A new drive mechanism for the CH Precision D1 SACD player!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2020
In my research about the D1 I stumbled upon this korean article from November 2020:

What a big surprise, CH is building a new drive mechanism for the D1, how great is that!!! o_O:D
Does anybody here have more information about this new drive and when it's getting released? I didn't find anything else about it.

Google translation of the article:
Swiss high-end manufacturer CH Precision discontinued the Esoteric VMK-5 transport model used in its SACD/CD player D1, and released a D1 SACD/CD player with a new mechanism.

Esoteric VMK-5 has already finished production and produced as much as the quantity secured by CH Precision. However, production will be terminated as soon as the stock runs out and a new drive mechanism will be introduced.

Although specific information on the new drive mechanism to be installed in the CH Precision D1 has not yet been disclosed, the manufacturer said that the development of the new drive mechanism has already been completed and that it provides better performance than the existing drive mechanism.
In my research about the D1 I stumbled upon this korean article from November 2020:

What a big surprise, CH is building a new drive mechanism for the D1, how great is that!!! o_O:D
Does anybody here have more information about this new drive and when it's getting released? I didn't find anything else about it.

Google translation of the article:
Swiss high-end manufacturer CH Precision discontinued the Esoteric VMK-5 transport model used in its SACD/CD player D1, and released a D1 SACD/CD player with a new mechanism.

Esoteric VMK-5 has already finished production and produced as much as the quantity secured by CH Precision. However, production will be terminated as soon as the stock runs out and a new drive mechanism will be introduced.

Although specific information on the new drive mechanism to be installed in the CH Precision D1 has not yet been disclosed, the manufacturer said that the development of the new drive mechanism has already been completed and that it provides better performance than the existing drive mechanism.
Assuming the source is true then this is excellent news. Like all mechanical devices, the D1 has a shelf life and it is good that CH has developed a pathway for replacing the transport mechanism. And given their track record, I am sure it would be an excellent transport. Developing their own transport is a very clever move on their part as well.
As I understand it, Esoteric ceased to be an OEM a few years ago so they do not sell anymore drives to third parties. So this has caused CH, dCS and many others a few issues.
Perhaps. But CH Precision could have used the Neo years ago. Nothing new about it
In my research about the D1 I stumbled upon this korean article from November 2020:

What a big surprise, CH is building a new drive mechanism for the D1, how great is that!!! o_O:D
Does anybody here have more information about this new drive and when it's getting released? I didn't find anything else about it.

Google translation of the article:
Swiss high-end manufacturer CH Precision discontinued the Esoteric VMK-5 transport model used in its SACD/CD player D1, and released a D1 SACD/CD player with a new mechanism.

Esoteric VMK-5 has already finished production and produced as much as the quantity secured by CH Precision. However, production will be terminated as soon as the stock runs out and a new drive mechanism will be introduced.

Although specific information on the new drive mechanism to be installed in the CH Precision D1 has not yet been disclosed, the manufacturer said that the development of the new drive mechanism has already been completed and that it provides better performance than the existing drive mechanism.
The VMK-5 transport mechanism is currently used in the Esoteric K-05Xs, which is one step up from their lowest priced player. Before Esoteric exited the OEM transport market, it's my understanding that they did not OEM their top line transports. They have never OEMed their new Atlas technology transports.
The VMK-5 transport mechanism is currently used in the Esoteric K-05Xs, which is one step up from their lowest priced player. Before Esoteric exited the OEM transport market, it's my understanding that they did not OEM their top line transports. They have never OEMed their new Atlas technology transports.
You're right, Esoteric never OEMed their top drives.
The VMK-5 was newly developed in 2007 (see the attached Esoteric-transports.pdf). Before they stopped to sell their drives for the OEM market, CH Precision bought a lot of VMK-5 drives to have enough for their D1 and service for a while.
With the D1 introduced in 2010 it's understandable that CH is running out of stock in a foreseeable time.
Let's see if we can get more information about this new drive, maybe somebody of the insiders here could chime in.

Also it's interesting if they'll offer an upgrade to this new drive for current D1 owners.
My fear is that with the new drive probably the price for the D1 will rise a lot.

Here's a nice article about the older Esoteric drives with some detailed pictures if you're interested:


  • Esoteric-transports.pdf
    886.5 KB · Views: 17
With the D1 introduced in 2010 it's understandable that CH is running out of stock in a foreseeable time.
Let's see if we can get more information about this new drive, maybe somebody of the insiders here could chime in.

Also it's interesting if they'll offer an upgrade to this new drive for current D1 owners.
I agree. I Hope that CH will invest money in a reasonable stock of drive mechanism in order to service all units in the future.
You're right, Esoteric never OEMed their top drives.
The VMK-5 was newly developed in 2007 (see the attached Esoteric-transports.pdf). Before they stopped to sell their drives for the OEM market, CH Precision bought a lot of VMK-5 drives to have enough for their D1 and service for a while.
With the D1 introduced in 2010 it's understandable that CH is running out of stock in a foreseeable time.
Let's see if we can get more information about this new drive, maybe somebody of the insiders here could chime in.

Also it's interesting if they'll offer an upgrade to this new drive for current D1 owners.
My fear is that with the new drive probably the price for the D1 will rise a lot.

Here's a nice article about the older Esoteric drives with some detailed pictures if you're interested:
Very cool, micro13!

Unless CH is anticipating OEMing their own new in-house developed (and manufactured?) transport, I share your concern over an impending price increase.
Esoteric all along doen't sell their top series transport mechanisms such as the new Atlas to other brands.

My info source told me that the coming new sacd transport mechanism of D1 will be that of Marantz/Denon.
CH will mod it to upgrade the performance, but not making a totaly new one of their own.

Similar have been done by Luxman (D-10X) and Soulnote (S-3 Ver2).
Esoteric all along doen't sell their top series transport mechanisms such as the new Atlas to other brands.

My info source told me that the coming new sacd transport mechanism of D1 will be that of Marantz/Denon.
CH will mod it to upgrade the performance, but not making a totaly new one of their own.

Similar have been done by Luxman (D-10X) and Soulnote (S-3 Ver2).
Thanks for the insider info, CK.
It's understandable that CH doesn't develop a completely new transport from scratch, that's not their domain. And developing a new transport surely needs a lot of resources.

It seems that the SACD-M3 drive from Marantz is their top transport, it's installed in their top SACD player SA-10.
I'm not sure if the SACD-M3 is on the same high level as the Esoteric VMK-5, see attached picture of the Marantz drive.
CH Precision surely know what they do, but if they are able to modify a Marantz drive to better an Esoteric drive ....
With the Esoteric drive running out of stock maybe the Marantz drive is the only available option. I think Philips also stopped producing their famous Pro drives some time ago. And I don't know who else still develop and produce SACD drives.
Maybe I should buy the D1 with the Esoteric drive and not wait for the new version?


  • Marantz_SACD-M3_transport.jpg
    46.6 KB · Views: 19
If you spin the silver disc, I recommend purchasing a replacement drive for the furure. All drives will fail. I have a backup drive for my Ayre C5 and they are rare as hens teeth.
After Phillips left the market, only Teac/Esoteric and Marantz/Denon remained. Therefore a lot of high ends brands like CH Precision and dcs retained contingents of the mid-class Esoteric-drive and tuned them to a comparable level to the top drives of Esoteric.

But predictable this contingents end in a foreseeable future. Therefore dcs allready decided to use the Marantz-drive for their Rossini line and keep the Esoteric for their top line Vivaldi. So long for your decision to keep a D1 with Esoteric drive. ;)
If you spin the silver disc, I recommend purchasing a replacement drive for the furure. All drives will fail. I have a backup drive for my Ayre C5 and they are rare as hens teeth.
I'm aware of it, but unfortunately that's not possible with the current Esoteric VMK-5 in the D1, because it's not available anymore.
Maybe with the new drive CH develops.
After Phillips left the market, only Teac/Esoteric and Marantz/Denon remained. Therefore a lot of high ends brands like CH Precision and dcs retained contingents of the mid-class Esoteric-drive and tuned them to a comparable level to the top drives of Esoteric.

But predictable this contingents end in a foreseeable future. Therefore dcs allready decided to use the Marantz-drive for their Rossini line and keep the Esoteric for their top line Vivaldi. So long for your decision to keep a D1 with Esoteric drive. ;)
That's not really convincing, doesn't really speak for the Marantz drive. It's a good question how to proceed with a D1 - buy one now with the still current Esoteric drive or wait for the new Marantz version and hope that CH is capable of developing a top drive from the original one. :rolleyes:
Beside other qualities and features, comparing the dcs Rossini and Vivaldi, there was never a question about equal performance. The Vivaldi outperforms clearly despite same software version. (Sorry, maybe the wrong thread.) So I have a feeling which drive maybe the (clearly) better.
As an owner of CH D1, I am just tickled to death that if/when one day the Esoteric transport stops working there's a way to extend the life of D1. If the new D&M transport works/sounds better than Esoteric VMK-5 that's even better, but if it doesn't, I'd rather have a fully working D1 to spin my discs than crying about the inferiority of the D&M transport.

Esoteric's decision to not selling their transports as OEM was their corporate decision. It surely didn't make the likes of CH & dCS happy, but it is what it is. Esoteric certainly felt their product lines to be fully competitive compared to what other manufacturers can do, so we will let the market decide whether that decision was a good one or not. At the end of the day, it's good that D&M has offered an alternative to CH, dCS, etc.
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Does anyone know how D/M transports unit are graded?
I think the transports used by dcs Rossini sacd transport doesn’t seem very strong and hi-end.
As an owner of CH D1, I am just tickled to death that if/when one day the Esoteric transport stops working there's a way to extend the life of D1. If the new Marantz transport works/sounds better than Esoteric VMK-5 that's even better, but if it doesn't, I'd rather have a fully working D1 to spin my discs than crying about the inferiority of the Marantz transport.

Esoteric's decision to not selling their transports as OEM was their corporate decision. It surely didn't make the likes of CH and dCS happy, but it is what it is. Esoteric certainly felt their product lines to be fully competitive compared to what other manufacturers can do, so we will let the market decide whether that decision was a good one or not. At the end of the day, it's good that Marantz has offered an alternative to CH, dCS, etc.
You're right, it's better to have a working D1 in the future.
It seems that the D&M (Denon & Marantz) SACD drive is probably the only one available for OEM. From what I found out also Accuphase and McIntosh are usind the D&M drive. Also PS-Audio's new SACD transport is using the D&M drive. On their website you can see it in their video. It's propagated there as solid and super expensive .... :rolleyes:
It starts around 0:06 minutes in the video.
To me it looks more like a computer drive.

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