Marten Mingus Septet speakers

Easy Gliders

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2021
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The new Marten Mingus Septet speakers was launched during the 2023 Highend Munich Show. Delivery of the Septet has started already. Has anyone received the Septet speakers? What are your listening experience so far.
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Epic. I am sure they sound gorgeous. I know the carbon is good for sound, but I am still partial to the wood of my MK I Mingus :)
We have a Septet , Parker and Oscar Trios incoming.
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Epic. I am sure they sound gorgeous. I know the carbon is good for sound, but I am still partial to the wood of my MK I Mingus :)
The Coltrane series models all have carbon fibre cabinets. The Mingus series use specially selected, medium-density fibreboard with optimum rigidity to create high-quality, resonance-free cabinets. The original Mingus Quintet MK I have a choice of polished walnut piano finish or piano black finish, however the later Mingus models only have piano black finishes.
I see. Well, I like the walnut finish :)
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My Mingus Septet should be coming in about 2 weeks time. I have not heard the Septet, but my friends who listened to them at the Munich Highend Show said they are very good - quite a bit better than the Quintet.
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I am sure. They look spectacular. I have heard lots of Marten speakers in lots of systems with different electronics and while there is better and worse based on those differences, they all sounded great to me. If I were to upgrade my speakers, it would be within Marten as well. I do love the walnut design much much more than the black with wooden caps on top, but that is of course personal and it is not as if the new design is ugly per se.
I am sure. They look spectacular. I have heard lots of Marten speakers in lots of systems with different electronics and while there is better and worse based on those differences, they all sounded great to me. If I were to upgrade my speakers, it would be within Marten as well. I do love the walnut design much much more than the black with wooden caps on top, but that is of course personal and it is not as if the new design is ugly per se.
Maybe Marten can custom make a walnut piano finish for you!
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Please let us know how they sound!
They arrived last night and are still in their flight cases. I opted to burn in the Parker Trio DE first with a CH Precision I1. Very, very good out of the box.
They arrived last night and are still in their flight cases. I opted to burn in the Parker Trio DE first with a CH Precision I1. Very, very good out of the box.
Your Mingus Septet also arrived? Are they in flight cases or paper boxes?
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Flight cases with a built in ramp so you can roll them out on their casters.
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Flight cases with a built in ramp so you can roll them out on their casters.
That is good. Did you have to special order for the flight cases for the Septet?
I thought they originally come in wooden boxes?
No I didn't. It could be that I got flight cases because I am a distributor and this makes home demos much, much easier. Even the flight cases themselves have casters. Then again it could just be the way all Septets are sent out of the factory. The Parkers and Oscars came in boxes though as expected given their lower weight.
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No I didn't. It could be that I got flight cases because I am a distributor and this makes home demos much, much easier. Even the flight cases themselves have casters. Then again it could just be the way all Septets are sent out of the factory. The Parkers and Oscars came in boxes though as expected given their lower weight.
I received my Mingus Septet Statement Edition towards end of December 2023. They are pretty much burnt in by now. Sounds very transparent, detailed and dynamic. Transient response is super fast with deep low bass. Pipe organ low frequencies were reproduced with authority, vocal is thick with well placed instruments in a deep and wide soundstage.
The Mingus Septet is quite a step up from the Mingus Quintet 2 in terms of deep bass and mid to high clarity or transparency.
Congratulations! I just delivered Septet Sig Eds to their happy owner a few weeks ago. You describe them the way I heard them. I miss babysitting these speakers. I was genuinely sad when I had to pack them up for delivery.
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Congratulations! I am sure they sound incredible! Enjoy
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