My Personal Experience With Detailed Speaker Setup - I'm Finally There


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2021
*******This is a long post, if not interested in reading it all, feel free to skim the TL;DR of my experience. This is an account of my personal experience only********

On the detailed speaker setup thread, there were lots of lively discussions on the merits of ultra precise speaker positioning. Over the Christmas break, I had the good fortune of experiencing it personally (again) when Todd (@sbnx ) set up my new speakers. It has been incredibly eye(ear) opening.

Now each time I sit in front of my system, I utter to myself - I think I’m done. Of course, for us afflicted with this wonderful and at times frustrating hobby, it might never really be done, but the foundation set here is so amazing that if nothing changes again, I would be happy and satisfied. I learned a lot through this experience and I thought these personal learnings might be worth sharing:

  1. Equipment and gear is maybe 50% of the job, the rest is all setup
  2. The most important element of setup is speaker positioning, but after a certain level, everything matters to a critical degree: subwoofer integration, resonance control, cable complement, fuse, racks etc.
  3. Speaker setup is not only about its position relative to the main listening position, it’s about how the speakers couples to the room. You can hear the sound improve even from outside the room
  4. With only the left speaker properly dialed in and the right still turned away, the sound is much much better than two uncalibrated speakers playing towards the listening position
  5. Nearing the end of the process, a 1/16th of an inch movement, or 1/16th turn on the spike are HUGE adjustments. A small bump on the speaker can change the sound dramatically, it doesn’t make sense
  6. With proper speaker positioning, it’s much much easier to hear the smallest change elsewhere in the system. Only with speakers properly setup can one accurately evaluate other tweaks like footers
  7. Subwoofers are absolutely essential and take a lot of effort to dial in correctly. However when done right, they will bring out the max potential of what properly set up speakers can do
  8. I realized never heard the potential of any gear and system I’ve owned before


For all of us, there are those crucial moments in our journey where we hear systems that become our reference points. For me it’s Wilson XVX with Taiko and MSB, it’s MBL Extremes with its bass towers and amps, it’s Kharma Exquisite Midis with CJ gear powered by a $500 CD player at Cap Audio Fest. One of those reference points was when I first met Todd through WBF and went to his house to hear the Lampizator Pacific against the older MSB DAC V. The amount of depth in soundstage and imaging I heard in that purpose built room was something I never experienced before. Since then, both our systems have come a long way through a lot of changes, and Todd has helped me set up 2 pairs of speakers in my room.

My experience:

For this most recent pair of speakers, it took 3 full day sessions. The first session was back in early Nov. The uncrated speakers were put into my listening room, roughly at my old speakers’ location the night before setup day. My parents were visiting at the time and my dad who is a non-audiophile (interested in the idea of good sound, but would never spend over $100 for speakers) had been listening to my system with the older speakers that Todd had set up a year or so ago. With the new speakers just generally positioned in the room, he listened and said they don’t sound better than my old speakers and asked why I would spend the money. At that moment, I had to agree with him. Even though I knew they weren’t set up and I needed to have faith in the process, I was still anxious that I made a mistake.

The next day Todd came over early in the morning. We listened briefly to the calibrated setup and then quickly moved on to pushing the right speaker back and away and began working on the left speaker. The starting point is bass coupling with the room and evenness at the listening position. Todd has a specific list of songs each with a purpose to assess an specific aspect of the sound. As the day progressed, I would occasionally go downstairs to get drinks or chat with my parents, and my dad had commented around midday on how he can hear the sound getting much better even from downstairs. I had the same experience inside the room where I sat behind the main listening couch and slightly to one side, even there it was easy to hear the effects of even the smallest movement.

This setup process is described as a spiral towards the center where you hone in the placement through smaller and smaller adjustments as you get closer to the final spot. Having experienced it over 3 full days, that’s a very apt description. By the end of the process, a close fisted bump on specific spots of the speaker will yield a very audible change in tone, and a fine adjustment would constitute a much lighter tap with the knuckles. This sounds absolutely insane and I never would have believed it if I didn’t experience it with my own eyes and ears. Before we get into “expectation bias” territory, it’s worth noting that not all adjustments yielded positive results. A few times after a bump or tap, I immediately heard and said out loud that it didn’t sound as good as before. When the finest adjustments created audible changes, that’s when you know the setup is nearing the knives’ edge where everything balances.

After the first day, we ran out of time on the second speaker, so I had to wait until the next time Todd visited town to finish the setup. The sound was extremely respectable after that first day, but it still hasn’t snapped into that OMG territory that transcends great hifi. My dad popped upstairs at the end of the day to listen to both speakers and compared that to his midday visit when he heard just the left, and unprompted he said that it doesn’t sound quite as good as just the left. Again, I was in agreement. This is where I learned that after the left speaker is dialed in, the right speaker will actually degrade the sound quality if it’s not equally dialed in.

In between this and the next sessions, I forgot to glue the base of the left speaker spike supports down to the floor and accidentally bumped it with my elbow. That invariably had an impact on the sound so we had to go back to the left speaker on the second session a month later. That’s also why the second session took 2 days. By the time Todd had left after the 2nd day, my system was sounding better than I ever have. The evenly constructed soundstage dramatically increases papability and believability, the precise timing of driver integration provides the finest details with incredible transient speed, the bass integration with the room produces tight, deep bass with no overhang in my somewhat lively room.

After Todd left, I went on to finish integrating subwoofers into the system on my own. Little did I know, the combination of properly dialed in speakers and properly integrated subwoofers would bring the system even further above and beyond. This post is already incredibly long, so I will maybe save the subwoofer integration and resonance control for another time.

If any of you have read this whole thing, kudos on the patience. I am now a complete believer in the power of setup. It now makes so much sense why brands will pay someone like Stirling to set up their gear in reviewer’s homes. It makes me question why every high end brand doesn’t make this investment, and even more so makes me question every hifi review that has not been preceded by meticulous setup. I now realize that through all the gear churning, the insatiable and persistent itch to upgrade or make changes, I was just chasing my tail because I never heard the gear to the best of their ability. Before these new speakers were properly setup, I was already thinking of upgrading my DAC, upgrading my subwoofers, it was never going to end. Now the sound is so good I am scared to change anything. Todd mentioned that his goal was to help people land the plane so to speak, well consider the plane landed.
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Congratulations! Please post some videos. Would love to hear what you and Todd have been able to achieve. I would not touch a thing if your are happy. Just continue to enjoy what you have, as you might not be able to get back to it, if you make changes.
Never, ever underestimate the power of a finely tuned speaker setup. Kudos for doing this for him Todd!

I absolutely love reading posts like this. I agree with so much of what you posted. Why? Because I have experienced it for myself firsthand. Once you hear it? It's undeniable.....and oh, so pleasurable.

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Congratulations, divertiti!

Post pictures or it didn't happen :p
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I realized never heard the potential of any gear and system I’ve owned before

This is the conclusion I have come to for most systems and their owners. I think most people are way too quick changing gear and don't come close to realizing the potential of what they already have.

It took me years to get where I was with my previous speakers, and after the rest of the system was already dialed in over time on those speakers (electronics and cables, in particular power cables, as well as room acoustics), it took me months to get where I am with my current speakers, which included a necessary room makeover as well.

Congratulations on your setup!

And great post, I enjoyed reading it.
Congratulations on getting dialled in! I read Todd’s thread on this subject with interest. While many things “make a difference,” room acoustics and speaker setup are top of the list for me. I have tried to be as accurate and symmetric in my speaker placement as possible with the tools I have and it really does “snap” everything into place sound wise. Considering the only cost is your time and patience (and a few tools like laser measuring tapes and levels), it is by far the best bang for your buck in this hobby. Thanks for taking the time to share your experience.
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I am very happy that @divertiti feels that he is done with his system as his SQ has reached a level he can just sit back and enjoy music. His system has reached a level where everything is well matched. It is awesome that he can get off the "switch a box" merry-go-round now that we can hear the full potential of what he already ownes.

I am very happy that @divertiti feels that he is done with his system as his SQ has reached a level he can just sit back and enjoy music. His system has reached a level where everything is well matched. It is awesome that he can get off the "switch a box" merry-go-round now that we can hear the full potential of what he already ownes.


Glad it worked so well!

I have two questions;
1. Did you use @Jim Smith speaker formula? That is the one that really worked well for me.
2. What are the distances for L tweeter to R tweeter and R tweeter to listener’s R ear?
Glad it worked so well!

I have two questions;
1. Did you use @Jim Smith speaker formula? That is the one that really worked well for me.
2. What are the distances for L tweeter to R tweeter and R tweeter to listener’s R ear?
The system was optimized within the contraints of the room. He has a screen between the speakers so it was necessary to have the speakers sufficiently far apart so that he can watch movies etc. The listening position was pretty fixed and also well out from the back wall. I could not really optimize that due to other things in the room. The speakers were a good distance from the front wall (5 or 6 feet). His room has some acoustic panels (Maybe 6 GIK 244). They are only absorbing down to 100Hz or so. It is definitely not an over damped or over controlled room. I had no issues with deep linear bass. For example on Yim Hok-Man's "Poem of Chinese Drum" the Kodo drums were deep and very concusive. Startling dynamics! I am anxious to hear how he did integrating the subs. Next time I am there hopefully I can go listen.

I did not measure the distance from my ear to the tweeter. I would guess 10 or 11 feet. The distance betwee the speakers (Tweeter to tweeter) is on the order of 10 feet. Divertiti can measure and post.
Thank you gents for the kind words. The tweeters are ~7.65ft to my ears, the tweeters are 8.5ft apart. I will clean up the work area and share some photos and maybe a video this week.
Thank you gents for the kind words. The tweeters are ~7.65ft to my ears, the tweeters are 8.5ft apart. I will clean up the work area and share some photos and maybe a video this week.

Well I am glad you had a great outcome!
Fantastic post!
Congratulations on achieving optimal speaker + room calibration.
From the various factors that contribute, room acoustics and speaker setup reign supreme, significantly impacting the overall results of an audio system.
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Thank you gents for the kind words. The tweeters are ~7.65ft to my ears, the tweeters are 8.5ft apart. I will clean up the work area and share some photos and maybe a video this week.
Congrats, @divertiti. Would you consider running an impulse sweep with REW so us curious types could see what it looks like?
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Congratulations! This is the leading cause, in my opinion, of cable deniers on Facebook and other social media. If you don't have your setup right, or close to right, along with some level of room and power treatment and decent gear, then of course you can't "hear a cable". Once dialed in, it's all so obvious.
I am very happy that @divertiti feels that he is done with his system as his SQ has reached a level he can just sit back and enjoy music. His system has reached a level where everything is well matched. It is awesome that he can get off the "switch a box" merry-go-round now that we can hear the full potential of what he already ownes.

In my view, it is pretty simple. Sit back, enjoy the gear you have and focus on the music and not the system.
1/16th of an inch? You can put your head in the exact same position and not move it
When you listen? Within a 1/16th of an inch that is

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