Retip or upgrade Ortofon SPU Synergy?


Jan 16, 2022
I’ve been using and enjoying an Ortofon SPU Synergy for a couple years. Now that the needle is worn, I went back to my Denon 103 with a Midas body – though now retipped with a line contact needle. I think I like the change – more detail and tracks some modern reissues better. However, it’s hard to remember what the SPU sounded like when it was new, but it seemed like a major step up from the 103 at the time.

I listen primarily to vintage records across all decades, with a focus on the late 60s and early 70s. I do have a handful of modern reissues and more recent releases. I think I’m looking for something that blends the best of a vintage sound and a modern sound, if that exists, as well as something that has simpatico with the rest of my system.

Here are my ideas:
  • Retip the SPU Synergy with the same elliptical needle
  • Retip the Synergy with a line contact by Soundsmith or similar
  • Stick with an SPU but try a Royal GM MKii – not crazy about the low output and need for a SUT
  • Try someone new: EMT JSD 6
  • Or Charisma Audio Signature One cartridge
I’m open to other ideas but hoping to not get lost in considering options. I'm leaning to something new, but perhaps a retip with a different needle profile is the best place to start. Thanks.
It certainly can make sense to retip due to the relatively low cost added to what you already have :)

If you decide to jump into a new cart, and perhaps new sonic territory, the Schick arm has a great synergy with fellow Berliner, cartridge maker Tedeska*, in either 'spu type' fixed body or 1/2" type to use with a headshell, for another idea that aligns very well with your " blends the best of a vintage sound and a modern sound " concept.

*disclosure : Solypsa represents Tedeska in USA
Ortofon optimised the suspension / dampers for the elliptical stylus, so gluing on a different stylus will change things ... maybe worse, maybe better ...

I've had many SPUs, including the recent Anniversary editions, and the Synergy remains my favourite of the modern SPUs, so if it were me I'd go for the factory re-build and just enjoy it for what it is.
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The SPU Royal would seem to be the answer, I have the N variant. The replicant 100 stylus worked well on worn records,, even discs that were ex lending library come through very well. You do need fine control of rake angle so fine screw adjustment of VTA and VTF is an advantage but it doesn’t have to be on the fly if you have patience when finalising the setting by ear. It doesn’t want more than a 1:20 SUT because of it’s higher internal impedance than most SPUs or so I’ve read, I’ve had good enough results with a Naim superline active MC stage (loading with 220?) that I haven’t explored SUTs with mine.
Ortofon optimised the suspension / dampers for the elliptical stylus, so gluing on a different stylus will change things ... maybe worse, maybe better ...

I've had many SPUs, including the recent Anniversary editions, and the Synergy remains my favourite of the modern SPUs, so if it were me I'd go for the factory re-build and just enjoy it for what it is.
What specifically do you prefer in the Synergy over any of the anniversary models?
Ortofon optimised the suspension / dampers for the elliptical stylus, so gluing on a different stylus will change things ... maybe worse, maybe better ...

I've had many SPUs, including the recent Anniversary editions, and the Synergy remains my favourite of the modern SPUs, so if it were me I'd go for the factory re-build and just enjoy it for what it is.
That makes sense. Since you have tried so many SPUs, if I was going to pivot to something else, any suggestions?
The SPU Royal would seem to be the answer, I have the N variant. The replicant 100 stylus worked well on worn records,, even discs that were ex lending library come through very well. You do need fine control of rake angle so fine screw adjustment of VTA and VTF is an advantage but it doesn’t have to be on the fly if you have patience when finalising the setting by ear. It doesn’t want more than a 1:20 SUT because of it’s higher internal impedance than most SPUs or so I’ve read, I’ve had good enough results with a Naim superline active MC stage (loading with 220?) that I haven’t explored SUTs with mine.
I would like to try a Royal -- the Schick's do not have that kind of fine adjustment though. How much gain do you have in your Naim?
I would like to try a Royal -- the Schick's do not have that kind of fine adjustment though. How much gain do you have in your Naim?
The superline has 64dB gain.
What specifically do you prefer in the Synergy over any of the anniversary models?
Better tonal density (e.g. pianos), and higher output.
That makes sense. Since you have tried so many SPUs, if I was going to pivot to something else, any suggestions?
A95 is a half-way house between SPU and 'normal' lomc carts. I used it as my daily runner for over a year.
Any thoughts on the Charisma Audio Signature One?
Any thoughts on the Charisma Audio Signature One?
I own one and love it. I recently put it back in the system and was surprised. It sounded better than I remember!
I have never been disappointed by a re-tip, but I might be subject to exactly the same thing that the OP experienced in going back to a Denon: a change is often initially experienced as 'better.' I find that extended experience after a change is a more reliable guide—do I choose to listen to music rather than undertaking other activities? If I do, and the behaviour persists, I take that as a sign that the change I made was a good one. Fortunately, there is no need to rush, so if you keep on listening more often and with more pleasure for a few weeks, then maybe sticking with the SPU is not the best plan. But if you find yourself reading, watching movies or doing anything other than listening, perhaps the SPU would bring you back to the music.

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