Ongaku - Is it worth the money!!

Hi all ok I have an update here. I have been in touch with Kondo and they have advised the Ongaku was in fact designed as a power amplifier and using a preamplifier is their recommendation so there you go .... The Overture is their true integrated amp.
First of all @bonzo75 made good points. I recommend you take his advise.

Kondo Ongaku or Overture has the same route for signal like most tube amplifiers.

Input selector-other switches-volume pod-amplification stages.

So there is no difference in general layout which makes them both integrated or power amp. You decide.

I know Kondo keep saying Ongaku is a power amp but 6 of my friends have Kondo Ongaku and I listened them in various setups hundreds of hours over the years. I heard Kondo Ongaku with or without preamplifiers including all Kondo preamplifiers such as G-70, M7 heritage and G-1000. Yes when a preamp is added to Ongaku it sounds better but it still sounds great without a preamp.

IMHO the answer to your question about buying Ongaku is not related with preamplifier it’s related with speaker. Ongaku is a great amp most probably the best SET amp but only if you can find the proper speaker. Don’t ask me which is the best matching speaker cause I don’t know. Look for something over 94dB with an easy load.

BTW if you’re referring to AN UK Ongaku I heard the top silver model many times with different speakers too. It’s a great amplifier, silky smooth but nothing like Kondo Ongaku.
First of all @bonzo75 made good points. I recommend you take his advise.

Kondo Ongaku or Overture has the same route for signal like most tube amplifiers.

Input selector-other switches-volume pod-amplification stages.

So there is no difference in general layout which makes them both integrated or power amp. You decide.

I know Kondo keep saying Ongaku is a power amp but 6 of my friends have Kondo Ongaku and I listened them in various setups hundreds of hours over the years. I heard Kondo Ongaku with or without preamplifiers including all Kondo preamplifiers such as G-70, M7 heritage and G-1000. Yes when a preamp is added to Ongaku it sounds better but it still sounds great without a preamp.

IMHO the answer to your question about buying Ongaku is not related with preamplifier it’s related with speaker. Ongaku is a great amp most probably the best SET amp but only if you can find the proper speaker. Don’t ask me which is the best matching speaker cause I don’t know. Look for something over 94dB with an easy load.

BTW if you’re referring to AN UK Ongaku I heard the top silver model many times with different speakers too. It’s a great amplifier, silky smooth but nothing like Kondo Ongaku.
Ongaku with G1000 or M7 is a pretty eye watering amount of cash to spend in all likelihood I'll never get there unless the lotto come in. I might take a look at the AN UK Jinro have you heard it by any chance, my Meishu sounds pretty good I reckon. I have AN E SPE speakers so pretty high efficency for any SET amp I reckon. They are the best ive heard but to be hones I have never heard uber expensive gear like crazy horns open baffle etc. Maybe theres better but pro not a bad match for the Meishu
I might take a look at the AN UK Jinro have you heard it by any chance
Probably I heard it but I don't remember.

I have AN E SPE speakers so pretty high efficency for any SET amp I reckon.
IMHO it is a very good speaker and there is no need to lust for uber expensive high end stuff. One of the most important things is experience in this hobby. I think it's more important than owning higher end stuff.
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Probably I heard it on but I don't remember.

IMHO it is a very good speaker and there is no need to lust for uber expensive high end stuff. One of the most important things is experience in this hobby. I think it's more important than owning higher end stuff.
Ya your probably right can be bottomless hole but you know yourself you always want more ...
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What exactly don't you like about your system sound?
My current sound is actually not too bad. I swapped out the 300b to WE and that gave a nice improvement. I would like a little more detail , more shimmer and air between the notes and a better low end
I read your posts and maybe my experience cal help you. I was and I´m 300B lover. During loooong time I have collected different WE-300B and currently, I have ANUK Kegon with WE-300A. But, when I experienced ANUK 211 SE amp, I understood that 211 valves are fair superior than 300B. Now I have also ANUK Ongaku Shinguru with ANUK M9 Phono. I listed Kondo Ongaku 2 times, but never tested in my house with my own system. So, I can´t tell you how is Kondo vs ANUK, but I´m very happy with my ANUK gear. If you can, please change from 300B to 211. I never listed ANUK Jinro, but based on my experience, I can imagine that you will get much more satisfaction with 211 valves. Please forget the original GE 211 valves with black carbon plate. Is possible, please try to get NOS 211 with a molybdenum plate-like United Electron 38111, or please go directly with new ANUK 4242 valves.
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I read your posts and maybe my experience cal help you. I was and I´m 300B lover. During loooong time I have collected different WE-300B and currently, I have ANUK Kegon with WE-300A. But, when I experienced ANUK 211 SE amp, I understood that 211 valves are fair superior than 300B. Now I have also ANUK Ongaku Shinguru with ANUK M9 Phono. I listed Kondo Ongaku 2 times, but never tested in my house with my own system. So, I can´t tell you how is Kondo vs ANUK, but I´m very happy with my ANUK gear. If you can, please change from 300B to 211. I never listed ANUK Jinro, but based on my experience, I can imagine that you will get much more satisfaction with 211 valves. Please forget the original GE 211 valves with black carbon plate. Is possible, please try to get NOS 211 with a molybdenum plate-like United Electron 38111, or please go directly with new ANUK 4242 valves.
Thank you very much for this reply and sharing you experience and taking the time to write. I appreciate you doing that and will give very much consideration to 211 amp.I will look more closely at Jinro and Shinguru, Let me know if you ever consider selling some gear. Thank you
Have you been able to compare the Shinguru to the Gaku-on? Should just be more powerful but same basic circuit. What speakers are you using and does it provide you with more than enough power without clipping and no need to consider Gaku-on?
Thank you very much for this reply and sharing you experience and taking the time to write. I appreciate you doing that and will give very much consideration to 211 amp.I will look more closely at Jinro and Shinguru, Let me know if you ever consider selling some gear. Thank you
Sorry, I don´t have any plans to sell my ANUK gear.
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Have you been able to compare the Shinguru to the Gaku-on? Should just be more powerful but same basic circuit. What speakers are you using and does it provide you with more than enough power without clipping and no need to consider Gaku-on?
Well. PQ offered me Gaku-On, but considering my main speaker Tannoy Autograph with Silver Monitor 15", I preferred Shinguru 211SE. Gaku on would have been too powerful for the Tannoys also my idea was to use NOS valves. I have many United Electron 38111, WE-242A, 242C, Ampered brass base, Westinghouse, etc... very difficult to make matched I preferred Shinguru. ANUK claims 18W x Ch for Shinguru. In my opinion, the output power is around 15W x Ch, more than enough to drive Tannoy.
Hi all,

Anyone out there with direct experience with the Ongaku past or present owners I would be very keen to hear your thoughts on the amp. I see a lot of chat on here that Ongaku needs a really good ( and expensive ) pre to sound its best. This is very hard to swallow given the price of the Ongaku to start with and beggars belief it that is the case given the price tag of this integrated amp. For context my current amp is an Audio Note Tonemeister Phono 300b valve amp. I play records and stream with an Audio note TT3 turntable using the phone in the Meishu and AN MM cart. Thank you all in advance.

I had the Ongaku two times :rolleyes:.
Last time played with M7 phono and An-6c step up.
I have never listened to anything like this, and I started over 40 years ago.
Expensive tubes?
My first Ongaku played with 211 RCA and GZ34 always RCA.
The second with GE. Not expensive.
Of course you can't do the bias yourself, but just avoid changing valves like socks.
You have to listen to it, really: and not just read reviews. ;)
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I had the Ongaku two times :rolleyes:.
Last time played with M7 phono and An-6c step up.
I have never listened to anything like this, and I started over 40 years ago.
Expensive tubes?
My first Ongaku played with 211 RCA and GZ34 always RCA.
The second with GE. Not expensive.
Of course you can't do the bias yourself, but just avoid changing valves like socks.
You have to listen to it, really: and not just read reviews. ;)
Hi Gasgas thanks for the reply, do you still have the amp, so all in all it is worth the money you think. Have you tried any other AN UK amps for context.
Hi Gasgas thanks for the reply, do you still have the amp, so all in all it is worth the money you think. Have you tried any other AN UK amps for context.

Hi Sean.
Here is my first Ongaku sold on Audiogon (2014). With RCA and United (! the best!) tubes.
My last Ongaku was sold in late 2021.
Both from the Kondo-San era.
Worth every penny? Absolutely.
Would I buy it again if I could? Absolutely.


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Hi Sean.
Here is my first Ongaku sold on Audiogon (2014). With RCA and United (! the best!) tubes.
My last Ongaku was sold in late 2021.
Both from the Kondo-San era.
Worth every penny? Absolutely.
Would I buy it again if I could? Absolutely.
Beautiful congrats on having this
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Hi Sean.
Here is my first Ongaku sold on Audiogon (2014). With RCA and United (! the best!) tubes.
My last Ongaku was sold in late 2021.
Both from the Kondo-San era.
Worth every penny? Absolutely.
Would I buy it again if I could? Absolutely.

hi, what speakers did you use it on? And did you use with a preamp?
hi, what speakers did you use it on? And did you use with a preamp?
Hi, with my first Ongaku I used a pair of JBL 4345 (!!)
With the second I could choose between Feastrex Vivace 5" with ext PSU and a "Rullit project" with handmade PSU and boxes:
Hi, with my first Ongaku I used a pair of JBL 4345 (!!)
With the second I could choose between Feastrex Vivace 5" with ext PSU and a "Rullit project" with handmade PSU and boxes:

Excellent, so full range drivers. so what are you using now
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