Spec Corp Jp GMP-8000 tt

Dave, thanks
But I'm not in the hunt right now
Looking at 2 yrs maybe?
I want to see where my current rig maxxed out w bespoke PSUs and Stacore goes
If 12 months down the road I feel I'm genuinely missing out on a more high end listening experience, my eye will wander.
I suspect the Bergmann is not for me from what I've gleaned about its sound.
I'm gathering a lot of supposedly high end tts at exhorbitant prices have fairly undercooked motors, and Bergmann might fit into this category.
I know for certain Kuzma doesn't fail here, neither does my tt, and the Spec motor looks v promising.
(...) I actually have less and less interest in tts packed with innovative tech like the Kronos, Dohmann and AF.


IMHO you should go DIY - if I ever decide to improve on my Forsell I will probably go this direction. But surely not before I retire!

Unfortunately due to the miserable photobucket blackmail the pictures of the great thread on the EMT 927 re-built are not accessible - DIY people could learn a lot from it, it had contributions of JP van Vliet, the master EMT re-builder from The Netherlands.

On a sad note, I also noticed recently that JackD photos of the building of his room are also gone ...
Was in PM contact w him today, he seems ok.

IMHO you should go DIY - if I ever decide to improve on my Forsell I will probably go this direction. But surely not before I retire!

Unfortunately due to the miserable photobucket blackmail the pictures of the great thread on the EMT 927 re-built are not accessible - DIY people could learn a lot from it, it had contributions of JP van Vliet, the master EMT re-builder from The Netherlands.

On a sad note, I also noticed recently that JackD photos of the building of his room are also gone ...

Really? I haven't checked photo bucket in ages. Must investigate!
Micro, do you mean Jaap Pees of hanze hifi when you say JP?
Guys, I'm not sure this is a current production model.
And I'm not convinced by the counter rotating platter thing.
I'm looking for simple engineering taken to a high level, and the Spec floats my boat more there.
Also, I can't see any addressing of vibration isolation in the 47Labs tt.

1. It is
2. Counter rotational gives you more of the DD impact you want
3. 47 Labs *entire* theory is simple is more (see the old Gaincard)

as for vibration control, this is a very different design and from the designer:

"the conventional wisdom to control turntable's vibration/resonance is to damp and/or isolate the resonance by the use of suspensions, damping materials, heavy mass loading, etc. While those techniques are effective in certain ways, it is impossible to fully control the resonance, and it often comes with serious side effects. I'm taking an opposite route. Let the resonance and vibrations run freely between the component and the environment but simplify its route and the mode. That is why the plinth is directly coupled to the main feet. Ideally, it should stand only on this one foot like a rotating tap ('Koma' in Japanese), thus eliminating the twisting force created between the rotating platter and feet placed outside of the dead center of the spindle.
For this method to be most effective, the component should be rigidly coupled to the environment. We recommend a hard/solid platform and a shelf with rigid structure to set Koma on."

so feel free to spin your wheels on the vibration side, but this TT is designed so you don't need pricy active platforms, etc. I would email our mutual friend 213Cobra and he can give you a better idea (since he owns 2 Luxman 444s since 1979 and a Garrard 401 currently)

honestly, you've started a zillion threads on analog, vibration, etc. and you have the worst analysis paralysis Spirit! just make a decision and be done.
Hey Keith, I do ok on decision making.
In two decades I've evolved to rim drive, air arm, Straingauge cart, obscure French cdp, tubes (and Serbian tubes to boot), and two rounds of non standard spkrs, plus fairly bold decisions on room, power, isolation.
My threads are often thought expts, sounding boards, to get people's views, which I then sift thru and take what I want.
If you want to accuse anyone of analysis paralysis, how about our mutual friend travelling around the world listening to systems .
We can't all be Mike Lavigne, who buys the best stuff and then reports on it.
Btw, found an old Fremer review of the Koma in which he basically panned it for being noisy.
It looks like the very solution they've taken to deal w resonances have just added to the problem.
FWIW, I have an analog front end that performs really well and above its price point, but I'm aware of some of its shortcomings. And the next 6-12 months will tell me if on balance its attributes are sufficiently positive for me to want to stay, or if my mind starts to drift...
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Hey Keith, I do ok on decision making.
In two decades I've evolved to rim drive, air arm, Straingauge cart, obscure French cdp, tubes (and Serbian tubes to boot), and two rounds of non standard spkrs, plus fairly bold decisions on room, power, isolation.
My threads are often thought expts, sounding boards, to get people's views, which I then sift thru and take what I want
If you want to accuse anyone of analysis paralysis, how about our mutual friend travelling around the world listening to systems.
We can't all be Mike Lavigne, who buys the best stuff and then reports on it.
Btw, found an old Fremer review of the Koma in which he basically panned it for being noisy.
It looks like the very solution they've taken to deal w resonances have just added to the problem.

Sorry to disappoint you, I have no analysis paralysis. I travel coz that is my hobby.
I am going through stuff, not wondering about stuff I haven't heard and how it will compare to other stuff I haven't heard and dismiss stuff I haven't heard. I have closed on my digital, I have two speakers I have decided on depending on my next room with clear favorites, I have a short list among the amps I have heard to try at home.

Analog is vast and I am wading through it, there is no definite answer. So please keep me out of this thanks.
Of course, Ked, no problem.
The truth with analog is that there isn't one TT or cart or arm or phono. Ideally you need a minimum of 5 each. Tang is still short two TTs. So you might as well add any of the good ones that make you feel good either through looks or design principle etc. Just keep the bad ones out.
The truth with analog is that there isn't one TT or cart or arm or phono. Ideally you need a minimum of 5 each. Tang is still short two TTs. So you might as well add any of the good ones that make you feel good either through looks or design principle etc. Just keep the bad ones out.

Hey..Leave me out of this....and I am only one short :D.

The truth with analog is that there isn't one TT or cart or arm or phono. Ideally you need a minimum of 5 each. Tang is still short two TTs. So you might as well add any of the good ones that make you feel good either through looks or design principle etc. Just keep the bad ones out.

I think we all might view that differently.

I've owned 4 tt's, 6 arms and 8-9 cartridges, I've owned 6 RTR decks.

that approach was not for me. but I understand that for some it's the essence of the hobby.

my approach is more to have the best possible digital, the best possible vinyl, the best possible tape, and the best possible system. and still be married.

so 'collections' are out.

YMMV. for sure.

we will see if I get to 4 arms with the AS. I suppose I likely will.
Hey..Leave me out of this....and I am only one short :D.


Kronos, AF1, EMT, which one have I missed? You ordered the AS?
Btw, found an old Fremer review of the Koma in which he basically panned it for being noisy.
It looks like the very solution they've taken to deal w resonances have just added to the problem.

If you have the review, please forward to me - I'd enjoy reading it.

Like I said before, I'm not an obscure brand guy these days - and am waiting for Technics (and am a former DJ, so sentimental as well). I am a bit surprised you like the Kuzma - it doesn't seem your typical sound as it tilts more left brain.
I do like its authoritativeness a lot, and that's Bill's model below the Stabi M.
I'm not totally sure it's for me, but I can applaud its directness and heft.
For me leaving belt drive and pivoted arm has introduced rhythmic propulsion with precision, but maybe at the expense of absolute transparency and low noise floor.
That's why I want to see how I fare w my modded tt/arm, on the Stacore, in the new acoustic.
In a lot of ways, my vastly impvd digital is going to be more my comparison point than other analog, so analog like is my digital sounding at the moment.
If I truly feel in 6-12 months time my vinyl is hitting a bottleneck in terms of the things I'm already aware it's not stellar at, I'll look to things like the Spec, which my hunch tells me should have quite a bit of idler-like propulsion w all the things that are good in the best belt/string drives, ie natural warmth, decay, trails, shimmer, inner beauty etc.
I think we all might view that differently.

I've owned 4 tt's, 6 arms and 8-9 cartridges, I've owned 6 RTR decks.

that approach was not for me. but I understand that for some it's the essence of the hobby.

my approach is more to have the best possible digital, the best possible vinyl, the best possible tape, and the best possible system. and still be married.

so 'collections' are out.

YMMV. for sure.

we will see if I get to 4 arms with the AS. I suppose I likely will.

Mike, the point I am making is that there isn't a best cartridge. You can set up GFS, Airtight, Zyx, Neumann, etc in such a way that the arm + cart + phono combo is the best, or one can screw it up. In your case one arm + cart combo is better than the other, and your GFS set up is possibly the best across all. But you can also set them up to have different flavors for different genres and LPs rather than one better than the other. The only way to know which is best is to have different possible combos of similar levels set up by the same person in the same system. In which case you need a minimum of each. Maybe you should get the SAT and the Airtangent :)
Mike might want to also look at the Primary Control FCL, the world's first field coil powered tonearm.
Oops, spending Mrs. Lavigne's husband's cash again. It's a sickness .
Mike, the point I am making is that there isn't a best cartridge.

agree. there might be 10 or more cartridges that could be the best one, depending. pick one and enjoy it.

You can set up GFS, Airtight, Zyx, Neumann, etc in such a way that the arm + cart + phono combo is the best, or one can screw it up. In your case one arm + cart combo is better than the other, and your GFS set up is possibly the best across all. But you can also set them up to have different flavors for different genres and LPs rather than one better than the other. The only way to know which is best is to have different possible combos of similar levels set up by the same person in the same system. In which case you need a minimum of each. Maybe you should get the SAT and the Airtangent :)

I do understand your point, but it's not how I've done it, even when I had 6 arms and 4 tt's. I tended to just listen to my single favorite stereo arm/cartridge, and one mono set-up. and not think too much about what might be better on this pressing or that pressing. I enjoy it and learn when you write about approaching the vinyl in your more multiple choice way, and I see how that could be interesting. who knows, I might evolve to that way too at some point.

with 4 arms on the AS I might try for two or three top level stereo viewpoints, although I don't feel driven to do it. it just might work out that way. but if I get any linear tracker, it would be a pivoting one.....and I have no plans to actually do that. but again, it might work out that way. having lived with the Rockport linear tracker for 8 years, I do feel I know how that works. I'm not really thinking seriously beyond my 2 current arms right now. I'm trying to just enjoy where I'm at (which all around is really, really good), and fund my pending AS.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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