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    • Atmasphere
      Atmasphere replied to the thread Natural Sound.
      You do. So pointing out you did the right thing with your speakers was a bad thing?? FWIW, the prior two paragraphs don't quite make...
    • Atmasphere
      Atmasphere reacted to Amir's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      100% agree, we should avoid trying to denigrate other audiophiles
    • Atmasphere
      Atmasphere replied to the thread Natural Sound.
      I don't think it is, but I've noticed that many people use SETs with speakers that have far too little efficiency to really hear what...
    • Atmasphere
      Atmasphere replied to the thread Natural Sound.
      You might consider then that SETs have the highest noise floor of any kind of amp. If you run DC on the filament of the power tube this...
    • Atmasphere
      Atmasphere reacted to PeterA's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      To me, the ambiance is the background overwhich the next notes are presented, inherent to each performance and space. The lower the...
    • Atmasphere
      Atmasphere replied to the thread Natural Sound.
      Apparently we are all on the same page here with the exception of what 'black background' means. To me if the background is truly black...
    • Atmasphere
      Atmasphere reacted to tima's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      The introduction and advocacy for "black backgrounds" as a sound attribute came out of the Pearson/TAS wing of audio reviewing. Today...
    • Atmasphere
      Atmasphere reacted to Ron Resnick's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      The sensation that a living, breathing person actually is singing to you in your listening room. More "breath of life" is better than...
    • Atmasphere
      Atmasphere reacted to hopkins's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      Vis a vis "black background", it is interesting, once again, to read what Arthur Salvatore explains, at least to acknowledge that much...
    • Atmasphere
      Atmasphere reacted to SuperDave's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      I agree that I should use noise floor instead of saying black background but to me, a black background is a descriptor of the lowest...
    • Atmasphere
      Atmasphere replied to the thread Natural Sound.
      So we have very different uses of the phrase! When describing room ambience I use 'room ambience', 'hall reflections' and perhaps the...
    • Atmasphere
      Atmasphere replied to the thread Natural Sound.
      I have no idea what you mean by the 'breath of life' so you'll have to explain that before I can answer. Regarding 'liquidity' that is...
    • Atmasphere
      Atmasphere reacted to PeterA's post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      You missed the point. It’s not that it doesn’t have any attributes of realism or fidelity,, it’s that the system does not accentuate or...
    • Atmasphere
      Atmasphere replied to the thread Natural Sound.
      I think you'll find that those who insist on accurate/natural sound and who also have recordings where they were present at the...
    • Atmasphere
      Atmasphere reacted to Al M.'s post in the thread Natural Sound with Like Like.
      If I don't want to think about hi-fi (high fidelity) attributes I can turn on my car radio. The concept of high fidelity never crosses...
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