Glue from RTI paper/poly inner sleeve contaminating records


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2017
Washington State
I have a number of Cisco, Classic Records, Analog Production etc. records that were pressed at RTI previous to 2009 when RTI used an inner sleeve made up of an outer paper jacket with a poly lining.
This was held together with a glue line about an inch from the edge of the sleeve on each side.

I was going through some of my collection and noticed that this glue has leeched onto many of these records.
At first I tried cleaning it off with my Degritter RCM but only a small amount came off.
I have a Keith Monks Gemini RCM, but it is being rebuilt at the moment so I can't use this.

I was thinking, if it came to extremes... maybe some sort of 'glue' cleaning process would work?
Has anyone experienced this and found a solution?
I messaged RTI... but have not heard back.

Appreciate your replies :)
Never tried this, but what about a sticky substance like tape to adhere to the adhesive and pull it out.

I had somewhat the same. I have paper sleeves with the plastic lining. I put a record in once and it got between the paper and plastic. The glue made a mess. I honestly forgot what I did to remove it. It must have pulled off as I did not have to resort to chemicals. I would have remembered that.
I have a number of Cisco, Classic Records, Analog Production etc. records that were pressed at RTI previous to 2009 when RTI used an inner sleeve made up of an outer paper jacket with a poly lining.
This was held together with a glue line about an inch from the edge of the sleeve on each side.

I was going through some of my collection and noticed that this glue has leeched onto many of these records.
At first I tried cleaning it off with my Degritter RCM but only a small amount came off.
I have a Keith Monks Gemini RCM, but it is being rebuilt at the moment so I can't use this.

I was thinking, if it came to extremes... maybe some sort of 'glue' cleaning process would work?
Has anyone experienced this and found a solution?
I messaged RTI... but have not heard back.

Appreciate your replies :)
What a bummer.the last thing we want on lps is sticky glue.
I did much research on this issue.
If the record is noisy from it, which is most, it goes in the trash, as there is no fix.
The softener has become part of the actually is leached into the vinyl, not on the surface, and appears as a white stain.
I have done tons of research on this, as it involved many thousands of dollars of records.

I have used everything to try and clean it... I have ran these records thru my Keith Monks Gemini (dual platter RCM) and then later thru my Degritter to no avail.

I had many phone calls and email exchanges with Chad Kassem of Acoustic Sounds and Rick Hashimoto, who is the Plant Manager at RTI.... and RTI was not the only pressing plant that used these defective sleeves. both told me they knew of no product that could remove it, as it is now part of the vinyl.
Rick was very open about the sleeve issue and said it was a horrible thing.. in fact, he even sent me 250 inner sleeves for free.
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This should never happen in the first place.
There are other inner sleeve issues as well... remove all the heavy 'pink' hued plastic sleeves used on many audiophile issues.. as these also leach chemicals into the vinyl which cannot be removed.
There are other inner sleeve issues as well... remove all the heavy 'pink' hued plastic sleeves used on many audiophile issues.. as these also leach chemicals into the vinyl which cannot be removed.
I have a lot of new lps just purchased but I haven’t noticed anything as of older lps I don’t know but will keep a lookout for anything unusual.
Can you see these chemicals on the vinyl?
Yes, usually it leaves a wrinkle type pattern...many times the sleeve will 'stick' to the record and you will see the leached chemicals... many of the older plastic inner sleeves from the late 50's early 60's also left a residue.
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Yes, usually it leaves a wrinkle type pattern...many times the sleeve will 'stick' to the record and you will see the leached chemicals... many of the older plastic inner sleeves from the late 50's early 60's also left a residue.
I will keep a close eye on my lps before i play I said these things should never happen.

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