Music of CES 2016

I am actually using *paper* pad believe it or not! Tried using the phone and it was a disaster. I can pull out my small notebook, make a few notes and run off.

Wish I could post in real-time though but have not found a good/small solution for that.

Oh, I had the impression you were using notebook as in an electronic one :D I thought that was a bit crazy. I think you're doing it the only sane way. I just thought maybe it'd be easier an insane way with that keyboard.
Good grief. That is one hard to find and expensive title! There is lots of praise for it so not sure why Sony would not release the stream as high-res download. Maybe they have rights issues.
Every now and then one turns up at a reasonable price. OOP and demand will do that. I got one yrs ago when it looked hopeless. The hiRes in the early days, one had to get quickly or they went OOP with no reissues
Just purchased this album through Pono from Gary's LPs:


The CD was a lot more expensive and could not find a high-res download.
This was a serious problem at this show...


I had brought a memory stick to RMAF but other than one exhibitor, none of them would let me play it.

How about we create a compilation together of what should be on the CD before the next show which for me, looks like AXPONA in April? I will buy the tracks and make the CD. Just need the suggestions.

I wonder if the reason for them not allowing a memory stick was the fear of a virus?

I like the idea of a compilation CD.
I wonder if the reason for them not allowing a memory stick was the fear of a virus?
That is what someone hypothesized. But it doesn't apply to me because I was careful to walk around the show with a surgical mask so there was no risk there:


I like the idea of a compilation CD.
I will start the process prior to going to the next show. Maybe we can have a few of these "virtual" WBF favorites discs.
I carry my own compilation CD, in a small plastic case that I can put in my back pocket. Or, if I'm feeling like it, I just carry a backpack, with more CDs and maybe an LP or two.
The CD doesn't break in your back pocket??? I don't think I can even stuff one in there let alone survive sitting and standing 500 times as I go through all of the suites :).

Now carrying LPs. That is a sign of dedication :).


A directional CD?
Thanks Amir, definitely some great music and great quality. I have 24 of them.

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