Ongaku - Is it worth the money!!

Unfortunately, the second Ongaku also left some time ago. Perhaps around here it is no longer the time for such expensive 'toys'. But currently I console myself with a pair of 4350A + Accuphase solid state.
Unfortunately, the second Ongaku also left some time ago. Perhaps around here it is no longer the time for such expensive 'toys'. But currently I console myself with a pair of 4350A + Accuphase solid state.

thanks, what is your analog set up?
thanks, what is your analog set up?

Accuphase C27 + Grand Prix Audio Monaco 1.5 + SME 309 + Vdh The Frog Gold (among others)
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Hi Sean,
I suggest you to buy Ongaku.

I had 2 Ongaku,one old and one KSL,KSL is better, and the new Ongaku that are producing now is also little better, more fast and transparent than KSL producing some years ago, because changed the input transformer, from Tango then stopped the production to the new that Kondo is producing.

Sound is fantastic and also keep his value, full of people that is looking for second hand also in Italy.
For his cost there are also could be some products sound little better, but no one with his charme.

Mono power amp Gakuon,are not a good match with Tannoy.This amp I had 2 pairs and are full in mid bass and little in roll off in high frequencies,so no good with Tannoy.
One my friend had M 1000,Gakuon mk II,(Shinden) with Westminster Royal and sound was too full in mid and roll off.
Much better in his system was Souga.

Ongaku is better with one Kondo preamps M 10,M 1000 or G 70I,G 1000 too expensive,but sound is good also alone, so you can buy now Ongaku and after one year G 70I second hand or new G 700.

One magic sound was Ongaku with M7 phono ( m 7 phono, not M7 preamp with line and phono)

I had also Jinro,good but nothing special.

I don't suggest to buy AN UK because here has no value in second hand, one friend has AN SEC,70.000 euro and at 14.000 euro cannot sell, and also amp have cheap value.

I had preamp M7,M10,M 7 KSL,G 70I and amp Neiro,Neiro Silver,Kageki,Baransu,Shinri,Ongaku,Kaguon.

My friend living 5 km from my home has M7,M10,Kegon,First Ongaku,First Gakuon,Gakuho,i think the worst Kondo products,3 friend had and sold fast,Kageki,Neiro Silver,and many times we tried together.

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Hi Sean,
I suggest you to buy Ongaku.

I had 2 Ongaku,one old and one KSL,KSL is better, and the new Ongaku that are producing now is also little better, more fast and transparent than KSL producing some years ago, because changed the input transformer, from Tango then stopped the production to the new that Kondo is producing.

Sound is fantastic and also keep his value, full of people that is looking for second hand also in Italy.
For his cost there are also could be some products sound little better, but no one with his charme.

Mono power amp Gakuon,are not a good match with Tannoy.This amp I had 2 pairs and are full in mid bass and little in roll off in high frequencies,so no good with Tannoy.
One my friend had M 1000,Gakuon mk II,(Shinden) with Westminster Royal and sound was too full in mid and roll off.
Much better in his system was Souga.

Ongaku is better with one Kondo preamps M 10,M 1000 or G 70I,G 1000 too expensive,but sound is good also alone, so you can buy now Ongaku and after one year G 70I second hand or new G 700.

One magic sound was Ongaku with M7 phono ( m 7 phono, not M7 preamp with line and phono)

I had also Jinro,good but nothing special.

I don't suggest to buy AN UK because here has no value in second hand, one friend has AN SEC,70.000 euro and at 14.000 euro cannot sell, and also amp have cheap value.

I had preamp M7,M10,M 7 KSL,G 70I and amp Neiro,Neiro Silver,Kageki,Baransu,Shinri,Ongaku,Kaguon.

My friend living 5 km from my home has M7,M10,Kegon,First Ongaku,First Gakuon,Gakuho,i think the worst Kondo products,3 friend had and sold fast,Kageki,Neiro Silver,and many times we tried together.

LESS IS MORE o_Oo_Oo_Oo_O :)
Well I do have direct experience with this beautiful work of art and I can say it’s among the best amplifiers I have ever owned or heard. Many say it sounds best with a preamp. Although that could be true in many cases I have found I like it best without on our Destination Audio Nika speakers. And it sounds quite fantastic without a preamp on our Eggleston Viginti speakers as well. The question of is it worth the money? Well I’d say yes it is because it is such a special and magical amplifier. But to be honest we have one that equals it in every sense with better bass control for half the price of the Ongaku.
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Before you go too far in your search for a new amp, you might consider the Decware company. It is very small but has an outstanding reputation for sound quality and reliability. I own their Mystery Amp (40 w per channel) which cost me about $7K. I'm very satisfied with it. Have had no issues and I do like the sound. They also make very low powered and low cost triode amps and a pair of 60 w monoblocks for $12K. None of their amps contain circuit boards; hard wired all the way. Look them up.
Last edited: (scroll down to the 10th of August)....

My dear friends at Ultimate Audio in Lisbon who have had many many legendary and Iconic Amps pass through there premises, pulled no punches with what they thought of the "Kagura 2i Monoblocks", rough translation as follows:

Qouted the following:
From time to time at Ultimate Audio products arrive that redefine, that make us think and question everything we heard or learned before!
And as Francisco Monteiro says its the “crème de la creme”. Or simply, as Rui Calado referred, they are the amplifiers with the best “timing and timbre I've ever heard”! This coming from someone who has been in the high end buisness for 30 years certainly means something…
View attachment 115879
Well I do have direct experience with this beautiful work of art and I can say it’s among the best amplifiers I have ever owned or heard. Many say it sounds best with a preamp. Although that could be true in many cases I have found I like it best without on our Destination Audio Nika speakers. And it sounds quite fantastic without a preamp on our Eggleston Viginti speakers as well. The question of is it worth the money? Well I’d say yes it is because it is such a special and magical amplifier. But to be honest we have one that equals it in every sense with better bass control for half the price of the Ongaku.
What is the other amp you are referring to which equals the Ongaku?
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What is the other amp you are referring to which equals the Ongaku?
The Destination Audio GM 70 integrated amplifier. We replaced our beloved Ongaku with it.
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And to our surprise is it possible that you are representing Destination Audio but not AN Japan Kondo?
Yes you are correct. I am the US and Canadian distributor of Destination Audio.
I became the Distributor after the old distributor Fred brought an earlier version of the GM70 to compare it to my Ongaku
The latest GM 70 is significantly better than the earlier one. I do not represent Kondo but it was one of my dream amps since I heard it at CES 2006 when Mr Kondo San passed away.
My Dad and I had a magical experience in the Kondo room. We both broke out into tears uncontrollable tears.
We had a meeting scheduled the next morning with Mr Kondo San but unfortunately it never happened. He was found dead in the hotel room. Since that day I said one day I will own one. Well that day finally came about two and half years ago. I bought one and thought I was going to take it to the grave with me. And it was a newer one only 3 months old. But after hearing the GM 70 I realized I could get one for myself sell the Ongaku and free up some cash. Because the Ongaku brings in good money. That’s how I got one. Then a few months later I took over distribution of Destination Audio after Fred did a bunch of very bad things to people including myself. Sam asked me if I was interested in taking it over. I accepted. And we are doing very well with them.
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Hello Audiolimits,

When and where will you be exhibiting a Vista or a Malta?
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Hello Audiolimits,

When and where will you be exhibiting a Vista or a Malta?
Hello Ron, at a show we would most likely bring the Nika due to the size of Vista.
Malta is a custom project still under construction and built specific for the owners. It is not a speaker that can just be brought from one place to another but rather built and designed to the room.
Hello Ron, at a show we would most likely bring the Nika due to the size of Vista.
Malta is a custom project still under construction and built specific for the owners. It is not a speaker that can just be brought from one place to another but rather built and designed to the room.
The Malta was one of Fred Crane‘s many fever dreams. It hasn’t seen the light of day. I’ve seen mockups, and it’s clearly something that could conceivably be a custom installation type of affair but there are none in the wild. I am by the way a Vista owner. Those speakers are far too large IMO to drag in and out of most audio shows unless you’re talking about Munich or Audioexotics where you could find serious buyers and not low level Audiophile cheeseballs.

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