Sablon power cords

Sablon Audio

Industry Expert, VIP Donor
May 22, 2015
There’s a well known audiophile saying about how good sound starts at the wall and I was always fascinated by power cords long before I started making my own. I literally went through dozens of different models using a variety of materials and topologies. Over time, it became clearer how the different design choices worked sonically and, equally, how they could be improved upon.

All of my power cord models share a common design based around the same UL certified conductor but are offered at different price points using different plug-sets. As this conductor is extremely transparent sounding, you will hear clearly the differences between plugs, even the most expensive options. This isn’t however a casual exercise in upselling and I will happily advise prospective customers if a cheaper option better suits their system.

Since different brands of plugs have differing wire capacity, I always take advantage of the opportunity to use a larger gauge as I find this to improve both transparency and dynamic scale. As such, this modular approach allows customers to easily upgrade / trade up the model range for the difference in list price. Here are the models in Miss World order.....

Reserva - uses 7awg per phase together with the Oyaide 004 plugset. A solid performer despite being the entry level model and a good allrounder for all types of equipment.

Reserva Elite - as above but now using the Furutech NCF plugset which allows 6awg. These plugs give a large drop in noisefloor with big gains in detail and dynamics. The soundstage is much more open and imaging placement tightens with pin-point accuracy. The linear presentation works very well with tube and warmer sounding solid state gear.

Prince Sablon - this is an evolution of the Elite model above but adopting the Bocchino silver plated iec in combination with the existing NCF mains plug. Although this initially sounds like a simple change, the sonic gains are disproportionately impressive. The noisefloor drops even further and the presentation gains significant dynamic authority and tonal (dare I say it ‘analoguey’) density. This is also another good allrounder and my most popular power cord. Those with vinyl and tube based systems may care to consider selecting the platinum plated Bocchino iec, which gives yet more transparency with a similar linear voicing to the Elite model.

King Sablon - this is my flagship featuring the full Bocchino plugset and 5awg of wire. I’ll be the first to admit that it isn’t for everyone, not least of all since the Bocchino mains plug is simply huge, 50% larger than the already chunky iec, and spills over adjacent outlets in mains conditioners / distribution blocks. If you have the real estate to accommodate this, then you can expect further gains over the Prince model in transparency and dynamics. My standard fitment on this model is to use a mix of silver and platinum plated Bocchino plugs, a sublime combination imho which gives a more balanced and transparent performance than the earlier all silver example featured in the Hong Kong thread, however all platinum plated is also available to order.

Here’s a photo to help visualise the difference in plug sizes.
Some kind words from Jay of AudioBacon on my NCF terminated Elite which he had a listen to a year ago. Is a shame we weren’t able to schedule time for him to evaluate the more recent Bocchino plugged Prince and King Sablon models as they really hit the performance out of the park in both technical and emotional prowess.

Sablon Audio has a house sound. And this sound also translates to their power cords. It is one of neutrality, transparency, resolution, and body. Music is fleshed out and articulated smoothly.
What it does best is melodic insight. You get a sense of the emotional state of the singers. Not in an analytical sense but an effortless and translucent way. It’s also able to localize pieces in the song with crisp solidity. Pick out your favorite orchestral piece, and enjoy the realistic soundstage and the talent that resides in it.
One of a pair King Sablon cords ordered by a Taiko Extreme owner who evidently enjoyed his Prince Sablon demo last weekend. This model shares the same build and custom order silver Bocchino iec but also adds an extra awg of conductor area and replaces the NCF mains plug with a platinum plated Bocchino USA (only.....) plug for a significant step up in transparency and authority. Only for those with plenty of space around their outlets though!


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Have been running in the king sablon for the past 4-5 days.

The characteristic of the cable which i really like is 'analog' sounding with weight and body. The liquidity of music flow is very nice. Compared to prince, king delivers better dynamic and transparency. But the 'house sound' remains the same. Yes, the IEC is big and it occupies the neighbouring outlet.

Thanks to zenwave, i also have PSR-14 for demo. It is transparent, clean, resolving and details. Sablon has more weight and smoother. The choices will rely on personal preference and the pairing gears. I am pretty sensitive to sibilance. My preference is towards more bodied and analog sounding without fatigue on prolonged listening. PSR-14 causes some listening fatigue to me on Carmel2 when played loud and long duration.

Some photos:
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Have been running in the king sablon for the past 4-5 days.

The characteristic of the cable which i really like is 'analog' sounding with weight and body. The liquidity of music flow is very nice. Compared to prince, king delivers better dynamic and transparency. But the 'house sound' remains the same. Yes, the IEC is big and it occupies the neighbouring outlet.

Thanks to zenwave, i also have PSR-14 for demo. It is transparent, clean, resolving and details. Sablon has more weight and smoother. The choices will rely on personal preference and the pairing gears. I am pretty sensitive to sibilance. My preference is towards more bodied and analog sounding without fatigue on prolonged listening. PSR-14 causes some listening fatigue to me on Carmel2 when played loud and long duration.

Some photos:
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I think my PSR-14 is unforgiving but not the cause of any listening fatigue, the absence of fatiguing artifacts is one of my main design priorities so I'm very careful about this, and this is the only reason I'm posting this message...
As a general rule, I tend to use a default voicing one step behind ultimate resolution so that there is a degree of forgiveness which suits the majority of users. For those wanting maximum resolution, then there are further tuning options in terms of both build and plugs. This won’t however become fatiguing and will remain liquid but will trade some density.
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Just ordered a Prince, and Elite plus with NCF termination for my holiday present to me. Can't wait to install, and wait for anticipated improvement. Already own one Sablon Elite Cord, glad to be moving on in the family. Dealing with Mark is always pleasant.
all the best,
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The Bocchino Elites are the Daddy of power cords. I guess that means you're moving in the family Lol.
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I recently purchased a used Gran Corona and it was a huge step up for my DAC.
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Another day, another King Cord for another Extreme owner, this time finished in black techflex. This order was placed immediately after he took my Prince demo cord out of his system and reinstated his previous >$20k reference cord. No names, no pack drill...

Anyhow, I presently have two demo cords in circulation in USA so feel free to drop me a message / email if you want to get on the audition list. Maybe you too can get better sound whilst taking some cost out of your system.

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Anyhow, I presently have two demo cords in circulation in USA so feel free to drop me a message / email if you want to get on the audition list. Maybe you too can get better sound whilst taking some cost out of your system.

I took advantage of Mark's very generous circulating demo to listen to a Sablon Prince in my system over the past week, and I'm very happy I did. The Prince is a very impressive power cord -- full-bodied, articulate, great tonal saturation, and very powerful and realistic bass. I tried it on a variety of components in my system and it acquits itself well in any application, analog, digital or mixed, as in a DAC.

I found it to work particularly well with my Taiko Audio SGM Extreme server. So much so that when time came to send the demo cord to the next person in the queue I had to order one of my own right away. Not inexpensive, but I found its performance more than held its own against more expensive power cords.

Steve Z
Definitely, happy user of both prince and king power cable here
I took advantage of Mark's very generous circulating demo to listen to a Sablon Prince in my system over the past week, and I'm very happy I did. The Prince is a very impressive power cord -- full-bodied, articulate, great tonal saturation, and very powerful and realistic bass. I tried it on a variety of components in my system and it acquits itself well in any application, analog, digital or mixed, as in a DAC.

I found it to work particularly well with my Taiko Audio SGM Extreme server. So much so that when time came to send the demo cord to the next person in the queue I had to order one of my own right away. Not inexpensive, but I found its performance more than held its own against more expensive power cords.

Steve Z
Steve, while you were putting me right on streaming, I'm sure I recommended Mark's cbls and esp pwr cords...I told you they were good. Fwiw, half a decade of system stress and going around in circles started to be sorted by that first pwr cord demo, Mark's older QGC. Little did I know then how critical Sablon would be to the total result I have today.
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Thanks, Marc. You are right on the mark. The Sablon cables are pretty special.

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Mark, I'll take the closer row, second from the left, and the top row far right for my King ;)

Very excited to hear the King when it gets to this side of the pond!!

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