New amp / Advice


Nov 2, 2021
Hello everyone. My system is composed as follows:

. Analog Source: EAT Forte S Turntable, F Note 12 MKii tonearm and JO No. 8 cartridge.

· Digital Source: Rossini dac 2.0, Rossini Master Clock, Rossini Transport.

· Preamp: Audio Research Reference 6.

· Amp: Audio Research Reference 250 SE mono blocks.

· Phono Preamp: D’Agostino Momentum Phono Stage.

· Speakers: Wilson Audio Sasha DAW.

· Cables: Transparent Audio XL and Transparent Audio Isolator.

· Headphone Amp: Carbon KKGSHV.

· Headphones: Stax 009s and Audeze CRBN.

· Music Server: Nucleus Roon Plus.

· IsoAcoustic isolation feet below each component (including Gaia under the speakers, which are on marble slants).

· Solid Steel Hi-fi Rack.

I like my current system, but I am wondering whether I should replace my ARC monoblocks with an SS amp in order to improve speed and resolution, while maintaining separation, air, spaciousness and soundstage. In this regard I’d probably keep my Ref 6 preamp. On the other hand, I am conscious that there is a synergy between electronics of the same brand.

Here are my current options:

- Gryphon Essence Monos
- Boulder 2160
- Pass Labs xp160.8
- Dagostino Momentum 400 monos or 250 Stereo
- Nagra HD

What would you recommend?

I’m also considering whether adding one or two subwoofers would improve SQ.

Thanks in advance.
OTL Will give you Speed and Transparency, even SS Amps; most of the time cant match.
Hello everyone. My system is composed as follows:

. Analog Source: EAT Forte S Turntable, F Note 12 MKii tonearm and JO No. 8 cartridge.

· Digital Source: Rossini dac 2.0, Rossini Master Clock, Rossini Transport.

· Preamp: Audio Research Reference 6.

· Amp: Audio Research Reference 250 SE mono blocks.

· Phono Preamp: D’Agostino Momentum Phono Stage.

· Speakers: Wilson Audio Sasha DAW.

· Cables: Transparent Audio XL and Transparent Audio Isolator.

· Headphone Amp: Carbon KKGSHV.

· Headphones: Stax 009s and Audeze CRBN.

· Music Server: Nucleus Roon Plus.

· IsoAcoustic isolation feet below each component (including Gaia under the speakers, which are on marble slants).

· Solid Steel Hi-fi Rack.

I like my current system, but I am wondering whether I should replace my ARC monoblocks with an SS amp in order to improve speed and resolution, while maintaining separation, air, spaciousness and soundstage. In this regard I’d probably keep my Ref 6 preamp. On the other hand, I am conscious that there is a synergy between electronics of the same brand.

Here are my current options:

- Gryphon Essence Monos
- Boulder 2160
- Pass Labs xp160.8
- Dagostino Momentum 400 monos or 250 Stereo
- Nagra HD

What would you recommend?

I’m also considering whether adding one or two subwoofers would improve SQ.

Thanks in advance.

I would most definitely try something with the newest Purifi class D amps, they are really up there. If you don't like class D, then Benchmark AHB2 is a very interesting solution, although very... affordable.
Consider the ARC with Gryphons. Boulder 2160 as well. VAC pre/Boulder 1160 was a combo that I wanted get. If I may, suggest you to look at the CH Precisions.

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