MSB Select II arrival

Wow, so cool to see so many SELECTs popping up :)

As for the comparison with the Aqua+SGM combo, I'll repeat what I told Mike: it's not even in the same ZIP code. No comparison. SELECT is simply "out there". That said, the Aqua+SGM is tied 2nd place with the Linn Klimax DSM.


Nice to hear my Aqua is tied with the Linn at 2x the price :D
been listening for a few hours, Jazdoc will be here shortly to keep me from levitating.

I removed the rubber stock footers from below the power supply and am using BDR cones on top of the Symposium Svelt Shelf. the dac is using the rubber stock footers into the detents in the case of the power supply.....for my initial listening.

right now using a generic USB cable and an Absolute Fidelity power cord with Furutech NCF plugs. settings on the SGM are 'bit-perfect' through HQ Player.

been listening for a few hours, Jazdoc will be here shortly to keep me from levitating.

I removed the rubber stock footers from below the power supply and am using BDR cones on top of the Symposium Svelt Shelf. the dac is using the rubber stock footers into the detents in the case of the power supply.....for my initial listening.

right now using a generic USB cable and an Absolute Fidelity power cord with Furutech NCF plugs. settings on the SGM are 'bit-perfect' through HQ Player.

View attachment 33331View attachment 33332

Any initial thoughts?

The MSB's volume control should be set to "100", if you're using the darTZeel pre in the chain.
Nice to hear my Aqua is tied with the Linn at 2x the price :D

Well, it's the Aqua + SGM, which is actually $6k more than the Linn :)

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A few provisional thoughts based on initial listening by a relative digital neophyte...tough job, but someone has to do it :D

The MSB is really good. Based on memory, this is a nice step up in performance. I really like the illusion of performers projecting into the room; the improvement in sense of natural space is what I first noted. Looking forward to serious listening once things settle down and Mike sorts through his cabling options...and of course will have to compare with analog.

The Allman Bros tape is effing awesome!
A few provisional thoughts based on initial listening by a relative digital neophyte...tough job, but someone has to do it :D

The MSB is really good. Based on memory, this is a nice step up in performance. I really like the illusion of performers projecting into the room; the improvement in sense of natural space is what I first noted. Looking forward to serious listening once things settle down and Mike sorts through his cabling options...and of course will have to compare with analog.

The Allman Bros tape is effing awesome!

thanks Mark, for taking the time tonight to come over and listen with me and temper my initial reactions......that will be a tall order but i'll try.:rolleyes:
Any initial thoughts?

just how good is the MSB Select dac?

I'm not really ready to answer that. there is quite a bit of investigation needed to go there. but I will say that the musical experience of every track I've listened to in the last 5 and 1/2 hours is significantly improved over any previous digital experience.

and it's not so much that it sounds better, but in the ways it sounds better that so far is impressive. there is just a sense of easy musical expression without stress, and with such natural speed, separation, clarity and command. nothing forced or confused. like other digital is a bit constipated and filtered. yet the flow is hypnotic. make your audio checklist and check every box. it does it all.

and my body feels like 'all-analog'. not 5+ hours of digital.

so I'm explaining my emotional and physical reaction to an extended session with the MSB Select II. I'm not assigning any rank or attribute.....or trying to describe it's sound.

I've heard nothing so far that would limit my opinion of this product......but don't have the complete picture.....yet.

and no doubt I've not yet heard the best of the Select II. there are a number of areas where the performance should improve to some degree going forward. I will say it seems to fit right into my system and my expectations of a synergy with my system appear to be right on.
just how good is the MSB Select dac?

I'm not really ready to answer that. there is quite a bit of investigation needed to go there. but I will say that the musical experience of every track I've listened to in the last 5 and 1/2 hours is significantly improved over any previous digital experience.

and it's not so much that it sounds better, but in the ways it sounds better that so far is impressive. there is just a sense of easy musical expression without stress, and with such natural speed, separation, clarity and command. nothing forced or confused. like other digital is a bit constipated and filtered. yet the flow is hypnotic. make your audio checklist and check every box. it does it all.

and my body feels like 'all-analog'. not 5+ hours of digital.

so I'm explaining my emotional and physical reaction to an extended session with the MSB Select II. I'm not assigning any rank or attribute.....or trying to describe it's sound.

I've heard nothing so far that would limit my opinion of this product......but don't have the complete picture.....yet.

and no doubt I've not yet heard the best of the Select II. there are a number of areas where the performance should improve to some degree going forward. I will say it seems to fit right into my system and my expectations of a synergy with my system appear to be right on.

Good to hear. It probably will improve substantially with proper burn in......Enjoy the ride...

Hey Mike,

I couldn't resist not posting to congratulate you on the Select II. I just can't imagine your system any better than what I heard a couple of weeks ago, but this is clearly a move in an even more positive direction. I can't wait to head back over...

I too am totally impressed with the new MSB DAC lineup. I'm sitting here tonight, totally mesmerized with the vast improvement of the new MSB Reference DAC - a very significant and incredibly glorious improvement over my MSB Diamond IV Plus... it's so much more convincing, realistic and smooth... my newfound reference and preference, though I too enjoyed the Aqua Formula and, moreso, the Nagra HD DAC (particularly DSD) in combination with the MSG / HQPlayer.

I'm thoroughly enjoying what I'm hearing with the Reference, and specifically, with the MSB UMT transport... oddly, even tough my W20 is clocked by the MSB word clock, there's just something more special and engaging with the MSB transport CD via the I2S port than streaming with the W20... but Vince says the upcoming optional Renderer module for the Reference will provide the same acoustic characteristics as the transport, so that will be extra special, especially given that it will also support ROON, which I enjoy.

Congrats -

Where is the feedback from Priaptor???

Bob V from Rhapsody loves the Select II as well.
Hey Mike,

I couldn't resist not posting to congratulate you on the Select II. I just can't imagine your system any better than what I heard a couple of weeks ago, but this is clearly a move in an even more positive direction. I can't wait to head back over...

I too am totally impressed with the new MSB DAC lineup. I'm sitting here tonight, totally mesmerized with the vast improvement of the new MSB Reference DAC - a very significant and incredibly glorious improvement over my MSB Diamond IV Plus... it's so much more convincing, realistic and smooth... my newfound reference and preference, though I too enjoyed the Aqua Formula and, moreso, the Nagra HD DAC (particularly DSD) in combination with the MSG / HQPlayer.

I'm thoroughly enjoying what I'm hearing with the Reference, and specifically, with the MSB UMT transport... oddly, even tough my W20 is clocked by the MSB word clock, there's just something more special and engaging with the MSB transport CD via the I2S port than streaming with the W20... but Vince says the upcoming optional Renderer module for the Reference will provide the same acoustic characteristics as the transport, so that will be extra special, especially given that it will also support ROON, which I enjoy.

Congrats -


thanks V2,

and welcome to WBF!! we can use some of your wisdom and knowledge here.

and it seems congrats on the MSB Reference dac too! that is a big step up. I heard the Reference dac at the's mightly fine sounding.

thanks for the feedback on the transport verses files. it would be interesting to compare the SGM doing 'bit perfect' with HQ Player to both the MSB transports and the W20. and I too am anticipating the new Renderer for the Select in a month or so.

can't wait for you to visit again, and maybe include our mutual friend next time.;)
congrats Mike and V-Squared

amazing to read how digital audio seems to keep on improving

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