Playing with some great toys - Comparing 5 phono stages in my home system


Nov 4, 2012
Continental Europe -
François Saint-Gérand is the manager of Ana Mighty Sound, a niche analogue specialist B&M and online shop based in Paris. We are very close friends. He recently asked whether I would be interested in comparing my Allnic H3000V phono stages against 4 of his top of the line ones : the Phasemation EA 1200, the CS Port C3EQM2, the Thrax Orpheus and the Phasemation EA2000. They are all tube stages.

All listening sessions were performed with the Brinkmann Balance/SAT/Transfiguration Proteus. We used my SUT Consolidated in between though with the Phasemation EA 2000, we switched to the dedicated SUT.



The Allnic H3000V and CS Port gave a rather similar listening experience: very relaxed and well balanced whereas the Phasemation EA 1200 and Thrax Orpheus were more demonstrative. None of them we weaker. It is a matter of personal taste. I would definitly keep my Allnic H3000V and the CS Port would be my second pick.





The Phasemation EA 2000 had definitely no contender and was mind boggling. With the dedicated SUT, the rendition was superb: ample soundstage, highly detailed and effortless dynamics.

What tubes is the EA 1200 using? The 5u4g? Did you use your KR recti in then?
No tube rolling. François just received the two Phasemation stages a few days ago. We sticked to the stock tubes so there is a clear margin for progression.

Yeah I always wanted to hear the DHT phase mation with proper tubes
We used my SUT Consolidated in between though with the Phasemation EA 2000, we switched to the dedicated SUT.

Thanks for sharing.

The Proteus is 0.2mv output, w/ 1ohm impedance. Did three of the units not have enough gain that you needed an external step-up, or it provided an impedance or ...?

It is a shame that Transfiguration is gone. I had an Orpheus and have the Phoenix 2. Wonderful cartridges.
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They can handle the 0,2 mv output but adding a SUT to the mix gives a better rendition. My SUT was specifically made for the Transfiguration Proteus.

François has the capacity to retip the Proteus. Once is goes for retipping, it will be converted into a Proteus D.
very interesting. not surprised that the CS Port comported itself nicely; it's a well kept secret. mine just delivers with my EMIA silver Sut's. i agree on the 'relaxed and balanced' comment. very subtle and nuanced too in my set-up. battery power helps.

recently had the Aesthetix Io Eclipse in room for a few months, and when i started NOS tube rolling i could see it's also formidable if you have space for three large boxes.
Yeah I always wanted to hear the DHT phase mation with proper tubes
Just found this thread, sorry for the late answer.
I tried to change the rectifier tube in my Phasemation EA-1200 to the KR type, but not that easy The chosen rectifier has got a dedicated spring based vibration damping part on top of the tube. Any other length of recti will only fit, if this part is dismantled.
As my EA-1200 is still in warranty, I will leave it, as it is.
It seems, that Phasmation spent some time in designing and to include microfonie effects for the recti in the spec sheet
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They can handle the 0,2 mv output but adding a SUT to the mix gives a better rendition. My SUT was specifically made for the Transfiguration Proteus.

François has the capacity to retip the Proteus. Once is goes for retipping, it will be converted into a Proteus D.
interesting read.
The Phasemation T-1000 (integrated in the EA-1200) and the T-2000 are optimized for 4 to 5 ohm, but will work fine from 1,5ohm to 40 ohm.

So you heard the T-2000 / EA- 2000 in comparison with a very low impedance cart.

I never tried that, will do it soon.

Have you heard the T-2000 connected to the EA-1200? This is my current preferred set up.

In 2 weeks I might have the chance to get the EA-2000 to my home to compare.
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As we were comparing 5 phono stages over one day, we did not have the time for testing the T-2000 connected to the EA-1200. We compared my bespoke Consolidated Audio SUT against the T-2000 on the EA-2000 and the latter was much better.
thank you, very helpfull comment for me
Hi everyone,

I've been following this forum for a long time, but just now I decided to subscribe.

So, how do you think the Consolidated Audio SUT compares to Phasemation T-1000 or even the T-2000?
Hi everyone,

I've been following this forum for a long time, but just now I decided to subscribe.

So, how do you think the Consolidated Audio SUT compares to Phasemation T-1000 or even the T-2000?

Welcome to the forum. May we know the rest of your system?
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Hi everyone,

I've been following this forum for a long time, but just now I decided to subscribe.

So, how do you think the Consolidated Audio SUT compares to Phasemation T-1000 or even the T-2000?

Welcome to WBF!
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Hi everyone,

I've been following this forum for a long time, but just now I decided to subscribe.

So, how do you think the Consolidated Audio SUT compares to Phasemation T-1000 or even the T-2000?
As there are different Consolidated Audio Step ups do exist, I can only answer for the copper version (Phasemation is copper as well).

The similar priced T-1000 sounds more round and relaxed with a deep soundstage and beautiful voices, easy to follow the music as such. The Consolidated Audio (1:20) can better extract details and has a little sharper contour around the instruments. Depending on your gear and your cart you may like one or the other.

T-2000 is a league in its own and much better.
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Welcome to WBF!
Hello Ron,

Thank you!

- Technics 1200G + Glanz MH 94S tonearm
- SP-10 mk2 (under restoration) + Frank Schroeder CB tonearm
- Ear Yoshino 88PB phonostage
- Ear MC4 Sut; Cinemag 1254
- Cartridges: My Sonic Lab Ultra Eminent and Phasemation PP-2000
- Integrated Amplifier Accuphase E-470
- DIY speakers with SB Acoustics Satori drivers + Raal twitter
Last edited:
Thank you Shakti.

Actually, I was referring to the silver version of Consolidated Audio. But I could understand the sonic differences between both brands.
Hello Ron,

Thank you!

- Technics 1200G + Glanz MH 94S tonearm
- SP-10 mk2 (under restoration) + Frank Schroeder CB tonearm
- Ear Yoshino 88PB phonostage
- Ear MC4 Sut
- Cartridges: My Sonic Lab Ultra Eminent and Phasemation PP-2000
- Integrated Amplifier Accuphase E-470
- Speakers DIY with SB Acoustics Satori drivers + Raal twitter

Hi, can you please post a picture of your speakers? What is the design?
Anamighty sounds' own SUT, the sculpture, is also very nice and they sell it at half the price of the consolidated. They can probably demo you both for you to decide. They sell all three.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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