Was the upgrade from Alexia 1 to Alexx V worth it?


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2023
I was very happy for the last 9 years with my Wilson Audio Alexia’s. After reading John Atkinson’s review I purchased them and thought it would last me through retirement. Then Alexia 2 came and one reviewer declared it so much better than V1 that it “sounded broken”. When Alexia 3 arrived I got the bug for change. Spent an hour and a half listening to the Alexx V at a dealer thinking I needed a bigger step up. While I liked the Alexx V sound, I wasn’t at first convinced it sounded “that” much better. Fast forward about a year and 5 days ago my new Alexx V’s arrived. Bottom line, they are significantly better. Its that simple. Best bass I have heard in my life and huge soundstage with holographic imaging. Lots of overtones and slow decay. But were they worth three times the cost of my original Alexia? For me yes. I have the resources and at 72 years my 50 year obsession with audio is approaching its twilight. You can’t take it with you. Do I miss the Alexia and could I go back to them……..yes as they captured 70% of what I have now. Its that law of diminishing returns thing. Lesson for me is things move slow in audio development with lots of marketing hype. If you like your current system stay with it until the time is right. Then by all means take the leap to the next level.


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I was very happy for the last 9 years with my Wilson Audio Alexia’s. After reading John Atkinson’s review I purchased them and thought it would last me through retirement. Then Alexia 2 came and one reviewer declared it so much better than V1 that it “sounded broken”. When Alexia 3 arrived I got the bug for change. Spent an hour and a half listening to the Alexx V at a dealer thinking I needed a bigger step up. While I liked the Alexx V sound, I wasn’t at first convinced it sounded “that” much better. Fast forward about a year and 5 days ago my new Alexx V’s arrived. Bottom line, they are significantly better. Its that simple. Best bass I have heard in my life and huge soundstage with holographic imaging. Lots of overtones and slow decay. But were they worth three times the cost of my original Alexia? For me yes. I have the resources and at 72 years my 50 year obsession with audio is approaching its twilight. You can’t take it with you. Do I miss the Alexia and could I go back to them……..yes as they captured 70% of what I have now. Its that law of diminishing returns thing. Lesson for me is things move slow in audio development with lots of marketing hype. If you like your current system stay with it until the time is right. Then by all means take the leap to the next level.

I believe the Alexx V is superior to my previous Alexandria XLF in every way as well and not by just a little bit. The system was obviously voiced by ear by Dave and Daryl as they selected among many possible components for their final crossover networks. SQ, workmanship and quality are all there. I thought they did a really fine job and made a wonderful speaker that I hope to enjoy for many more years. BTW, beautiful room.
Really great looking space to enjoy those speakers! Bravo.
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I believe the Alexx V is superior to my previous Alexandria XLF in every way as well and not by just a little bit. The system was obviously voiced by ear by Dave and Daryl as they selected among many possible components for their final crossover networks. SQ, workmanship and quality are all there. I thought they did a really fine job and made a wonderful speaker that I hope to enjoy for many more years. BTW, beautiful room.

I have listened to both speakers several times in the same large room. The only point where the XLF was IMO superior to the AllexV was bass extension - it would give the XLF more space and grandeur with some types of music. As soon as you use it with properly adjusted subs the AllexV becomes a clear winner.
Congrats. Nice color. Enjoy!!!
I was very happy for the last 9 years with my Wilson Audio Alexia’s. After reading John Atkinson’s review I purchased them and thought it would last me through retirement. Then Alexia 2 came and one reviewer declared it so much better than V1 that it “sounded broken”. When Alexia 3 arrived I got the bug for change. Spent an hour and a half listening to the Alexx V at a dealer thinking I needed a bigger step up. While I liked the Alexx V sound, I wasn’t at first convinced it sounded “that” much better. Fast forward about a year and 5 days ago my new Alexx V’s arrived. Bottom line, they are significantly better. Its that simple. Best bass I have heard in my life and huge soundstage with holographic imaging. Lots of overtones and slow decay. But were they worth three times the cost of my original Alexia? For me yes. I have the resources and at 72 years my 50 year obsession with audio is approaching its twilight. You can’t take it with you. Do I miss the Alexia and could I go back to them……..yes as they captured 70% of what I have now. Its that law of diminishing returns thing. Lesson for me is things move slow in audio development with lots of marketing hype. If you like your current system stay with it until the time is right. Then by all means take the leap to the next level.

I reviewed the Alexia 2s when they first came out and found them better than the original, but the original Alexia definitely were not 'broken'. I owned three Wilson speakers (Sasha, Alexia 1 & 2) and found each iteration a clear improvement over its predecessors.

Love that fantastic stained-glass lighting. Are those custom made?
I reviewed the Alexia 2s when they first came out and found them better than the original, but the original Alexia definitely were not 'broken'. I owned three Wilson speakers (Sasha, Alexia 1 & 2) and found each iteration a clear improvement over its predecessors.

Love that fantastic stained-glass lighting. Are those custom made?
Hi Tima, Thanks for the kind words. I am an Architect and woodworker. I designed and built the lights and cabinets along with the room.
Congratulations, Scott! That is a beautiful room!

I think that new midrange driver in the XVX and in the Alexx V is very special!
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What a great space to enjoy your music in! You're a lucky fellow!
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The only point where the XLF was IMO superior to the AllexV was bass extension - it would give the XLF more space and grandeur with some types of music.
I agree with you and thought you characterized one of its sonic strength perfectly. But it shouldn't surprise us that the. Alexx V bass offers far better definition than the XLF can deliver albeit at the slight expense of extension. After all, the XLF cabinet is larger which helps facilitate that extension. However, the Alexx V provides a tighter, more agile bass with better flexibility for optimization in more rooms due to its optional port direction. Taken together, these should not be surprising features for a speaker design that is 12 years newer than the Alexandria XLF. Add to this a far better tweeter and more illuminating midrange driver, and its easy to hear the overall improvements of the Alexx V over an already very good sounding XLF.
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Congrats on an awsome room and system!


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