distribute ? Or are you also a dealer for VYGER now ?
Once I put my Red sparrow on, the Game was Over. it's just become a spaceship with the most delicate but strong, fast but balanced and most coherent and amazing musical piece i ever owned!
How many hours have you clocked up with this combination currently Avaid … any further development in the sound since your last report ?
You didn't ask me, but I probably have about 50 hours on my TW/RS and I am in love with the combination on my Atlantis. I don't even care if another cartridge can sound better. This comb works for me and I won't be changing it anytime soon.
How many hours have you clocked up with this combination currently Avaid … any further development in the sound since your last report ?
Hi, i must agree with the gentleman up here, its just perfect magic, i guess we can always search for better in this or that. but right now its just playing superb with no downfalls what so ever. Perfect.
i am waiting for my TALOS from AC to complete this set up. im sure it will be beyond amazing.
i have more tonearms and cartridges but. i have no urge to listen to them comparing after i realized how good the RS is with the INDIAN signature set up.
i am waiting for my TALOS from AC to complete this set up. im sure it will be beyond amazing.
Did you specify a particular ratio for your internal SUT or have you gone with Stavro’s recommendation ?
Did you specify a particular ratio for your internal SUT or have you gone with Stavro’s recommendation ?
Stavros have the RS also in demo, and he know this cartridge well. i asked exactly what i heard when i visit him.
for other CR... there is different plans.
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Hi, i must agree with the gentleman up here, its just perfect magic, i guess we can always search for better in this or that. but right now its just playing superb with no downfalls what so ever. Perfect.
i am waiting for my TALOS from AC to complete this set up. im sure it will be beyond amazing.
i have more tonearms and cartridges but. i have no urge to listen to them comparing after i realized how good the RS is with the INDIAN signature set up.

You should try old monos on it And compare to a mono cartridge on another arm. You will be surprised how good vyger RS is on mono
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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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