Lost a good mate

Big Dog RJ

Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2012
Dearest fellow audiophiles, music lovers and enthusiasts;

Feeling a bit down at the moment, lost my uncle few days back to a terrible battle with Alzheimer's. He was only in his late 60's.
The ironic thing is, he lived in Chicago for nearly 46 years, was the head of the psychiatric ward for a well know health care organization in Chicago called FHC (First health care), for nearly 40 years, and ended up having the disease of some his same fellow mates...

He lived like a king, was a very simple man, loved nice suits and the best of restaurants. He loved his car, the great old Ford Thunder Bird (champagne gold), and most of all loved Simon and Garfunkle's Scarborough Fair. So this I dedicate to him and to all those who love S&G's music - Scarborough fair.

In this day we live in, with all the craziness going on, ISIS, terrorists, Ebola, and the other unnecessary madness, we still have our loved ones around us, whom we can surely love to the best we possible can. Family and close friends are most important, and most of all the music! Therefore, I have decided to stop with all upgrades and purchases for a while (probably looking at 10-15 years from now), and focus on the finer things in life, like family, since they are all we have...

I am playing Scarborough Fair right now but only difference is there is no cigar and scotch on this occasion.
To all those who love your music and most of all your wonderful family, Cheers!
+1. He seems to have had a v.full life, at least a positive amongst obv what is a v.sad period for you. Bravo to your decision to step off more upgrades. Possibly a course of action a lot more of us should consider.
RJ - My heartfelt condolences on your loss. When we lose someone close to us it puts things in perspective and reminds us of what is really most important in our lives. May the many good memories you have of your uncle be of some comfort in this difficult time. At least he is now at peace.

I am so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you and your family. My he truly rest in peace now. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

I will play S&G Scarborough Fair and think of you both.
Thanks for the replies guys, means a lot.
Yes, I decided to hold off on all upgrades for now and just enjoy what we've got. As I sat down to self reflect, I realized just how dam lucky I am compared to most out there...

I heard about the huge snow storm you had up north, NY and Buffalo, looked scary.
When I was in Chicago during the mid 90's I didn't experience any winters like this!

Stay safe everyone, cheers

I feel your lost. I felt the same way when I lost my dad. He was the best friend a young person could have ... He, also died young. He was 59 years old ... An audiophile too he was .. Got me hooked to great reproduction via electronics means and more importantly to Music.
May your uncle rest in peace and may his legacy , quality and love for your brighten the rest of your path on this plane.
Cheer up. It has been an UNBELIEVABLY crappy year for me and many in my circle. We can only hope that 2015 will be better.

Condolences for your loss.

I lost my father and am still not reconciled to it.
I'm very sorry to hear of the loss of your uncle, your dear friend.

I know how it is to lose someone very close. My father and I used to practice together. I am reminded of him everyday when I step into the office to treat patients. He worked three days a week until one Sunday night he had a critical stroke and it was all over. He was 80. He wasn't the retiring type. He loved what he did.
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Dear Big Dog RJ,

I will put the LP with Simon and Garfunkel music on my TT and when listenning to Scarborough Fair I will think about you and your uncle from Chicago...
Take care mate.
Many thanks once again for all the kind support. It is truly wonderful to know that someone cares even though I am not personally known to many of you on this forum.

I am also sorry for all the loved ones you have lost as well, and we can look after those who care the most and always try to do the good thing. At the end of the day we are blessed with what we have and must always be satisfied with what we have and achieved. This is what I realized when I actually sat down and started to self reflect. We must also remember those who have helped us along the way with a simple "thank you."
It has certainly been a wonderful journey so far on the forum and I look forward to many more years of learning new experiences from your systems.
Respect to all, and thanks once again.
Cheers, RJ
I say, give yourself a pat on the back for being so aware and caring.
Sip a scotch to celebrate someone who was so helpful to others and enjoyed life.

Alzheimers kills the mind, but leaves the body functioning. A terrible bain to those who are left to be caregivers.
The day we defeat it will be wonderful.
I thought it was just memory loss, but now know it can destroy the neurons that tell the body to breathe. That may be what did in one of the Tappet Brothers.


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