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    • P
      pdubya replied to the thread Zellaton Plural Evo.
      Yes, Florian, the house was at fault, not the very solid speakers. Aforementioned rattles/vibrations were coming not from the the...
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      pdubya reacted to steve williams's post in the thread Zellaton Plural Evo with Like Like.
      I’ve been very impressed with the Zellaton Evo Plural Happy listening Parker
    • P
      pdubya replied to the thread Zellaton Plural Evo.
      Not sure how many hours. Had them about 2.5 weeks. The Clarisys could go deeper — this room wasn’t built for that — certain...
    • P
      pdubya replied to the thread Zellaton Plural Evo.
      Trying to get things broken-in before fine-tuning.
    • P
      pdubya replied to the thread Zellaton Plural Evo.
      Thank you Steve. One of these days I’ll sit down and do a recap in the Members Systems forum, but here’s the short version: I’ve had...
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      pdubya replied to the thread Zellaton Plural Evo.
      Thanks. Currently using Lampi's pre. Even though it's a big space, trying to keep the box count down.:)
    • P
      pdubya replied to the thread Zellaton Plural Evo.
      Thanks Ron. The Absolare hybrid stereo brings a fullness to the music that the Esoteric integrated couldn't quite equal. And looks good...
    • P
      Not much I can add to Myles' They're-so-good-I-bought-a-pair review...
      • zell evo.jpg
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