Schroder LT x Kuzma 4 point x Graham Elite x SME V-12

Which of these tonearms is the best?

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Dec 28, 2013
I am considering buying one of these four tonearms: Schroder Linear Tracking x Kuzma 4 point x Graham Phantom Elite x SME V-12

Regarding the ones that you actually heard in your own system or have been able to hear and fairly compare in another system, how would rank them (1- being the best, then 2, 3, and 4)? Why (pros/cons)?

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I will have much appreciation for anyone who has heard these 4 tonearms in their own systems

Don't think it will happen thou :D

Just to clarify, if someone has heard two of them, this person would rank only the two he/she has heard. If someone has heard three, this person would rank only those three that were heard.

I agree with you that it is unlikely that someone has heard all four.

I don't think many people have the experience to compare more than two of these. Albert Porter owns two SME V-12s, had the Kuzma in his system, had a Supreme, not Elite in his system and has two great friends who each own the Schroder in systems that Albert knows well. You could start by contacting him privately by visiting his website.

Do you have a cartridge in mind? There could be particular combinations which may work better than others.

I'm curious why you don't include a Durand or the Axiom. The latter seems pretty interesting to me.
As far as I know Altanpsx used to have Kuzma 4point with his Clearaudio tt. He sold it and bought Graham Elite. You can ask him. He has been very happy with Elite.
I own the LT and have heard the V-12 extensively, although in friends systems. They are both great arms, I am not sure you can say a best here. System matching will likely yield the "best"
Fremer reviewed Phantom Supreme and the 4 point a few years ago and compared them in the same review. The were neck and neck...both very neutral. The Elite is better (more resolving) than the Supreme. The new bearing design is more precision and you can feel it between both arms when cueing from the runout groove back to rest. The Elite floats like it's on air. The wiring is also of higher quality in the Elite. I have a Supreme 12" and Elite 10" on the same table.
I don't think many people have the experience to compare more than two of these. Albert Porter owns two SME V-12s, had the Kuzma in his system, had a Supreme, not Elite in his system and has two great friends who each own the Schroder in systems that Albert knows well. You could start by contacting him privately by visiting his website.

Do you have a cartridge in mind? There could be particular combinations which may work better than others.

I'm curious why you don't include a Durand or the Axiom. The latter seems pretty interesting to me.

Hello Peter,

Thanks for you comments.

For cartridge, right now I am leaning towards the Air Tight PC1 Supreme. I have been told it works very well with the SME V-12, and I am trying to find someone who tried it with the Schroder LT and the other two arms, to know if it is a good match.

I did not include the Durand Telos because I am not willing to pay that price. Regarding Axiom, I never heard much about it.


Fremer reviewed Phantom Supreme and the 4 point a few years ago and compared them in the same review. The were neck and neck...both very neutral. The Elite is better (more resolving) than the Supreme. The new bearing design is more precision and you can feel it between both arms when cueing from the runout groove back to rest. The Elite floats like it's on air. The wiring is also of higher quality in the Elite. I have a Supreme 12" and Elite 10" on the same table.

Hello Christian,

I read the comparisons of the Phantom Supreme with the Kuzma 4 Point. I seems the Kuzma 4 Point is slightly better. I have not seen a direct comparison between the Kuzma 4 Point (or Shroder LT, or SME V-12) and the new Phantom Elite.


I own the LT and have heard the V-12 extensively, although in friends systems. They are both great arms, I am not sure you can say a best here. System matching will likely yield the "best"

Hello Jfrech,

My impression from reading yours and several threads were you posted (here and at Audiogon) was that you really like the Schroder LT a lot. I was surprised to read now that you think it is difficult to say which one is best, that it depends on system matching.

Would you mind sharing your views of how they compare, for example in terms of bottom end extension, midrange body, detail, dynamics, air, top extension?


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VPN, Another person you might try to contact is Andre Jennings, aka Dre_J. He is a cartridge/tonearm set up guy of the highest caliber. I just sent him my MINT protractor to help him align a PC-1 Supreme on a V-12 and SME 30/12 for someone. He may have extensive experience with some of these arms. If JV has reviewed any of them for TAS, Andre has done the set up. He has also written about set up procedures in TAS. You could do an online search.

I agree with Jfrech, system matching and preference may play the most important role in deciding between these arm/cartridge combinations. They are all top tier arms. IMO, the LT is most interesting because of the novel pivot/tracking mechanism, but I have not heard it. I don't know how much less tracking distortion there is compared to a longer 12" arm, but it is probably audible. On the other hand, other designs may or may not deal with vibrations and energy drainage better. Some people have biases toward uni pivot vs gimbal designs. The Kuzma is also a rather novel design. The SME and Graham are the latest evolutions, and the best iterations, of very successful long term designs.

All of the arms are from well established designers. Other factors to consider are ease and quality of service and reliability. Finally, ease of adjustability may be important. The Kuzma and Graham have nice offset VTA towers for easy SRA adjustments.
Are the current polling results based on what the participants own or on the comparisons they have made between the various arms? Have the three members who have thus far voted, actually heard more than one of the arms in his system or at least compared the arms in another fixed system? If not, I don't see how the results have much meaning.

It is not based on what a participant owns, but which one is the best among those he has heard.

If anyone actually heard at least two of these tonearms (in his system or elsewhere) and believes he can fairly compare them, this person should vote for the tonearm he prefers.


Are the current polling results based on what the participants own or on the comparisons they have made between the various arms? Have the three members who have thus far voted, actually heard more than one of the arms in his system or at least compared the arms in another fixed system? If not, I don't see how the results have much meaning.

I didn't vote...just pontificated ;)
VPN, Another person you might try to contact is Andre Jennings, aka Dre_J. He is a cartridge/tonearm set up guy of the highest caliber. I just sent him my MINT protractor to help him align a PC-1 Supreme on a V-12 and SME 30/12 for someone. He may have extensive experience with some of these arms. If JV has reviewed any of them for TAS, Andre has done the set up. He has also written about set up procedures in TAS. You could do an online search.

I agree with Jfrech, system matching and preference may play the most important role in deciding between these arm/cartridge combinations. They are all top tier arms. IMO, the LT is most interesting because of the novel pivot/tracking mechanism, but I have not heard it. I don't know how much less tracking distortion there is compared to a longer 12" arm, but it is probably audible. On the other hand, other designs may or may not deal with vibrations and energy drainage better. Some people have biases toward uni pivot vs gimbal designs. The Kuzma is also a rather novel design. The SME and Graham are the latest evolutions, and the best iterations, of very successful long term designs.

All of the arms are from well established designers. Other factors to consider are ease and quality of service and reliability. Finally, ease of adjustability may be important. The Kuzma and Graham have nice offset VTA towers for easy SRA adjustments.

This is just PURE conjecture. So with that caveat, I suspect the LT is the best at tracing distortion. I sit amazed at the clarity I now get at the beginning and end of well as everything in between. Now I suspect the SME arm is much better at vibration control/energy drainage (I still remember my SME IV.Vi). Both of these traights are important ...
This is just PURE conjecture. So with that caveat, I suspect the LT is the best at tracing distortion. I sit amazed at the clarity I now get at the beginning and end of well as everything in between. Now I suspect the SME arm is much better at vibration control/energy drainage (I still remember my SME IV.Vi). Both of these traights are important ...

What would be the sonic impact of better vibration control/energy drainade?
Hello Christian,

I read the comparisons of the Phantom Supreme with the Kuzma 4 Point. I seems the Kuzma 4 Point is slightly better. I have not seen a direct comparison between the Kuzma 4 Point (or Shroder LT, or SME V-12) and the new Phantom Elite.



I've heard both arms in Hi-End resolving systems--the Kuzma is definitely better in nearly all sonic parameters-- that would be my choice-equal with the superb Schroder-the SME just faltering slightly---

the Graham would bring up the rear

What would be the sonic impact of better vibration control/energy drainade?

Lower distortion...better clarity ...
I've heard both arms in Hi-End resolving systems--the Kuzma is definitely better in nearly all sonic parameters-- that would be my choice-equal with the superb Schroder-the SME just faltering slightly---

the Graham would bring up the rear



Thank you! I may be mistaken, but I understood you heard both the Kuzma 4 Point and the Graham Elite and you preferred the Kuzma 4 Point in nearly all sonic parameters. This is useful info.

Did you hear the Schroder LT? If you did, what would be its positives and negatives vs the Kuzma 4 Point?

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