An Ongaku amp at 20% of retail..too good to be true?

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Allot of scams going on over at Audiogon so be VERY VERY CAREFUL! Allot of members names being used, it recently happened to me and to others, just today there were crazy amounts of ads. The problem being if you want to ask the "supposive" owner a question you have to provide your membership name along with password. These are ghost ads and as soon as you click on you are in their world and providing them with all of your information and can now steal your membership identity, it's a friggen nitemare. I have been constaintly requiesting them to post a warning banner right at the top of any of the pages of product for sale along with placing a button on each ad saying "problem with ad' so if there are any concerns it's easy and can be sent to them imediatly to look at on their end without actually providing any info but it has fallen on death ear so far.

Many individuals are falling for these sams and wiring money along with providing their personal info.

If the deal looks to good to be true there ususally is a reason behind it.
Interesting because if you go to that link it says that the seller's listing has been suspended

Not for me. I still get the listing. I did get that msg for MrAcoustat's fake ad.
check out the Vac 80k monoblocks for 15k. there are a bunch of scammers now thanks to Audiogon.

the $7600 Lamm ML2.1s disappeared again LOL.
There was a pair of Alexandria 2s...for 25K. That lasted half a day until i contacted the help me make sure this was real. Needless to say, it wasn't.
I am curious (and I don't have an web design experience) what Agon did in the changeover to make them suddenly a hacker target? Or is it just that this would have eventually happened? Criminals are pretty smart when it comes to computer crimes.
I received this today at my INBOX from Audiogon - take note

Audiogon Tips: How To Keep Yourself Safe Online
Don't leave yourself open to attacks - keep yourself safe by directing potential buyers and sellers to keep everything ONLINE. One of the best ways to help prevent fraud is to use our On-Site Messaging System. By communicating and tracking the order process on Audiogon, you can help deter fraudulent attemps to your account. This also helps our Support Team to quickly research and resolve your case in the event of a fraudulent transaction.
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