Open buffle experience


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2020
Czech rep
I spent some very short time with speakers which gave me so much pleasure, I feel very guilty to my other love Clarisys I have heard in Warsaw when I visited Lampizator office purchasing my Pacific. Only 3 pairs were made so it is not commercial breed but very very boutique. I saw them standing and unplugged in small room when I was in owner´s house while back making some hifi deal so I was so anxious to hear them, they seemed so promising.... and I finaly did couple days ago. The owner of these speakers have beautifull analog setup but when he was at my house installing Horning Agalme he heard my digital front setup and was so suprised how my system sounded with his ex speakers(Horning) that he could not take the sound of my rig out of his head. After some time he also decided to get highend digital setup, he is very fanatic hifi guy, he reminds of myself, I also act crazy when I want something badly. :) We are real pacients. :D:DPrior to this he did not want to hear anything about playing digital, so stuborn aout it, well that changed when he heard Lampizator Pacific, Pink Faun in decent digital enviroment . Brainstorming , speculating and then his own revolution started.. One day not too long after his experience in my house with my digital he made me an offer on Pink Faun. We agreed on terms. We installed Pink Faun 2.16x Ultra to his rig without any hifi ethernet cable, just the standart grey cable going straight to his Esoteric something(dac, cd) ;). Big expectations from both sides. Pushed the button to start the session. I realy do not have enough english vocabulary to express my feelings, I just was listening in disbelief, one of the deepests emotional occurings with music of all times. I have heard so many great speakers, all kinds, you name it, big and unfamous brands and models but this for me was a music from heaven. Incredible tembr, I mean I never heard such a tembr from any speakers, analog, tubes whatever. This amazing soundwaves were coming from not very ideal digital setup without Pacific, without parallel SOTM, without great cables like \shunyata Omega etc, LPS etc through mediocre dac. You know what I mean? I think you can get this type of sound only out of very exotic and ultra expensive tube equipment with some great speakers for a lot of money. Here Hovland monoblocks, active Bryston crossover....just unbeliavable. I am thinking to purchase these beasts dispite that I already purchased Clarisys Studio Plus which I am awaiting for right now. Now I can not sleep, I can not take that huge and incredible sound out of my head. Dreaming about it. I put short video on Youtube, source of video Samsung S22.
I spent some very short time with speakers which gave me so much pleasure, I feel very guilty to my other love Clarisys I have heard in Warsaw when I visited Lampizator office purchasing my Pacific. Only 3 pairs were made so it is not commercial breed but very very boutique. I saw them standing and unplugged in small room when I was in owner´s house while back making some hifi deal so I was so anxious to hear them, they seemed so promising.... and I finaly did couple days ago. The owner of these speakers have beautifull analog setup but when he was at my house installing Horning Agalme he heard my digital front setup and was so suprised how my system sounded with his ex speakers(Horning) that he could not take the sound of my rig out of his head. After some time he also decided to get highend digital setup, he is very fanatic hifi guy, he reminds of myself, I also act crazy when I want something badly. :) We are real pacients. :D:DPrior to this he did not want to hear anything about playing digital, so stuborn aout it, well that changed when he heard Lampizator Pacific, Pink Faun in decent digital enviroment . Brainstorming , speculating and then his own revolution started.. One day not too long after his experience in my house with my digital he made me an offer on Pink Faun. We agreed on terms. We installed Pink Faun 2.16x Ultra to his rig without any hifi ethernet cable, just the standart grey cable going straight to his Esoteric something(dac, cd) ;). Big expectations from both sides. Pushed the button to start the session. I realy do not have enough english vocabulary to express my feelings, I just was listening in disbelief, one of the deepests emotional occurings with music of all times. I have heard so many great speakers, all kinds, you name it, big and unfamous brands and models but this for me was a music from heaven. Incredible tembr, I mean I never heard such a tembr from any speakers, analog, tubes whatever. This amazing soundwaves were coming from not very ideal digital setup without Pacific, without parallel SOTM, without great cables like \shunyata Omega etc, LPS etc through mediocre dac. You know what I mean? I think you can get this type of sound only out of very exotic and ultra expensive tube equipment with some great speakers for a lot of money. Here Hovland monoblocks, active Bryston crossover....just unbeliavable. I am thinking to purchase these beasts dispite that I already purchased Clarisys Studio Plus which I am awaiting for right now. Now I can not sleep, I can not take that huge and incredible sound out of my head. Dreaming about it. I put short video on Youtube, source of video Samsung S22.
Thanks for sharing. Which version of Pink Panther is this?
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Fieldcoil, full range drivers! Nice. What amp do you drive the coils with? What's the brand of the speakers, not sure I got it initially.
The guy who builts these monsters foes not want to reveal the info about the source of the drivers. Some custom boutique manufacture. I am dřeviny these right now with Counterpoint monos for bass and SE-833 monoblocks from Ukrajině called Emirate. I am looking for better active crossover then current Bryston in usage
They suppose to be better then Voxativ high models
Fieldcoil, full range drivers! Nice. What amp do you drive the coils with? What's the brand of the speakers, not sure I got it initially.
Btw sold my 2.16x Ultra and bought new 2.16 Ultra for demoing here in Czech rep.
Congrats nice speakers and sound looks a bit like rullit modfied driver.
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