Lampizator Valve / Tube Rolling Review Thread

I initially suggested installing a high/low gain switch to my GG2 to the Lampi tech. The Lampi tech said the resistor approach is a much better sonic solution to the gain switch option. So it doesn't surprise me that you found the low gain switch setting to be less than optimal. I believe the "high" gain setting is simply normal output as if the switch was not installed.
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valveman : great report and really helps making my mind up on which valves to use when my gg2 arrives. Thanks.
Quad of KT170s on the way. Getting expensive!
Any leads on the black TungSol 6SN7?
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Rectifiers for the Horizon

Long before my Horizon arrived, I started acquiring some tubes with the hope that some tube rolling would allow me to optimize the sound of the Horizon in my particular system. After all, that’s the purpose of tube rolling. There are many ways one can approach this, but optimizing 3 different tube (recti’s, pentodes and triodes) can get out of hand and be difficult to sort out without some sort of plan. Of course, there’s the always popular “let’s stick this thing in and see what happens approach” but in general, that’s not my preferred method of choice. I thought it would be reasonable to try and tame this project by taking a more systematic approach. I therefore used my GG2 to evaluate rectifiers in anticipation of the Horizon’s arrival.

One thing that should be said immediately, and which has been said before, is that there are really no bad tube choices for the Horizon. It is a remarkable and beautiful instrument whose performance can be optimized for individual taste. Lukasz was correct when he said that the stock tubes he currently supplies offer some genuine magic. But just like ice cream, there is vanilla, chocolate and strawberry so why not try a few flavors to see if one’s system just might benefit accordingly?

A couple of useful ground rules learned from experience that made this exercise both easier and more difficult at the same time, are:
  • There is no such thing as a perfect tube. I don’t even know what that means. All tubes have a characteristic sound. So, tube rolling is really an exercise in flavorings more than anything else. What works for you might not work best for me and vice versa.
  • What works well in one application (such as a recti) may very well depend on what that tube(s) it is paired with. In the case of the GG2 it is only used with DHT outputs. In the case of the Horizon, it is used with both the pentodes and triodes.
Still, I thought if I could get a sense of the qualities from various recti’s in the GG2, that would stand me in good sted to try and assess the triode and pentode tubes while holding at least one variable more or less constant. So, I spend 6 months evaluating recti’s on the GG2. I knew those observations may or may not be useful in the Horizon since the recti would no longer be used with a DHT, but rather, with triodes and pentodes that are used in Lukasz’ unique “virtual” octal implementation.

It became obvious after trying quite a variety of recti’s, that the Takatsuki 274b was the most satisfactory recti in my GG2 so that’s what I installed immediately in the Horizon. But in July, for reasons unknown, my Tak failed! I sent it back to Alex who said it was the first failure he has seen, but he replaced it immediately under warranty. This was actually a blessing in disguise as it allowed me to return to several recti’s that I could now evaluate in the Horizon, which I had only tried in the GG2 previously. Even better, when the new Tak arrived, I was able to re-evaluate it in the Horizon once again, in comparison to recti’s also evaluated using the same triodes and pentodes in the Horizon. With this as background, here are some impressions of some fairly common and readily available rectifiers for the Horizon.

I’ll add that all recti’s were evaluated after a minimum of 72 hours. This is important. The tubes take time to show their best and changing tubes with less than 3 days, preferably 5, will often be deceptive. There were tubes that after 24 hours I wanted to remove immediately, but forced myself to listen to for 3 days, after which my opinion may have changed significantly from “dog” to “keeper”!

We might as well start at the top. The Tak 274b is my current recti of choice in the Horizon. Simply put it is big, bad and bold. But let’s be clear. It has a very distinct sound. It is a bit dark or “yin” if you want to use HP nomenclature. In Valin terminology it is definitely a “bottom up” sound. But it does something that no other recti does, which is knit together the bass and midbass through the upper bass so coherently and so seamlessly that symphonic music in particular has a foundation that’s damn hard not to love. Male voices can be riveting. Lower brass is extraordinary and this is an area in which it is unsurpassed in my system. It’s also a tube that might allow some users to be more satisfied if they do not want or cannot use a subwoofer as the bass performance in terms of extension and definition is outstanding. However, it is not a perfect tube. For example, while the piano left hand is superb, it does tend to make the piano middle register a bit dark so that a Steinway might actually sound a bit like a Bosendorfer. A Dutch GZ34, in my system, actually performs a more accurate rendering of a Steinway on almost every recording I have played. The Tak is also very kind to the top end and might be a preferred recti on systems with tweeters that are bit harsh when overloaded, such as the infamous and popular Focal beryllium tweeter. (This might actually be considered a good thing!) But these are minor nits to pick in what is otherwise an exemplary rectifier. It may not be perfect, but since nothing is, I’m sticking with it as my preferred Horizon recti. Of course, another downside is the price but nobody who buys a Horizon is going to be taken seriously if they start complaining about the price ($1200) especially since there’s not another recti that can do what the Tak does.

The next tier incudes 3 recti’s that I also like a great deal. The first is the Dutch GZ34. GZ34’s are made both by Mullard (and often re-labeled) or made by others, many of which are Dutch. The key here is that even though they are labeled Philips, Amperex or Dario Miniwatt, it’s important to make sure they are not Mullards made in Blackburn but rather made in Holland (dates codes have an L” or “X”). As impressive as the Dutch GZ34’s are, the Mullards are not my cup of tea- they’re less dynamic and lifeless compared to the wonderful musicality of the Dutch equivalents. ($200-300). Don’t be fooled by their size. They are indeed the real deal.

The next recti in this group is the RCA VT-244 JAN CRC-5U4G (with hanging filaments). This is an excellent recti whose calling card is its prodigious, powerful but excellent bass. In fact, it’s really tube that enjoys its reputation based on its use in guitar amplifiers such as the big Marshalls. Once you hear it, you’ll understand why. It may not offer the last word in midrange refinement or top end beauty, but in some systems, it might be a superb performer. (about $225)

Finally, there is the sleeper of the bunch, the US Amperex 5U4G. What a gorgeous tube. It offers a beautiful midrange and top end but it is not going to make bass freaks cry with joy. It’s very good there, but not exceptional. It is also far and away, the bargain of the lot. At about $40 it is a steal.

If I were to compare the second-tier tubes, I would say the RCA is the bass champ, the Amperex is the most beautiful midrange and top end performer, and the Dutch GZ34 straddles both and may be my favorite if I had to satisfy all my concerns from bottom to top. All excellent in their own way.

There are also several other recti’s I’ve tried in either the GG2 or Horizon that I just don’t have enough extended experience with to comment on such as the Emission Labs 274b and a Telefunken 5U4G. Long ago I listened to the stock KR5U4G but long ago abandoned it for the RK version which I liked, but not as much as the ones mentioned. Like everyone else, I’d like to hear a bonifide Western Electric 274B but can’t bring myself to pull that trigger since finding replacements for any of them I could buy would be near impossible and costly. When WE remakes them, let me know. In the meanwhile, if I had to take one to a desert island, the Tak 274b would surely be the one I’d pack.

I hope you can see that the stage is now set for evaluating pentodes and triodes but again they key is the final sound pairings, and not necessarily the tube that might be selected solely for its own specific qualities. For example, a recti with big bass might pair well with a triode that is excellent but is a bit light in the bass. Conversely, a recti that is bass light might be the perfect mate for a big bass triode. These are all system dependent pairings but unfortunately, it will take time to sort this out. Next up, hopefully a few glimpses into the triode and pentode possibilities. This is the fun part of the hobby for me and no matter what tubes I play, the Horizon makes such evaluations a joy to listen to and assess.
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Wooow Marty! Absolute killer post! Thanks a lot.
Only one thing - maybe it should also go into Horizon tube rolling thread.
Great Post Marty!! Informative...
Marty, helpful and well written post, even from my perspective as a TRP owner (waiting on installation of the engine derived from the Horizon work). I haven’t heard the GG, and the Horizon was at the recent show in Seattle in a room I found overly large. In my TRP, I’ve gone through quite a lot of old rectis and a few newer ones, but not the Tak. To me, given your description of the latter as on the yin side, I was surprised by your experience with the RK, which tonally seemed the opposite here, as well likewise for the RCA (syrupy in my sample). Based on your comments, I’m wondering if my GZ34 might have been Blackburn. In any case, one missing from your list is the Sophia 274B Aqua, which is my favorite and apparently liked by a few others on the TRP thread, as well as on the Agon Supratek preamp one.
Rectifiers for the Horizon

Long before my Horizon arrived, I started acquiring some tubes with the hope that some tube rolling would allow me to optimize the sound of the Horizon in my particular system. After all, that’s the purpose of tube rolling. There are many ways one can approach this, but optimizing 3 different tube (recti’s, pentodes and triodes) can get out of hand and be difficult to sort out without some sort of plan. Of course, there’s the always popular “let’s stick this thing in and see what happens approach” but in general, that’s not my preferred method of choice. I thought it would be reasonable to try and tame this project by taking a more systematic approach. I therefore used my GG2 to evaluate rectifiers in anticipation of the Horizon’s arrival.

One thing that should be said immediately, and which has been said before, is that there are really no bad tube choices for the Horizon. It is a remarkable and beautiful instrument whose performance can be optimized for individual taste. Lukasz was correct when he said that the stock tubes he currently supplies offer some genuine magic. But just like ice cream, there is vanilla, chocolate and strawberry so why not try a few flavors to see if one’s system just might benefit accordingly?

A couple of useful ground rules learned from experience that made this exercise both easier and more difficult at the same time, are:
  • There is no such thing as a perfect tube. I don’t even know what that means. All tubes have a characteristic sound. So, tube rolling is really an exercise in flavorings more than anything else. What works for you might not work best for me and vice versa.
  • What works well in one application (such as a recti) may very well depend on what that tube(s) it is paired with. In the case of the GG2 it is only used with DHT outputs. In the case of the Horizon, it is used with both the pentodes and triodes.
Still, I thought if I could get a sense of the qualities from various recti’s in the GG2, that would stand me in good sted to try and assess the triode and pentode tubes while holding at least one variable more or less constant. So, I spend 6 months evaluating recti’s on the GG2. I knew those observations may or may not be useful in the Horizon since the recti would no longer be used with a DHT, but rather, with triodes and pentodes that are used in Lukasz’ unique “virtual” octal implementation.

It became obvious after trying quite a variety of recti’s, that the Takatsuki 274b was the most satisfactory recti in my GG2 so that’s what I installed immediately in the Horizon. But in July, for reasons unknown, my Tak failed! I sent it back to Alex who said it was the first failure he has seen, but he replaced it immediately under warranty. This was actually a blessing in disguise as it allowed me to return to several recti’s that I could now evaluate in the Horizon, which I had only tried in the GG2 previously. Even better, when the new Tak arrived, I was able to re-evaluate it in the Horizon once again, in comparison to recti’s also evaluated using the same triodes and pentodes in the Horizon. With this as background, here are some impressions of some fairly common and readily available rectifiers for the Horizon.

I’ll add that all recti’s were evaluated after a minimum of 72 hours. This is important. The tubes take time to show their best and changing tubes with less than 3 days, preferably 5, will often be deceptive. There were tubes that after 24 hours I wanted to remove immediately, but forced myself to listen to for 3 days, after which my opinion may have changed significantly from “dog” to “keeper”!

We might as well start at the top. The Tak 274b is my current recti of choice in the Horizon. Simply put it is big, bad and bold. But let’s be clear. It has a very distinct sound. It is a bit dark or “yin” if you want to use HP nomenclature. In Valin terminology it is definitely a “bottom up” sound. But it does something that no other recti does, which is knit together the bass and midbass through the upper bass so coherently and so seamlessly that symphonic music in particular has a foundation that’s damn hard not to love. Male voices can be riveting. Lower brass is extraordinary and this is an area in which it is unsurpassed in my system. It’s also a tube that might allow some users to be more satisfied if they do not want or cannot use a subwoofer as the bass performance in terms of extension and definition is outstanding. However, it is not a perfect tube. For example, while the piano left hand is superb, it does tend to make the piano middle register a bit dark so that a Steinway might actually sound a bit like a Bosendorfer. A Dutch GZ34, in my system, actually performs a more accurate rendering of a Steinway on almost every recording I have played. The Tak is also very kind to the top end and might be a preferred recti on systems with tweeters that are bit harsh when overloaded, such as the infamous and popular Focal beryllium tweeter. (This might actually be considered a good thing!) But these are minor nits to pick in what is otherwise an exemplary rectifier. It may not be perfect, but since nothing is, I’m sticking with it as my preferred Horizon recti. Of course, another downside is the price but nobody who buys a Horizon is going to be taken seriously if they start complaining about the price ($1200) especially since there’s not another recti that can do what the Tak does.

The next tier incudes 3 recti’s that I also like a great deal. The first is the Dutch GZ34. GZ34’s are made both by Mullard (and often re-labeled) or made by others, many of which are Dutch. The key here is that even though they are labeled Philips, Amperex or Dario Miniwatt, it’s important to make sure they are not Mullards made in Blackburn but rather made in Holland (dates codes have an L” or “X”). As impressive as the Dutch GZ34’s are, the Mullards are not my cup of tea- they’re less dynamic and lifeless compared to the wonderful musicality of the Dutch equivalents. ($200-300). Don’t be fooled by their size. They are indeed the real deal.

The next recti in this group is the RCA VT-244 JAN CRC-5U4G (with hanging filaments). This is an excellent recti whose calling card is its prodigious, powerful but excellent bass. In fact, it’s really tube that enjoys its reputation based on its use in guitar amplifiers such as the big Marshalls. Once you hear it, you’ll understand why. It may not offer the last word in midrange refinement or top end beauty, but in some systems, it might be a superb performer. (about $225)

Finally, there is the sleeper of the bunch, the US Amperex 5U4G. What a gorgeous tube. It offers a beautiful midrange and top end but it is not going to make bass freaks cry with joy. It’s very good there, but not exceptional. It is also far and away, the bargain of the lot. At about $40 it is a steal.

If I were to compare the second-tier tubes, I would say the RCA is the bass champ, the Amperex is the most beautiful midrange and top end performer, and the Dutch GZ34 straddles both and may be my favorite if I had to satisfy all my concerns from bottom to top. All excellent in their own way.

There are also several other recti’s I’ve tried in either the GG2 or Horizon that I just don’t have enough extended experience with to comment on such as the Emission Labs 274b and a Telefunken 5U4G. Long ago I listened to the stock KR5U4G but long ago abandoned it for the RK version which I liked, but not as much as the ones mentioned. Like everyone else, I’d like to hear a bonifide Western Electric 274B but can’t bring myself to pull that trigger since finding replacements for any of them I could buy would be near impossible and costly. When WE remakes them, let me know. In the meanwhile, if I had to take one to a desert island, the Tak 274b would surely be the one I’d pack.

I hope you can see that the stage is now set for evaluating pentodes and triodes but again they key is the final sound pairings, and not necessarily is the tube that might be selected solely for its own specific qualities. For example, a recti with big bass might pair well with a triode that is excellent but is a bit light in the bass. Conversely, a recti that is bass light might be the perfect mate for a big bass triode. These are all system dependent pairings but unfortunately, it will take time to sort this out. Next up, hopefully a few glimpses into the triode and pentode possibilities. This is the fun part of the hobby for me and no matter what I tubes I play, the Horizon makes such evaluations a joy to listen to and assess.
thanks Marty for all this rich detail. You write excellently!
Rectifiers for the Horizon

Long before my Horizon arrived, I started acquiring some tubes with the hope that some tube rolling would allow me to optimize the sound of the Horizon in my particular system. After all, that’s the purpose of tube rolling. There are many ways one can approach this, but optimizing 3 different tube (recti’s, pentodes and triodes) can get out of hand and be difficult to sort out without some sort of plan. Of course, there’s the always popular “let’s stick this thing in and see what happens approach” but in general, that’s not my preferred method of choice. I thought it would be reasonable to try and tame this project by taking a more systematic approach. I therefore used my GG2 to evaluate rectifiers in anticipation of the Horizon’s arrival.

One thing that should be said immediately, and which has been said before, is that there are really no bad tube choices for the Horizon. It is a remarkable and beautiful instrument whose performance can be optimized for individual taste. Lukasz was correct when he said that the stock tubes he currently supplies offer some genuine magic. But just like ice cream, there is vanilla, chocolate and strawberry so why not try a few flavors to see if one’s system just might benefit accordingly?

A couple of useful ground rules learned from experience that made this exercise both easier and more difficult at the same time, are:
  • There is no such thing as a perfect tube. I don’t even know what that means. All tubes have a characteristic sound. So, tube rolling is really an exercise in flavorings more than anything else. What works for you might not work best for me and vice versa.
  • What works well in one application (such as a recti) may very well depend on what that tube(s) it is paired with. In the case of the GG2 it is only used with DHT outputs. In the case of the Horizon, it is used with both the pentodes and triodes.
Still, I thought if I could get a sense of the qualities from various recti’s in the GG2, that would stand me in good sted to try and assess the triode and pentode tubes while holding at least one variable more or less constant. So, I spend 6 months evaluating recti’s on the GG2. I knew those observations may or may not be useful in the Horizon since the recti would no longer be used with a DHT, but rather, with triodes and pentodes that are used in Lukasz’ unique “virtual” octal implementation.

It became obvious after trying quite a variety of recti’s, that the Takatsuki 274b was the most satisfactory recti in my GG2 so that’s what I installed immediately in the Horizon. But in July, for reasons unknown, my Tak failed! I sent it back to Alex who said it was the first failure he has seen, but he replaced it immediately under warranty. This was actually a blessing in disguise as it allowed me to return to several recti’s that I could now evaluate in the Horizon, which I had only tried in the GG2 previously. Even better, when the new Tak arrived, I was able to re-evaluate it in the Horizon once again, in comparison to recti’s also evaluated using the same triodes and pentodes in the Horizon. With this as background, here are some impressions of some fairly common and readily available rectifiers for the Horizon.

I’ll add that all recti’s were evaluated after a minimum of 72 hours. This is important. The tubes take time to show their best and changing tubes with less than 3 days, preferably 5, will often be deceptive. There were tubes that after 24 hours I wanted to remove immediately, but forced myself to listen to for 3 days, after which my opinion may have changed significantly from “dog” to “keeper”!

We might as well start at the top. The Tak 274b is my current recti of choice in the Horizon. Simply put it is big, bad and bold. But let’s be clear. It has a very distinct sound. It is a bit dark or “yin” if you want to use HP nomenclature. In Valin terminology it is definitely a “bottom up” sound. But it does something that no other recti does, which is knit together the bass and midbass through the upper bass so coherently and so seamlessly that symphonic music in particular has a foundation that’s damn hard not to love. Male voices can be riveting. Lower brass is extraordinary and this is an area in which it is unsurpassed in my system. It’s also a tube that might allow some users to be more satisfied if they do not want or cannot use a subwoofer as the bass performance in terms of extension and definition is outstanding. However, it is not a perfect tube. For example, while the piano left hand is superb, it does tend to make the piano middle register a bit dark so that a Steinway might actually sound a bit like a Bosendorfer. A Dutch GZ34, in my system, actually performs a more accurate rendering of a Steinway on almost every recording I have played. The Tak is also very kind to the top end and might be a preferred recti on systems with tweeters that are bit harsh when overloaded, such as the infamous and popular Focal beryllium tweeter. (This might actually be considered a good thing!) But these are minor nits to pick in what is otherwise an exemplary rectifier. It may not be perfect, but since nothing is, I’m sticking with it as my preferred Horizon recti. Of course, another downside is the price but nobody who buys a Horizon is going to be taken seriously if they start complaining about the price ($1200) especially since there’s not another recti that can do what the Tak does.

The next tier incudes 3 recti’s that I also like a great deal. The first is the Dutch GZ34. GZ34’s are made both by Mullard (and often re-labeled) or made by others, many of which are Dutch. The key here is that even though they are labeled Philips, Amperex or Dario Miniwatt, it’s important to make sure they are not Mullards made in Blackburn but rather made in Holland (dates codes have an L” or “X”). As impressive as the Dutch GZ34’s are, the Mullards are not my cup of tea- they’re less dynamic and lifeless compared to the wonderful musicality of the Dutch equivalents. ($200-300). Don’t be fooled by their size. They are indeed the real deal.

The next recti in this group is the RCA VT-244 JAN CRC-5U4G (with hanging filaments). This is an excellent recti whose calling card is its prodigious, powerful but excellent bass. In fact, it’s really tube that enjoys its reputation based on its use in guitar amplifiers such as the big Marshalls. Once you hear it, you’ll understand why. It may not offer the last word in midrange refinement or top end beauty, but in some systems, it might be a superb performer. (about $225)

Finally, there is the sleeper of the bunch, the US Amperex 5U4G. What a gorgeous tube. It offers a beautiful midrange and top end but it is not going to make bass freaks cry with joy. It’s very good there, but not exceptional. It is also far and away, the bargain of the lot. At about $40 it is a steal.

If I were to compare the second-tier tubes, I would say the RCA is the bass champ, the Amperex is the most beautiful midrange and top end performer, and the Dutch GZ34 straddles both and may be my favorite if I had to satisfy all my concerns from bottom to top. All excellent in their own way.

There are also several other recti’s I’ve tried in either the GG2 or Horizon that I just don’t have enough extended experience with to comment on such as the Emission Labs 274b and a Telefunken 5U4G. Long ago I listened to the stock KR5U4G but long ago abandoned it for the RK version which I liked, but not as much as the ones mentioned. Like everyone else, I’d like to hear a bonifide Western Electric 274B but can’t bring myself to pull that trigger since finding replacements for any of them I could buy would be near impossible and costly. When WE remakes them, let me know. In the meanwhile, if I had to take one to a desert island, the Tak 274b would surely be the one I’d pack.

I hope you can see that the stage is now set for evaluating pentodes and triodes but again they key is the final sound pairings, and not necessarily the tube that might be selected solely for its own specific qualities. For example, a recti with big bass might pair well with a triode that is excellent but is a bit light in the bass. Conversely, a recti that is bass light might be the perfect mate for a big bass triode. These are all system dependent pairings but unfortunately, it will take time to sort this out. Next up, hopefully a few glimpses into the triode and pentode possibilities. This is the fun part of the hobby for me and no matter what tubes I play, the Horizon makes such evaluations a joy to listen to and assess.
Thank you very much for your extensive and very elaborate compare, Marty :cool:

What triodes and pentodes where used for this recti shoot-out?
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As long as I have had my Pacific, I have used the KR Audio 5U4G rectifier tube. I ordered a Sophia Electric Aqua 274B with the intent of using it in the Horizon if I ever get it. I was nervous because the SE Aqua is a 4 pin Rectifier. I asked Lampi whether that would work without an adaptor and they said yes.
Today, I decided to try in my Pacific. I can't believe how much better my Pacific sounds with this rectifier tube. The Sophia Electric Aqua 274B costs $199. For people not wanting to spend over $1k for the Tak 274B this is a great tube to try.
As long as I have had my Pacific, I have used the KR Audio 5U4G rectifier tube. I ordered a Sophia Electric Aqua 274B with the intent of using it in the Horizon if I ever get it. I was nervous because the SE Aqua is a 4 pin Rectifier. I asked Lampi whether that would work without an adaptor and they said yes.
Today, I decided to try in my Pacific. I can't believe how much better my Pacific sounds with this rectifier tube. The Sophia Electric Aqua 274B costs $199. For people not wanting to spend over $1k for the Tak 274B this is a great tube to try.
The original 274a was a 4 pin if I am not mistaken
KR242s update

Around 200hrs now —opened up nicely to say the least.. This is still the most 3D/dimensional tube I have tried. Also now has the overall balance and midrange bloom I crave- plus dynamics. Did I say dynamics? This is a unique combination.. Color, more than a touch of warmth, it is all there as well.

You hear everything and at low volumes It doesn’t seem to close in. No bite whatsoever at higher volumes it just makes you want to turn it up more.

I would say at least the equal of the RK 242 if not better overall, and still breaking in.


I have tried the USAF596 recti and Taka 274b- both excellent- but went back to
RK5u4G Lampi Anniversary.

Not sure if I can say there is a clear winner for recti, it will take more time to make that determination and it may just depend on mood.

I can say, however, that the 242 noise (max vol on analog input without signal) doesn’t seem to vary much with rectifier for me so it provides max flexibility in that regard.


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I strongly second Golum’s recommendation to try the 01a, 112a and 71. They can be had for under $100 per pair and they sound every bit as good and dynamic as the typical, far more expensive DHTs. I also have the LampI 45 Anniversary Editions which are excellent if you can find them, but certainly not 7-8 times better than these less expensive tubes and MAYBE only marginally better, depending on your subjective preference.
I want to thank everyone who contributed to this thread, I was completely unaware of all the vintage DHT tubes one can roll in a DAC with heater switches!

I don't own a Lampizator but let's say maybe its Polish cousin, an Acuhorn R2R T.

It takes 2.5/4/5 tubes and I wasn't aware of 01A or 112A tubes!

I've managed to find new old stock matched pair of 01A UX globes so excited to compare them to WE300B replica and 45 ST that I currently use.

Thanks again
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Rectifier considerations:

Now with the KR242s I have been recti rolling. I have on hand the USAF596, RK Anniversary 5u4g, the National Union JAN VT-244, Tak 274b, and the stock Russian 5u3c. Currently the Tak274b is in the pole position.

Am also considering Elrog 5u4g and Elrog 274b.


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As long as I have had my Pacific, I have used the KR Audio 5U4G rectifier tube. I ordered a Sophia Electric Aqua 274B with the intent of using it in the Horizon if I ever get it. I was nervous because the SE Aqua is a 4 pin Rectifier. I asked Lampi whether that would work without an adaptor and they said yes.
Today, I decided to try in my Pacific. I can't believe how much better my Pacific sounds with this rectifier tube. The Sophia Electric Aqua 274B costs $199. For people not wanting to spend over $1k for the Tak 274B this is a great tube to try.
Sounds really cool which se 274b outperform KR5u4g, did you compare with the mesh verison 274b and aqua version? Want to hear the feedback between these 2 SE 274b before i pull the trigger, thx so much
I don't know about the mesh plate vs Aqua, and it probably wouldn't hurt to speak with SE themselves.* The Aqua's are a later version and at least for a wider variety of applications. As for the Aqua vs. the KR5U4G, I tried the RK Anniversary version awhile back. For me, the RK was decidedly neutral, which is not my taste, and had all the "sonic effects" characteristics that seem to go along with neutral in a high quality tube (or other component). Lots of people, including Lukasz of Lampi, really like it. I don't know if I'd say the Aqua outperforms the other, as I've never directly compared the two, but would say that at least they perform differently, per your tonal tastes.

* Note the caution in the description of the mesh plate:
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From my memory without looking up the specs, the Aqua 274B could be used in more applications than the Mesh plate. I did not compare the two. I would agree with Highstream, I just liked the sound and tonality of the SE Aqua more than the KR 5U4G.
Thanks Gents and i will order a SE aqua 274b to compare with Tak 274b, any one have both on hands now?

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