My Experience with Pachanko Constellation Mini

Tip Top

New Member
Dec 31, 2022
After I got Pachanko Constellation Mini for a week, play through Tellurium Q Ultra Silver USB Cable direct to Rockna Wavedream Edition DAC, it make me very happy with great sound after got some problem with the sound and Mr.Chan from Pachanko go to my server and do some correct, then I play it seem like different machine before do some correct config. Mr.Chan have very good support with good service mind. I'm please to invite you to try Pachanko Constellations Mini with me and you will understand that play digital streaming along USB is not bad anymore if you got the right CAT with right configuration from Manufacturer. I'm plan to go to Diretta and Stellar LPS by recommendation from Mr.Chan and will back to told the results later again.

Wish everyone got a good experience to play digital streaming too...
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After I got Pachanko Constellation Mini for a week, play through Tellurium Q Ultra Silver USB Cable direct to Rockna Wavedream Edition DAC, it make me very happy with great sound after got some problem with the sound and Mr.Chan from Pachanko go to my server and do some correct, then I play it seem like different machine before do some correct config. Mr.Chan have very good support with good service mind. I'm please to invite you to try Pachanko Constellations Mini with me and you will understand that play digital streaming along USB is not bad anymore if you got the right CAT with right configuration from Manufacturer. I'm plan to go to Diretta and Stellar LPS by recommendation from Mr.Chan and will back to told the results later again.

Wish everyone got a good experience to play digital streaming too...
Congratulations Tip Top,
and thanks for posting.

Are you still happy with the Pachanko?
I am waiting for one that is being built to my order . And the power supplier and the Diretta. It will probably outperform my present streamer although I have not compared them A to B.

Congratulations Tip Top,
and thanks for posting.

Are you still happy with the Pachanko?
I am waiting for one that is being built to my order . And the power supplier and the Diretta. It will probably outperform my present streamer although I have not compared them A to B.

Thanks Per A,

Wish you enjoy your order too. What's model of Pachanko that you order?
I still happy with my Pachanko Constellation Mini and now upgrade to use Diretta also, the sound are better more its more musical compare to play without Diretta and the thing that I very love in Diretta is I can do fine-tune sound character through Anydesk software by myself (along Mr.Chan advice), I can choose the sound to be more warm or more transparent by myself. For my taste I tune it to be more warm its fill more analog sound than play direct without Diretta. (Standard is best but play with Diretta are better more its make you move to next step of listening digital streaming)

There is many feature function to fine-tune by yourself on Diretta both hardware and software driver, just try.

Next step I plan to go to Stellar but give more time to find budget Hahaha, and will go to share the experience again.

Pachanko labs is good products and also good service support too, especially Mr.Chan he has a very good service and advice.

Enjoy listening...
Tip Top
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Thanks Per A,

Wish you enjoy your order too. What's model of Pachanko that you order?
I still happy with my Pachanko Constellation Mini and now upgrade to use Diretta also, the sound are better more its more musical compare to play without Diretta and the thing that I very love in Diretta is I can do fine-tune sound character through Anydesk software by myself (along Mr.Chan advice), I can choose the sound to be more warm or more transparent by myself. For my taste I tune it to be more warm its fill more analog sound than play direct without Diretta. (Standard is best but play with Diretta are better more its make you move to next step of listening digital streaming)

There is many feature function to fine-tune by yourself on Diretta both hardware and software driver, just try.

Next step I plan to go to Stellar but give more time to find budget Hahaha, and will go to share the experience again.

Pachanko labs is good products and also good service support too, especially Mr.Chan he has a very good service and advice.

Enjoy listening...
Tip Top
Well same as yours and Diretta and Stellar PSU.
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Congratulations Tip Top,
and thanks for posting.

Are you still happy with the Pachanko?
I am waiting for one that is being built to my order . And the power supplier and the Diretta. It will probably outperform my present streamer although I have not compared them A to B.

Don't worry, it will outperform your present streamer anyway.
Don't worry, it will outperform your present streamer anyway.
So now I have used my Stellar power supply, Constellation mini and Diretta for a week. I am trying Roon for the first time in my life streaming from Qobuz and I also attached a usb disc with thosands of ripped cds. I am very happy with the sound of it through my Kii Three speakers.
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Today Mr Chan kindly asked to do an update to the Diretta software and of course I agreed but I confess that I was a little skeptical as to if it could improve the already marvelous sound. A restart later I continued with Laurie Andersson’s Landfall, her latest studio album that has lots of sounds going on spread out in the soundscape. And I noticed after five seconds the space had grown much bigger. I then played som familiar pop songs like Paint it black in mono and how good Mick Jagger sang this now. Maria Callas never sang better. And so it goes. Thank you Pachanko
First impressions after update by Mr Chan is female voices like Kate Bush’s and Neneh Cherry’s come clearer. I hear new inflexions of their song. I like it very much.

After dinner I sat on my couch and increased the volume and the improvement was obvious. The instruments and voices are more separated in a larger space. And I heard new parts of Neneh’s lyrics on her Broken Politics album. , Sharp edges are rounded off.
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First impressions after update by Mr Chan is female voices like Kate Bush’s and Neneh Cherry’s come clearer. I hear new inflexions of their song. I like it very much.

After dinner I sat on my couch and increased the volume and the improvement was obvious. The instruments and voices are more separated in a larger space. And I heard new parts of Neneh’s lyrics on her Broken Politics album. , Sharp edges are rounded off.
I am thinking about replacing the usb cable from the Diretta bridge to my Kii Three control unit. At present it is not an audiophile cable at all. But Pachanko also offers a grounding cable from the server to the network switch that I find interesting. Does anybody here have any experience with either the grounding cable or upgrading the usb cable?
I ended up getting a Luna orange usb cable which brought a considerable improvement overall. More relaxed natural sound.
Does anybody here have any experience with either the grounding cable or upgrading the usb cable?
I have a Stellar Gravity Ground cable in my system. It seems to lower the noise floor a tad and things seem more relaxed. The change was subtle but there. I have USB and LAN grounding cable.
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Thanks Per A,

Wish you enjoy your order too. What's model of Pachanko that you order?
I still happy with my Pachanko Constellation Mini and now upgrade to use Diretta also, the sound are better more its more musical compare to play without Diretta and the thing that I very love in Diretta is I can do fine-tune sound character through Anydesk software by myself (along Mr.Chan advice), I can choose the sound to be more warm or more transparent by myself. For my taste I tune it to be more warm its fill more analog sound than play direct without Diretta. (Standard is best but play with Diretta are better more its make you move to next step of listening digital streaming)

There is many feature function to fine-tune by yourself on Diretta both hardware and software driver, just try.

Next step I plan to go to Stellar but give more time to find budget Hahaha, and will go to share the experience again.

Pachanko labs is good products and also good service support too, especially Mr.Chan he has a very good service and advice.

Enjoy listening...
Tip Top
I wanted to ask about interacting with the Pachanko server. My Constellation mini has a VGA output and USB sockets. Do you hook up an old screen with VGA and a keyboard to control the Diretta using an app called Anydesk? I have never tried that. Or do you access it over your network?
I wanted to ask about interacting with the Pachanko server. My Constellation mini has a VGA output and USB sockets. Do you hook up an old screen with VGA and a keyboard to control the Diretta using an app called Anydesk? I have never tried that. Or do you access it over your network?
You don't need screen to play with Diretta, please read the manual :)
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Thank you. So now I access the Diretta. I looked around saw there were updates for Target and host. Should do these updates? (I wrote a chat message to PachankoLas first this may be of interest to other owners too so please forgive me for asking twice)
That update gave me more dynamics and better tonality. I happened to be listening to some classical music, first Beethoven and then L Bernstein and I was shocked a couple of times by crashing instrumental sounds.
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Showing a sample of my set-up:
KiiThree speaker with internal DACs and amps
ADI 2 DAC and Sennheiser HDVA 600 for headphones
Stellar LPS and Pachanko Constellation Mini and part of my Diretta bridge
(Not visible is another Stellar but from PS Audio – a phono stage)
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I have been using my Constellation Mini + Diretta + Stellar 12v-5v power supply for 6 months and my experience with the PachankoLabs is amazing. Free update for the mini and Diretta. For me it is important to keep in touch with your customers with this service. My opinion on digital music is simple: efficiency. I don't want to buy a product with a nice screen or any unnecessary components for sound quality. The mini constellation is my little magic box, always on, thanks to Roon, music is a moment of peace and pleasure. Sit in the listening chair or walk around my house, either is everywhere

Communication with Mr. Chan is also very pleasant, to talk about Pachanko products or simply about a new album to discover.


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