Master Tapes - Genuine or Fake

I would just about to say Ditto! to that comment - I listened to it last night and what a pleasure! Thank you, Jonathan for this gem!

If my display was not saying "Mono" I would probably not even notice.
Not only does the Oscar Peterson tape sound great and contain great music, but it is a bargain at $150. Anyone else selling that tape would charge 3 times the price, or more. I realize there are many factors involved in the cost of providing tape copies, but Jonathan continues to feed us tape heads affordable music on tape. Thank you.
Agreed, Jonathan provides the best bargains in commercial tapes these days. At last count I have 38 of his albums! Larry
Not only does the Oscar Peterson tape sound great and contain great music, but it is a bargain at $150. Anyone else selling that tape would charge 3 times the price, or more. I realize there are many factors involved in the cost of providing tape copies, but Jonathan continues to feed us tape heads affordable music on tape. Thank you.
I'm really glad I purchased my Oscar Peterson tapes when it appears no one else wanted them. AKA, less then $20 each. As an aside, a close friend of mine is a piano teacher and she owns one of Oscar Peterson's pianos.
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I'm really glad I purchased my Oscar Peterson tapes when it appears no one else wanted them. AKA, less then $20 each. As an aside, a close friend of mine is a piano teacher and she owns one of Oscar Peterson's pianos.
Is it one of OP's Bosendorfers? Larry

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