J.R. Boisclair
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    • J.R. Boisclair
      I claim that VTA and SRA are NOT as sensitive on a degree for degree basis as zenith error correction and azimuth. I see no reason why...
    • J.R. Boisclair
      J.R. Boisclair replied to the thread Using Wally Tools.
      I respond here: Post in thread 'The importance of VTA, SRA and Azimuth - pics'...
    • J.R. Boisclair
      I suggest you review the many studies that were published in the 1960s through 1980s on the subject. You will see that they conclude...
    • J.R. Boisclair
      J.R. Boisclair replied to the thread Using Wally Tools.
      Ooohh!! I learned something! That was auto-magic! Thank you, Mike! Enjoy your new WallyTools. I look forward to your thoughts -...
    • J.R. Boisclair
      J.R. Boisclair replied to the thread Using Wally Tools.
      I don't know how you manage to parse out specific parts from my message to reply to. All I know how to do is hit "Reply" button and...
    • J.R. Boisclair
      J.R. Boisclair replied to the thread Using Wally Tools.
      If you are simply raising/lowering the tonearm, you are changing MANY things at once with the most easily audible changes coming from...
    • J.R. Boisclair
      J.R. Boisclair replied to the thread Analog Magik.
      That is a reasonable question. The answer is STATISTICS. The mastering engineers are aiming at the same angles (with certainty for 45/45...
    • J.R. Boisclair
      J.R. Boisclair replied to the thread Analog Magik.
      Because like most things in mechanical transcription, it isn't ever as simple as it seems. It's a multivariate environment which is why...
    • J.R. Boisclair
      J.R. Boisclair replied to the thread Analog Magik.
      You are on the right path. Keep going!
    • J.R. Boisclair
      J.R. Boisclair replied to the thread Analog Magik.
      I think we’ll have to agree to disagree. The two elements at play here are differences in the arc of travel caused by different...
    • J.R. Boisclair
      J.R. Boisclair replied to the thread Analog Magik.
      The distortion characteristic of VTA vs the cutterhead’s NET vertical modulation angle are not the same as the mechanical distortion...
    • J.R. Boisclair
      J.R. Boisclair replied to the thread Analog Magik.
      The mechanical distortion thrown off by VTA is only present during vertical excursion of the stylus. By “vertical“ I mean any path of...
    • J.R. Boisclair
      J.R. Boisclair replied to the thread Analog Magik.
      If you use a decent scope and follow my instructions on how to control your approach angles (read the WallyScope instructions), you can...
    • J.R. Boisclair
      J.R. Boisclair replied to the thread Analog Magik.
      Gents, a few points that might be helpful to you: 1. The test track for "VTA" is horizontally modulated (if memory serves me correctly)...
    • J.R. Boisclair
      I haven’t done a controlled variable test of this hypothesis. I think it is worth inspecting
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