The Puritan PSM156


Active Member
Nov 26, 2022
The PSM156 with a basic puritan cable been powering my system for a week now and i have to say it squeezed some more audiophile juice from my system :)

The improvements are subtle nothing major.
Most of the time i don't think i even notice but then i come across an album, in this case: "Roy Haynes - Keeping Up"
and i hear the improvements in stage, separation, accurateness of the percussion's .. which makes me want to hear more and more music.

Power conditioners are tricky, some do nothing and some can even hurt dynamics but the PSM156 is a keeper!

Power conditioners are tricky, some do nothing and some can even hurt dynamics but the PSM156 is a keeper
And very reasonably priced considering the buy in required of some of the other mains conditioner high rollers.

If you can take OCD Mikey jump to 15.20 on this vid for a real time demo of the Puritans effectiveness :

Their grounding system is equally affordable and quite effective also … another demo vid from the same system.

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nice to know the break-in takes two weeks and there's room for improvement
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The Ultimate cable might also help further unlock improvements. If that's supplying significant parts of your system then the big 20A cable can often make a huge difference.
The Ultimate cable might also help further unlock improvements.

Even use one of the ultimate cables in a Gigawatt PC3 ***+ running in the supply to digital chain with great results.
The big 20A cable is feeding the PSM156 currently on AV duty in stand up mode. It will soon be reunited in the main system with 2 ultimate cables for some mono's.
Like the grounding system too.IMG_20231226_135231.jpg
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So i guess now i need to get the ultimate cable to feed the PSM156 :)

I'm also on the look for a schuko in wall outlet,
Any recommendations?
Power conditioners are tricky, some do nothing and some can even hurt dynamics but the PSM156 is a keeper!

Using my ears to get there of course, I came to the same conclusion mine is staying also.
I dont have high expectations of it it just does what it says it does!

I'm also on the look for a schuko in wall outlet,

Only recommendation I can make is to start with the ultimate cable. The encouraging thing about the puritan cable is the utilitarian connectors, disappointing for some but not in the listening for the price! I think.
Plenty of interesting suppliers of wall sockets if you need one though.
Wishing you well in the search.
Those of you using the Puritan, are you plugging your amp (s) be it mono’s, stereo or integrated into it ?
Yes in my case,
My whole system (signature) including a PC and TV are plugged to the 156
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Those of you using the Puritan, are you plugging your amp (s) be it mono’s, stereo or integrated into it ?

I have run an integrated from it successfully. I will try it with the mono's when they arrive and listen. My feeling with amplifiers is they can be more dynamic straight to the mains usually. But its the synergy and the listening that will tell you. If you are running some power hungry solid state amps it might not work so well? With the low output SET amps I use, and in my experience, generally the dynamics dont suffer and in some cases improve.
I have been corrected by several well tuned ears (audiophiles) by taking my favorite cables out, back to the mains and start with plain kettle chords to give you a base line to work from. Its where I think the Puritan ultimate cable shows its worth but all this is theory unless your system and ears are involved. Or even 2 or more pairs of ears.:)
I used to have a Niagara 3000, then tried the PSM156. I now have the 156 full time. It was considerably better. The Ultimate cables are very good for the money too, even better if you swap out the plugs (especially the IEC end)
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Thanks for your answer! I've bought one that will be deliver in the next weeks and I get curious while I wait.
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Thanks for your answer! I've bought one that will be deliver in the next weeks and I get curious while I wait.

The PSM was noticeably better than the AQ I had been previously running.
The Ultimate cables are very good for the money too, even better if you swap out the plugs (especially the IEC end)
Could you advise which IEC connector you changed to … Presumably you upgraded the 13Amp wall socket end as well ?

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