The best 5 speakers that you have had

Is not it difficult to match subwoofer with CLS?
The Vandersteens do a pretty decent job, they have 3 smaller drivers per sub and are fast. I tried big Velodynes too, but could not make them blend well.
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these are the 5 (OK 6) speakers that have over the years evolved my taste in sound reproduction:

Harbeth Monitor MkII's
Apogee Duetta II's
Martin Logan CLS II's with Entec subs
Wilson Audio Sophia - W/P 7
Tidal Audio Piano Diacera
Tidal Audio Contriva G2
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these are the 5 (OK 6) speakers that have over the years evolved my taste in sound reproduction:

Harbeth Monitor MkII's
Apogee Duetta II's
Martin Logan CLS II's with Entec subs
Wilson Audio Sophia - W/P 7
Tidal Audio Piano Diacera
Tidal Audio Contriva G2
Tidal Audio speaker sounds very refined.
Here's my list of speakers I have not owned in no particular order:

- Pipe Dreams line arrays
-Magnapan 20.1's
-Edgar Horn Titans
-Tannoy Autograph Professionals
-Tannoy Westminster's
Tannoy speaker is pretty popular in Korea and Japan.

But it is hard to see them in US.

They sounds pretty like vintage speakers.
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Like some here, have not had more than 5:

- Celestion SL6si
- Sonus Faber Guarneri (original)
- Sonus Faber Stradivari
- Wilson X1/Grand SLAMM
- Wilson Alexandria XLF

Given the common theme around Apogees, I can say there was a moment when I was extremely close to getting a 2nd hand pair of Apogee Stages. Probably the only speaker I was serious about. Just a magnificent speaker, particularly for the 2nd hand price at that time.

The only other was 2 different times when I seriously contemplated the Rockport Arrakis.
Is it not that diffficult to drive Wilson Alexandria XLF?

Does it need lot of breathing space?

By the way Michael Fraemer is using that speaker in rather tiny space. ;)
Like some here, have not had more than 5:

- Celestion SL6si
- Sonus Faber Guarneri (original)
- Sonus Faber Stradivari
- Wilson X1/Grand SLAMM
- Wilson Alexandria XLF

Given the common theme around Apogees, I can say there was a moment when I was extremely close to getting a 2nd hand pair of Apogee Stages. Probably the only speaker I was serious about. Just a magnificent speaker, particularly for the 2nd hand price at that time.

The only other was 2 different times when I seriously contemplated the Rockport Arrakis.
Until Apogee went under you weren’t a “real” audiophile until you owned Apogee… ;)

Interestingly, a rather large % of reviewers owned them in the day. Probably the reviews were better then…

I would say it is still one of the finest speakers one can own to get a complete musical experience.
I have never heard a Diva that I would have preferred over the Scinnies with Lamms.
A friend had Scintillas back in the day in a classic pairing with Krells… one of the few speakers I regret not buying :( I don’t know what I was thinking :rolleyes:
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Martin Logan CLS 1 with 2 Vandersteen subs, driven by Primare 928 monos.
Martin Logan Statement E2 driven by 2 Krell FPB 600 C
MBL 101 E with Martin Logan Statement E2 sub-woofer towers, driven by MBL 9011 amps.
Back to full set of Martin Logan Statement E2 driven by MBL 9011 amps.
Honorable mention to my most used speakers, a pair of very smooth and forgiving Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors with Vandersteen subs, driven by Primare 928 monos, playing TV sound trough a OPPO. All speakers are still around ! :rolleyes:
Nice! Also cracks me up Milan… a touch of old school gear hoarding is bit of a shared issue… I’m feeling a bit better now :)
I have never heard a Diva that I would have preferred over the Scinnies with Lamms.

Florian said the same thing. but I have heard another scintilla that sounded quite poor compared to yours.
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I have never heard a Diva that I would have preferred over the Scinnies with Lamms.
Sigh… some serious scintillating with Lamm, that sounds delish!!
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Apogee Caliper must sound good in moderate sized room.

I really enjoyed my Duetta Sig.

I let it go since I want to have sub bass, but I should not.
Upper bass was good, but they didn't go down any further. I was powering them with EAR 519tube amps - fantistic sound!
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Upper bass was good, but they didn't go down any further. I was powering them with EAR 519tube amps - fantistic sound!
I was getting flat to 30hz in my room with my Caliper Sigantures...could have a lot to do with the fact I have concrete block walls.
Martin Logan CLS 1 with 2 Vandersteen subs, driven by Primare 928 monos.
Martin Logan Statement E2 driven by 2 Krell FPB 600 C
MBL 101 E with Martin Logan Statement E2 sub-woofer towers, driven by MBL 9011 amps.
Back to full set of Martin Logan Statement E2 driven by MBL 9011 amps.
Honorable mention to my most used speakers, a pair of very smooth and forgiving Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors with Vandersteen subs, driven by Primare 928 monos, playing TV sound trough a OPPO. All speakers are still around ! :rolleyes:
Which system are you playing atm?
MBL omnis or your new old love the ML Statements?
A friend had Scintillas back in the day in a classic pairing with Krells… one of the few speakers I regret not buying :( I don’t know what I was thinking :rolleyes:
It's never too late for a happy childhood :D
AND you even got a territorial advantage in hifi for once as Graz resides on the Goldcoast in OZ ;)
But avoid the Krells and go for Lamms M 1.x instead :p
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Florian said the same thing. but I have heard another scintilla that sounded quite poor compared to yours.
It really depends a LOT on who overhauls the Apogees ;)
But unfortunately still no Diva joy for me until now :oops:
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Florian said the same thing. but I have heard another scintilla that sounded quite poor compared to yours.
What amps were used?
For the CLS I used a pair of Janis W3. You really need to crossover at a 100hz which is out of the subwoofer range. Good for me that the Janis had a mandatory crossover of 100hz. The speaker was available separately and yo could use your own crossover amp.
The truth is the CLS was quite the snob. Mating anything with it was difficult.
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Tidal speakers just look to good for me. They look like they need to be in an immaculate condo overlooking a beach, not a spec of dust anywhere, white carpet, you know. tidal speakers look like the first plan when building a house, everything has to revolve around them. Even tho' I could afford a pair I could never afford to do them justice.
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  • Haha
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