Acoustic Sounds UHQR Issue? Hendrix Are You Experienced


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2013
Burnsville, MN
Perhaps this is a 'nit', but...

I just received my 2 copies of the latest Hendrix UHQR from Acoustic Sounds. As a previous series subscriber I am supposed to receive a low numbered copy as one of the 2 copies. During a phone call to AS I learned that they no longer identify the copy number on the outside packaging. That is now done only on the album jacket inside the slipcase. This necessitates unsealing the slipcase to discover the copy number. How, then, can one claim a copy is 'new' once the packaging has been unsealed? I can't know which is the low numbered copy unless I open both copies. I am not thinking about immediate re-sale for one of the copies so that is not my reason for noting my concern. Curious what others think....
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And there was me worried that nitpick was re SQ. Mine is on order (kicking myself I missed out on Axis/Bold).
I'm not sure if you have a solution, maybe this is a policy to stop price gouging on resale market?
I never look at what number I have and I never buy anything to resell so this isn’t an issue for me.

I don’t understand why it is an issue for others.
How, then, can one claim a copy is 'new' once the packaging has been unsealed?

Perhaps by noting the situation - opened to learn issue number, record never removed from jacket.

Otherwise it's a tradeoff between unsealed versus knowing the issue number.

Maybe wait until 5000 are gone and then buy yet another one?
Perhaps by noting the situation - opened to learn issue number, record never removed from jacket.

Otherwise it's a tradeoff between unsealed versus knowing the issue number.

Maybe wait until 5000 are gone and then buy yet another one?
I also note pondering on whether or not to even post the question. A petty issue I admit. Buy yet a 3rd copy? I think not.

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