Hi Steven,
Very glad yo see that there is a QSA Forum on WBF.

I think I wrote the first QSA review on WBF, back in 2012.

May I ask you two questions?

Firstly, I notice on you website that QSA-Lanedri cables are being launched.

May you tell us more about them?
What metals are employed and what special features do they have?

Secondly, several frds of mine in Hong Kong have bought QSA JitterPower.

Again, please tell the WBF members more about these series of accessories.

Many thanks!

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Following the universal success of the Quantum Science Audio (QSA) technology and its application to multiple audio products ranging from fuses, sockets, power jitters, to switches, we are happy to announce the creation of the QSA LANEDRI brand.

My name is Anas Lanedri and I have joined efforts with Steven, founder of QSA (Quantum Science Audio) to launch the QSA LANEDRI brand in order to expand the reach and application of QSA technology to encompass the entire audio chain.

QSA Technology:
QSA is a proprietary technology resulting from over 22 years of R&D with the ultimate goal of creating crystal clear audio clarity and performance that can replicate the emotional music connection of live performances.

Backed by scientific research and measurements, achieving rich and immersive listening experience with every note for unmatched musical experience, was the main driver behind our endeavor! The result is a quality audio that has never been experienced before.

Acting at the quantum level of metals, QSA technology enables any metal to behave similar to a superconductor i.e. superior flow of electrons which allows for greater conductivity and the removal of the bottle-neck distortions.

When applied to the audio chain segments, it translates to a rich and immersive listening experience never sensed before!

While Steven is fully busy on R&D for the QSA and introduction of new QSA products, I will be managing the QSA LANEDRI line of products.

QSA LANEDRI is the platform for combining state of the art quality of audio brands and the undeniable QSA magic touch to reveal the hidden potential of the full audio chain. This makes the QSA LANEDRI Series product line the embodiment of the best in class of both worlds!

We started our product launch by offering audio cables with performance never experienced before!

The focus of this forum is about QSA LANEDRI Series products where we would like to centralize feedback and impressions on the audio experiences.

QSA LANEDRI products are structured based on Series. Each Serie is based on the product brand selected following the R&D. We will have multiple Series to enable spreading the joy of using QSA LANEDRI products for different budgets.

Each Series will have two lines; The "Revelation line" and the "Infinity line" reflecting the QSA treatment being applied. For the QSA LANEDRI Series, we apply the best QSA treatments.

QSA LANEDRI Audio Cables:
I will introduce the products structure of the QSA LANEDRI audio cable while the feedback and the impressions on the SQ will follow in other posts by everyone who has tried them. Being an audiophile myself, I believe what matters first and foremost is the user experience.

We offer the following three QSA LANEDRI Series for the audio cables:
1. The QSA LANEDRI GAMMA Series: based on our R&D, we selected the Iconoclast and the Blue Jeans Cables as the base products for this Series. At this stage, there is no partnership with those brands, we apply the QSA technology to their finished cables. The resulting cables beat every other cable we tested in terms of SQ.

2. The QSA LANEDRI SPECTRA Series: We have made a partnership with Mark Coles, the founder of Sablon cables, to use the Sablon power cables for the QSA LANEDRI GAMMA Series.

While the QSA LANEDRI GAMMA Series is beating everything out there we tested, the QSA LANEDRI SPECTRA Series is upscaling the SQ to new territories never reached before.

3. The QSA LANEDRI ULTIMATUM Series: In the pursuit of perfection, we created this series to have the best possible SQ results we can achieve. On this Series, we defy ourselves and we we create our own products eliminating any limitation we find in the brands available in market.
Hi Steven,
Very glad yo see that there is a QSA Forum on WBF.

I think I wrote the first QSA review on WBF, back in 2012.

May I ask you two questions?

Firstly, I notice on you website that QSA-Lanedri cables are being launched.

May you tell us more about them?
What metals are employed and what special features do they have?

Secondly, several frds of mine in Hong Kong have bought QSA JitterPower.
View attachment 102336

Again, please tell the WBF members more about these series of accessories.

Many thanks!

Hi CK,

I hope the introduction post has clarified some of your questions.

I am on a trip in Honk Kong and I believe you will be joining the listening session we will be having this Sunday with Leung.
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Interested in understanding more, without you giving away the store so to speak, how this technology gets applied to finished cables
Acting at the quantum level of metals, QSA technology enables any metal to behave similar to a superconductor i.e. superior flow of electrons which allows for greater conductivity and the removal of the bottle-neck distortions.
One of the characteristic of superconductor is the Meissner effect - expulsion of magnetic field. Do you cables behave like that? I am interested in learning your cable. But I would advise not to drag superconductor into the discussion. I believe nobody has listened a superconductor in an audio system. So superconductor may not be the best sounding cable even it has zero resistance.
I would like to address the elephant in the room

As QSA technology is a proprietary technology, we would not be in position to discuss what is behind it or how it is used. Trying to answer questions on this technology without clarifying it would not satisfy the curiosity as every answer will trigger other multiple questions!

For those who have tried QSA products ranging from the fuses, sockets, MCB, Power & LAN jitters, to Switches, know what this technology can do to the audio setup. All I can say that QSA applied on a quantum level is revolutionary and it is challenging the fundamentals of what is in the audio market today.

As an audiophile myself, I believe that all what matters first and foremost is the impact on the music and the emotional connection in my listening sessions. And it is this impact with QSA in the audio chain that was driver behind creating the QSA LANEDRI to spread the joy.

The objective behind creating this forum is to share all impressions and experiences from everyone who is trying the QSA LANEDRI products. The first round of orders that took place on the QSA LANEDRI audio cables will be shipped out to buyers by end of next week.
One of the characteristic of superconductor is the Meissner effect - expulsion of magnetic field. Do you cables behave like that? I am interested in learning your cable. But I would advise not to drag superconductor into the discussion. I believe nobody has listened a superconductor in an audio system. So superconductor may not be the best sounding cable even it has zero resistance.

I used the description superconductor out of lack of other words. With QSA, a metal becomes a super-metal where all its are characteristics are pushed to limitless levels.

I know that generic responses with adjectives won't satisfy the curiosity if not the opposite of increasing them.
QSA LANEDRI Audio Cables:
I will introduce the products structure of the QSA LANEDRI audio cable while the feedback and the impressions on the SQ will follow in other posts by everyone who has tried them. Being an audiophile myself, I believe what matters first and foremost is the user experience.
Great to see you have a forum here on WBF, Anas. I am very much looking forward to trying your new products!
Thank you very much Leung for your invitation to your impressive dedicated listening room and to Leung, Raymond and CKKenug for the very pleasant time and listening session.

The QSA LANEDRI cables used in this session are 7 GAMMA Infinity Power cables and the ULTIMATUME Infinity Speaker cable.


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Thank you Leung very much Leung for your invitation to your impressive dedicated listening room and to Leung, Raymond and CKKenug for the very pleasant time and listening session.

The QSA LANEDRI cables used in this session are 7 GAMMA Infinity Power cables and the ULTIMATUME Infinity Speaker cable.

Great to see the beautiful pair of Janis subwoofers - although I sold mine long ago - they were replaced by dipole Gradients, a better match to the Quad ESL63 - I still keep the active crossover that I can see in the right middle shelve!
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Reactions: CKKeung
Thank you very much Leung for your invitation to your impressive dedicated listening room and to Leung, Raymond and CKKenug for the very pleasant time and listening session.

The QSA LANEDRI cables used in this session are 7 GAMMA Infinity Power cables and the ULTIMATUME Infinity Speaker cable.
Morning Anas,
Last night we had a most enjoyable and fruitful gathering.

Thanks so much for your passion and sweat!


It's not an easy task to travel to Asia and carrying such a heavy weight during the stupid pandemic, even though the world is opening up.
Hope that you will visit HK more often and we meet more.

Leung's music room is a perfect place for testing out your new QSA-Lanedris products.
Leung, Raymond and I are always at your service!
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Big thanks to you Anas for your hard work. It is really great to be able to hold this audition of the new series of QSA Lanedri cables here in Hong Kong. I must say that even though I know what to expect from the many QSA silver fuses and receptacles that are still residing in my system I am still totally blown away by the new Gamma Infinity power cables and the Ultimatum Infinity Speakers cables. Mind you they are all fresh from the factory without any burning.

My system is a bit complicated with two turntables and two CAS systems leading to my Cello Suite and Palette and Cello Performance power amps driving the TAD 2404 speakers. Because lately I have been focused more on tweeking my turntables with their new anti-vibration platforms and the newly acquired EMT phono amp and the CAS has been 'neglected' and is probably not in their most optimum state so we decided to use the Thorens Prestige as the source. Anas suggested to try a piece by Diana Krall which he thinks can convey more on the emotional connection of music and I totally agree that this is indeed one of the most important determinants of good music. We plugged in a Gamma Infinity power cord to my EMT JPA 66 phono amp and no surprise everyone can easily notice the change. There is a more quiet background and more details could be heard and yet there is at the same time more feelings conveyed. It seems to be getting the best of both worlds. The image seems to become more realistic too. The vocal is more transparent and one can hear more of the microdynamics. The voice is depicted much more clearly and with more emotions and this is not the type with increased mids and midbass where there seems to be emotion but it is actually more of discoloration. The change is clear as sky. No doubt at all. And the magnitude I would say is much more significant than when I added a silver fuse to the system.

We then move on to add two Gamma Infinity power cords to the Cello Suite and Palette preamp. And oh my god everyone became speechless after the music stopped. The system seems to be totally transformed to one that is two or three levels up. The basic sound signature is there but everything comes off more easily, naturally and at a lesisure without force at all. The occasional slam at high volumes are now much more gentle in the sense that it can be appreciated but without the slam at the face. A bit difficult to convey the feeling. It does not mean taking away the raw feeling only taking away the bad side of a slam at the face. Yet the emotion is revealed even more up to the point. Everything is very fast. No feeling of slow or sluggish. These two powe cords have found their permamnet home and it is impossible to take them out.

We then add two more Gamma Infinity power cords to my Cello Performance mono block power amp. This is the first time that we feel there are gain and loss. The gain is it seems that power amp has doubled its power and comes out with a more refined type of sound. Image even more focussed. The bad point is it seems a bit too clean. The vocal seems to end a slight bit too early and dimishing the sense of emotion. It seems that in my system the power amp may not benefit as much as my other gears.

We then changed to CAS and for convenience sake we tried it first on the Taiko extreme which previosuly is plugged in with a sablon Prince. We are all so nervous about this comparison. But to me it was almost an anticlimax because the Gamma Infinity is so much more to my taste that it is no contest at all. By simply plugging in the Gamma Infinity the CAS suddenly climbs up head to head with the turntable system. The next Gamma Infinity is plugged to my Holo Audio May and wow the beauty of the Taiko Extreme is finally fully conveyed. The timbre of different percussions with the Diana Krall becomes so enjoyable that makes the LP sounds a bit mediocre. For these two gears it seems that the Gamma Infinity or maybe the Spectra Infinity will be ineveitable.

Here comes the Finale. The Ultimatum Infinity speaker cable. We are all wondering with this background with 7 Gamma Infinity in the system is already at its peak. Is there any place for the Ultimatum Infinity speaker cable? After struggling with the setting up of the super heavy speaker cable we listened to the same piece again. And this time we are all speechless again. We are looking more to our wallet than anything else. This is just another worldly type of sound. The most sigificant quality that comes out is the sens of ease ethat the music is conveyed. It seems that everything is at my feet and I can simply point my finger to them and the angelic sound will come out. The timbre is so rich that yet the speed is so fast and accurate. The coherence from high to low is perfect. The transition is so smooth and natural. And I just don't know how to describe.
If we say that the Gamma Infinity is King of this world then perhaps the ultimatum Infinity should belong to the Universe.

I must say that it has been a long time since we have an audition of such marvellous cables. I for one won't be thinking about buy it or not but rather how many I could buy. Great work Anas.
Big thanks to you Anas for your hard work. It is really great to be able to hold this audition of the new series of QSA Lanedri cables here in Hong Kong. I must say that even though I know what to expect from the many QSA silver fuses and receptacles that are still residing in my system I am still totally blown away by the new Gamma Infinity power cables and the Ultimatum Infinity Speakers cables. Mind you they are all fresh from the factory without any burning.

My system is a bit complicated with two turntables and two CAS systems leading to my Cello Suite and Palette and Cello Performance power amps driving the TAD 2404 speakers. Because lately I have been focused more on tweeking my turntables with their new anti-vibration platforms and the newly acquired EMT phono amp and the CAS has been 'neglected' and is probably not in their most optimum state so we decided to use the Thorens Prestige as the source. Anas suggested to try a piece by Diana Krall which he thinks can convey more on the emotional connection of music and I totally agree that this is indeed one of the most important determinants of good music. We plugged in a Gamma Infinity power cord to my EMT JPA 66 phono amp and no surprise everyone can easily notice the change. There is a more quiet background and more details could be heard and yet there is at the same time more feelings conveyed. It seems to be getting the best of both worlds. The image seems to become more realistic too. The vocal is more transparent and one can hear more of the microdynamics. The voice is depicted much more clearly and with more emotions and this is not the type with increased mids and midbass where there seems to be emotion but it is actually more of discoloration. The change is clear as sky. No doubt at all. And the magnitude I would say is much more significant than when I added a silver fuse to the system.

We then move on to add two Gamma Infinity power cords to the Cello Suite and Palette preamp. And oh my god everyone became speechless after the music stopped. The system seems to be totally transformed to one that is two or three levels up. The basic sound signature is there but everything comes off more easily, naturally and at a lesisure without force at all. The occasional slam at high volumes are now much more gentle in the sense that it can be appreciated but without the slam at the face. A bit difficult to convey the feeling. It does not mean taking away the raw feeling only taking away the bad side of a slam at the face. Yet the emotion is revealed even more up to the point. Everything is very fast. No feeling of slow or sluggish. These two powe cords have found their permamnet home and it is impossible to take them out.

We then add two more Gamma Infinity power cords to my Cello Performance mono block power amp. This is the first time that we feel there are gain and loss. The gain is it seems that power amp has doubled its power and comes out with a more refined type of sound. Image even more focussed. The bad point is it seems a bit too clean. The vocal seems to end a slight bit too early and dimishing the sense of emotion. It seems that in my system the power amp may not benefit as much as my other gears.

We then changed to CAS and for convenience sake we tried it first on the Taiko extreme which previosuly is plugged in with a sablon Prince. We are all so nervous about this comparison. But to me it was almost an anticlimax because the Gamma Infinity is so much more to my taste that it is no contest at all. By simply plugging in the Gamma Infinity the CAS suddenly climbs up head to head with the turntable system. The next Gamma Infinity is plugged to my Holo Audio May and wow the beauty of the Taiko Extreme is finally fully conveyed. The timbre of different percussions with the Diana Krall becomes so enjoyable that makes the LP sounds a bit mediocre. For these two gears it seems that the Gamma Infinity or maybe the Spectra Infinity will be ineveitable.

Here comes the Finale. The Ultimatum Infinity speaker cable. We are all wondering with this background with 7 Gamma Infinity in the system is already at its peak. Is there any place for the Ultimatum Infinity speaker cable? After struggling with the setting up of the super heavy speaker cable we listened to the same piece again. And this time we are all speechless again. We are looking more to our wallet than anything else. This is just another worldly type of sound. The most sigificant quality that comes out is the sens of ease ethat the music is conveyed. It seems that everything is at my feet and I can simply point my finger to them and the angelic sound will come out. The timbre is so rich that yet the speed is so fast and accurate. The coherence from high to low is perfect. The transition is so smooth and natural. And I just don't know how to describe.
If we say that the Gamma Infinity is King of this world then perhaps the ultimatum Infinity should belong to the Universe.

I must say that it has been a long time since we have an audition of such marvellous cables. I for one won't be thinking about buy it or not but rather how many I could buy. Great work Anas.

I was having a walk in the streets of Hong Kong when I received the notification about the new post and I couldn't resist opening the link. While I am also still as well blown away by the magnitude of change experienced last night, starting going through the impressions got me back fully into the sensations of the listening session with all the facial impressions on everyone when every time we got hit by the additional changes. Realizing that I was blocking the very busy HK street, I found the closed Starbucks and let every cell in my body rest to go through the feedback.

Thank you Leung (@hols ) for the detailed description of what happened in the listening session. I could not have described better and you captured every sensation I felt with every QSA LANEDRI cable we plugged into the system. I don't have anything else to add beyond stating how impressive is your audio setups and your listening room. It takes a limitless dedication and lot of time to get to that level of affinity.

Maybe one thing I can share in terms of impressions is that at the beginning of the session we were talking digital and analogue setups comparing what is best and what are the strengths of each setup while at the end one could not distinguish which setup is playing the music. All of them sounded marvelous! Leung did a perfect description to capture the sensation and the emotional connections but last night I was not listening to music but more feeling immersed with body and soul like swimming deep into the ocean of music vibrations.

Thank you Leung, Raymond and @CKKeung for the extremely pleasant night. My motivation behind the starting QSA LANEDRI journey is to spread the joy I found with those cables and Leung words touched my heart seeing how all the joy is being shared.

One note on the Amps, it is the cables from SPECTRA Series that will have the right impact.
I was having a walk in the streets of Hong Kong when I received the notification about the new post and I couldn't resist opening the link. While I am also still as well blown away by the magnitude of change experienced last night, starting going through the impressions got me back fully into the sensations of the listening session with all the facial impressions on everyone when every time we got hit by the additional changes. Realizing that I was blocking the very busy HK street, I found the closed Starbucks and let every cell in my body rest to go through the feedback.

Thank you Leung (@hols ) for the detailed description of what happened in the listening session. I could not have described better and you captured every sensation I felt with every QSA LANEDRI cable we plugged into the system. I don't have anything else to add beyond stating how impressive is your audio setups and your listening room. It takes a limitless dedication and lot of time to get to that level of affinity.

Maybe one thing I can share in terms of impressions is that at the beginning of the session we were talking digital and analogue setups comparing what is best and what are the strengths of each setup while at the end one could not distinguish which setup is playing the music. All of them sounded marvelous! Leung did a perfect description to capture the sensation and the emotional connections but last night I was not listening to music but more feeling immersed with body and soul like swimming deep into the ocean of music vibrations.

Thank you Leung, Raymond and @CKKeung for the extremely pleasant night. My motivation behind the starting QSA LANEDRI journey is to spread the joy I found with those cables and Leung words touched my heart seeing how all the joy is being shared.

One note on the Amps, it is the cables from SPECTRA Series that will have the right impact.

This sounds very promising Anas
Congatulations of the first public presentation of prototypes and commericaial almost ready cables I I cant wait to try them in my system so can report here.
But I need to wait few months I believe like all of us for commercial product.
This sounds very promising Anas
Congatulations of the first public presentation of prototypes and commericaial almost ready cables I I cant wait to try them in my system so can report here.
But I need to wait few months I believe like all of us for commercial product.
Hi Kris,

The GAMMA and SPECTRA Series are commercially ready and the first bulk of the sales order is ongoing. The Lead time is about 4 weeks on those two series.

The ULTIMATUM Series will take a couple of months to work out the supply chain challenges but the door is open for pre-orders on the ULTIMATUM cables.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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