Dust control issues with turntable


New Member
Jul 22, 2023
Records are skipping due to dust and debris control issues. Very frustrating and causing me to not play records as much as I would like. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
VPI HW16.5 record cleaning machine is a solid product that will get dust and debris off your records. There are more expensive cleaning machines. I have a VPI MW-1 and a Kirmuss ultrasonic. Most cleaning machines seem to do a decent job. Autodesk, Clearaudio, Project, Oki Noki, Nitty Gritty are just a few of the brands. I’ve owned several. The one I like the best for my purposes is the MW-1. You can also clean records without a cleaning machine if you like chemical batch processes.
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Streaming? no just kidding. Agree with Johnson here and the Krimuss UC is wonderful.
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VPI HW16.5 record cleaning machine is a solid product that will get dust and debris off your records. There are more expensive cleaning machines. I have a VPI MW-1 and a Kirmuss ultrasonic. Most cleaning machines seem to do a decent job. Autodesk, Clearaudio, Project, Oki Noki, Nitty Gritty are just a few of the brands. I’ve owned several. The one I like the best for my purposes is the MW-1. You can also clean records without a cleaning machine if you like chemical batch processes.
Thank you for the response. However, I have a record cleaning machine and a goat's hair brush that I use before and after I play every record. I know my records are pretty clean. The problem is the dust and debris that accumulates on my turntable and it usually ends up on my records during playing.
Thank you for the response. However, I have a record cleaning machine and a goat's hair brush that I use before and after I play every record. I know my records are pretty clean. The problem is the dust and debris that accumulates on my turntable and it usually ends up on my records during playing.
Get a cover. They can be custom ordered for just about anything.
Get high quality windows, keep them closed, and add an electrostatic precipitator to your HVAC. I did these things in one dusty location we lived, and it solved the problem. $20k for windows, $3k for HVAC mods … worked great!
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Get a cover. They can be custom ordered for just about anything.
Get high quality windows, keep them closed, and add an electrostatic precipitator to your HVAC. I did these things in one dusty location we lived, and it solved the problem. $20k for windows, $3k for HVAC mods … worked great!
I do have a dust cover for my turntable
Are you cleaning in batches and then resleeving and storing?

Cleaning immediately before play gives best results for me. That’s why I prefer the VPI vacuum machines. It’s a two minute stop on the way from the shelf to the platter.

if you want to batch clean and store, use the MoFi archival sleeves.

If you’re doing all this, and still have issues, I doubt your problem is dust.

You can control tics and pops with a Sugar Cube, but I’m not a fan. Others like them.

@Republicoftexas69 suggested streaming in jest. He may have hit your nail on the head.
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Are you cleaning in batches and then resleeving and storing?

Cleaning immediately before play gives best results for me. That’s why I prefer the VPI vacuum machines. It’s a two minute stop on the way from the shelf to the platter.

if you want to batch clean and store, use the MoFi archival sleeves.

If you’re doing all this, and still have issues, I doubt your problem is dust.

You can control tics and pops with a Sugar Cube, but I’m not a fan. Others like them.

@Republicoftexas69 suggested streaming in jest. He may have hit your nail on the head.
I think so too! I enjoy both formats and do not have any records that skip from dust, have a few that are vey old and have scratches that pop.
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Another issue can be setup also?
I get static problems, particularly when using an SPU tracking at 3 or 4g, three drops of Tergikleen in the tank of my degritter seems to prevent the record picking up any dust around when I lift it. I also ground the main bearing/platter which seems to help too.
The other cartridge I have that is prone to skipping is the Decca but that just needs a sympathetic arm.

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