Long Run Speaker Recommendation Appreciated


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2020
Those of you with "odd shaped" listening rooms will appreciate my predicament.

I have an "L shaped" listening room and decided to move my speakers along the longer wall while leaving my components along the shorter wall.

This set-up works better, with the Vicoustic and Acoustic Sciences (ASC) treatments I have on hand.

However, this necessitated my needing 5 meter speaker cable runs.

System Overview:

Horn speakers 97db into 6 ohms
Mono 300B amps - 8-10 watts
Tube preamp
Mostly listen to vinyl using a SUT with a MC cartridge

While I'm not an Engineer, I've tried to learn about capacitance and inductance in order to select a cable that will sound great even at longer lengths.

I've read all of Jeff Day's reviews of the Duelund tinned copper cables, and in fact tried a 5 meter pair of 16g with fairly good results. In my system, they sound "lean" so I may also try the 12g Duelund as Jeff suggested.

The rest of my interconnects are Audience Front Row except for Shindo silver interconnects from preamp to amps.

I have always had silver speaker cables until trying the Duelund copper cables recently.

I'm looking for speaker cable recommendations.

One challenge is that few (if any) dealers or Mfg keep 5 meter "demo cables" around. I really must hear them in my system before buying.

My budget is $3K-$4K.

Thanks for the assistance.
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Hi Cesar Miranda. Unfortunately my dealer only has a 4 meter pair. In any case, I plan to try the A23. In my last system they were a bit too laid back for my taste, but I have yet to try them in my latest system.
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I like Luna, and in fact I have a couple Rouge interconnects. However won’t they be too “restrictive” for long 5 meter speaker cable runs?
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I like Luna, and in fact I have a couple Rouge interconnects. However won’t they be too “restrictive” for long 5 meter speaker cable runs?
At your 5 meter (16 feet) distance, any competently-designed speaker cable that's 14 AWG or better should be fine as long as your speaker's impedance is 4 ohms or higher. I personally wouldn't use speaker cables smaller than 12 AWG since it's a trivial additional expense. Beyond that the considerations are just aesthetics, brand preference, and price.


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I like Luna, and in fact I have a couple Rouge interconnects. However won’t they be too “restrictive” for long 5 meter speaker cable runs?
I’ve got the Rouge ic’s also and the Mauve speaker cables at 4 meters. No problems at all. Electronics are Gato with Aerial Acoustics 7t’s which are 4 ohms.
Interesting….especially the 4 meter speaker cables. Your Gato amps put out a lot more power than my western electric 300b’s. I’ll bet that must be the difference.
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Could look at Gotham 50150 specs. Pro cables like this at least document well ;)
Thank you. I have heard good things about Gotham. I’ll definitely look into it.
Interesting….especially the 4 meter speaker cables. Your Gato amps put out a lot more power than my western electric 300b’s. I’ll bet that must be the difference.
Another speaker cable I’ve used with success is Ortofon. No problems with the distance. Erik and Danny at Luna can advise which cable will work best if you decide to go that route. I worked with them and my dealer to get the right combination.
Ortofon….I’ll look into it. Yes Erik and Danny are great.
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can’t you place the amps near the speakers ? 16 foot speaker cables no matter makes them have inherent specifications that may work against the amps and not to the benefit of the speakers. Long runs beyond 6 feet can make amps un stable.
larger gauge wires does not fix the problem where larger gauge wires can have a negative effect compared smaller
More inductance is added this clamps dynamics. I’ve seen a ribbon type speaker cable this might inductance over all.
Good point about using long run interconnects and shorter speaker cables. Unfortunately my preamp uses a custom Shindo interconnect….and it’s only about 1 meter.
Lol wow. I’m not trying to make this a bad idea just being honest I don’t sell any products lol. one thought might be place your devices in front as a temp idea to see how well the new setup works
Alrainbow, I believe you are asking if I considered moving the entire system along the "long" wall. I can certainly do that, but I really like having the components separated from the speakers. Plus I'll need to get an electrician to re-do the placement of the dedicated lines. Today I ordered some Duelund 12g plus I'm going to explore some of the recommendations everyone has made. Since the Duelund only costs $400 I have $$$ to explore some other options too.
Alrainbow, I believe you are asking if I considered moving the entire system along the "long" wall. I can certainly do that, but I really like having the components separated from the speakers. Plus I'll need to get an electrician to re-do the placement of the dedicated lines. Today I ordered some Duelund 12g plus I'm going to explore some of the recommendations everyone has made. Since the Duelund only costs $400 I have $$$ to explore some other options too.
I’m saying is to test the location as simple as possible
I’ve done this myself a few times
I like you have nothing behind my IRS v now and the equipment on one side like you are thinking
can’t you place the amps near the speakers ? 16 foot speaker cables no matter makes them have inherent specifications that may work against the amps and not to the benefit of the speakers. Long runs beyond 6 feet can make amps un stable.
larger gauge wires does not fix the problem where larger gauge wires can have a negative effect compared smaller
More inductance is added this clamps dynamics. I’ve seen a ribbon type speaker cable this might inductance over all.
Interesting discussion. Personally I prefer not to have all my components between my speakers so I run longer interconnects rather than longer speaker cables. I am sure there are pros and cons to this but my experience has me in the longer interconnect camp.
Having said that a 6 - 8 foot speaker cable would seem to me to be a fairly common length. Is it possible that there was a typo when you said " long runs beyond 6 ft. can make amps unstable" ? Or perhaps this is a legitimate concern that I was unaware of?
Those of you with "odd shaped" listening rooms will appreciate my predicament.

I have an "L shaped" listening room and decided to move my speakers along the longer wall while leaving my components along the shorter wall.

This set-up works better, with the Vicoustic and Acoustic Sciences (ASC) treatments I have on hand.

However, this necessitated my needing 5 meter speaker cable runs.

System Overview:
Horn speakers 97db into 6 ohms
Mono 300B amps - 8-10 watts
Tube preamp
Mostly listen to vinyl using a SUT with a MC cartridge

While I'm not an Engineer, I've tried to learn about capacitance and inductance in order to select a cable that will sound great even at longer lengths.

I've read all of Jeff Day's reviews of the Duelund tinned copper cables, and in fact tried a 5 meter pair of 16g with fairly good results. In my system, they sound "lean" so I may also try the 12g Duelund as Jeff suggested.

The rest of my interconnects are Audience Front Row except for Shindo silver interconnects from preamp to amps.

I have always had silver speaker cables until trying the Duelund copper cables recently.

I'm looking for speaker cable recommendations.

One challenge is that few (if any) dealers or Mfg keep 5 meter "demo cables" around. I really must hear them in my system before buying.

My budget is $3K-$4K.

Thanks for the assistance.
You might try Belden 9497 just for fun:) It is available at different lengths, I bought mine from this guy:
Belden 9497. It may lack some audiophile qualities, but the fact is that I’ve been using this cable for the last 3 weeks, and I do not want to switch back to my expensive audiophile cable, I just want to continue to listen and enjoy the music.

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