Re-imagining The Cable Connection


Engineering the Cable Connection
Angus Leung, Founder
Westminster Labs

Few topics are as controversial as high-end audio cables, including the marketing claims that accompany them. Many of you know me from our thread "Reimaging Class A Amplification". I am grateful for your feedback, questions, and yes, even challenges to how we describe and implement our technology.

We began Westminster Lab a decade ago while I was still at university in the UK. Our first product was among the earliest high-performance USB cables. Since then we have developed a full line of outstanding analog, digital, and power cable products incorporating our proprietary solid conductor, “Autria Alloy” and “Vari-Twist”, noise-repellent cable technology. Westminster Lab cables are produced in two series, the topline “Ultra and the more affordable “Standard”.

Thanks to all WBF Members for being a part of the conversation and taking the time to learn more about our cables. Feel free to ask me questions inside our linked thread Reimagining The Cable Connection about any aspect of our product's performance and design.

- Angus

_ANG1238-USB_Ultra (2).jpg
  • The use of a proprietary solid-core hybrid conductor material named Autria Alloy was created to eliminate the distinct sound signature of typical mono-crystal cables made from copper, silver, and gold
  • The conductor is polished to an ultra high-gloss level and protected by an oxide-free coating for long life (note cables hold their shape are surprisingly flexible)
  • Proprietary “Vari-Twist” conductor twisting process specific to each cable length engineered to reduce internally radiated noise produced by many of today’s twisted-pair cable designs
  • Instead of using metal shielding that reflects noise back into the cable, Westminster offers a carbon-fiber shield, that along with our Vari-Twist method takes noise to unprecedented low levels
  • Analog cables come as separate left and right cables to form a pair reducing crosstalk to near zero
  • Significant emphasis is placed on supplying all our products using high-quality, eco-friendly packaging

In addition to our full suite of analog, digital, and power cable products we also produce two specialty DC power cables. The first is a dedicated DC cable connecting the power supply to DAC for the Lumin X1, U1, and S1. The second is a Hybrid DC Power Cable specially created for use with MSBs Technology DACs. The cable joins the Power Base and DAC via an umbilicus for the following models:

- MSB Reference DAC
- MSB Select II DAC
(for use with mono or dual Power Base systems)


For those interested in diving into our design and theory, our Technical Paper is included in our follow-on-the-thread. Simply click to expand the content.

For more information on how to purchase or audition our cables please contact:

Gary Leeds
Hear This LLC
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Technical Design White Paper by:
Angus Leung - Founder, and Chief Design Engineer for Westminster Lab

To provide the audio system with the purest and cleanest signals possible in the analog, digital, and power delivery domains. We began our journey to create our cables by evaluating the more commonly used stranded conductors versus solid conductors. Our testing clearly showed that solid conductors were the best route for achieving our goals.

Conductor Design:
The advantage of the stranded conductors can be the cable's flexibility and a reduction of cost due to the more straightforward extrusion process. On the other hand, a problem with stranded conductors is that their structure generates a stray electric current within the strands. When a current flows through one conductor, it may transfer repeatedly into another rather than smoothly flowing from beginning to end. In turn, this creates turbulence within the cable's electron flow and causes an incidental sound and a reduction in smoothness, and an increase in audible distortion.

Conductor Material:
The conductor material is one of the most critical components in a cable. Our research included testing many different materials, such as high-purity copper, silver, gold, silver-gold alloy and other metals plated copper and silver. With these materials, at higher frequencies we found electrons flowing mostly on the perimeter rather than the conductor core. This changes throughout the cross-section of the conductor resulting in electrons moving through the conductor at various speeds generally resulting in an uneven frequency transition, artificial texture, and distortion of the image and soundstage. All WestminsterLab cables are using a unique conductor material that does not exhibit these characteristics.

As we also know, many producers use single-crystal copper and silver conductor where the crystal is continuous and unbroken with no grain boundaries and where electron flow jumps less from one crystal to another. But one downside is that whichever of these conductors is chosen their dominant sound signatures were comparatively slow and dense, while also exhibiting a distinct sound signature. We surmise this is where the industry terms “copper sound” and “silver sound” originated from.

Bespoke Conductors
We have developed our own conductor material using a special heat profile during the extrusion process. The result is a new type of conductor, which excels across a range of mechanical properties. We have named our proprietary conductor material "Autria Alloy". As an additional part of the manufacturing process, the Autria conductor undergoes extensive heat and cryo treatment post extrusion. To achieve less distortion at higher frequencies, we then hand-polish each conductor to achieve a gloss mirror finish. Next, the conductor is polished and then protected with a special epoxy-based coating to eliminate oxidation. As a final step, the conductor is then inserted into a PTFE tube to further improve the conductors dielectric properties. The result is a conductive material free from a material sound signature with uniform material properties across the entire cross-section of the conductor.

As we know, simple twisting of a pair or pairs of wires can reduce crosstalk, RFI, and EMI.
According to Alexander Graham Bell:
“When a circuit is composed of two wires including a direct and a return wire they form a metallic circuit. This results in an inductive disturbance when placed in the vicinity of other circuits arising from the unequal inductive effect of the latter upon the two wires. Therefore, if the direct and return wires are affected equally, the current generated in one would neutralize and destroy what is created in the other. By placing the two wires in the same inductive relation to the disturbing currents, or, other conditions being the same, by placing them at an equal distance from the said circuits the problem is avoided.”

This, of course, does not always mean twisting the pair in the conventional method is always best because the method also exhibits disadvantages that include higher capacitance and inductance. Further, by twisting, a longer conductor is required to maintain the effective length which increases resistance. This led us to a deep examination of twisting vs not twisting cables.

The result is that an untwisted pair easily picks up noise around the environment, causing a noisier than desired background and increased distortion of the signal. Next, we tested the twisted pair, and it gives a cleaner and darker experience. The reason is that twisting a magnetic field generated by the current flowing in the signal conductor causes unwanted current flow in the paired conductor. After twisting, crosstalk between the wires can be canceled when an interfering signal is applied equally to both sides of a twisted pair. Therefore, the induced magnetic field or current will be minimized.

Having concluded that a twisted structure is the best way to go, the next question was how much or at what angle should the pair be twisted. The resulting angle must be enough to reduce interference, yet too big of an angle will generate more capacitance. As capacitance increases the speed of electrons is reduced, as is the overall bandwidth of the cable. Naturally, these two factors need to be balanced. In our testing, we found that a single angle cannot balance these two parameters because the method induces a particular resonance in a particular frequency range. While this method may work well for a single-frequency signal like digital, it may not be suitable for multi-frequency analog signals where your music lives. The ideal case is a cable twisted at a variable angle.

In our Vari-Twist design, the pair is twisted at varying angles throughout the length of the cable. The relationships between the signal pairs keep changing which minimizes the resonance at particular frequencies while interference and stray magnetic fields are also minimized. And this is one of the reasons all WesminsterLab cables in different lengths have their bespoke structure, all calibrated perfectly across the audio band.

Vari-Twist is unique to WestminsterLab and the only known cable to us that features this approach. While Vari-Twist among other design factors allowed us to reach our goals and therefore is well worth the effort.

Common solutions are foil shielding and braided shielding. Some use tube shielding by a metal tube, achieving 100% shielding. Commonly used materials are tin, aluminum, copper, silver-plated copper, and nickel-plated copper. But in our tests, as long as a metal is used, rather than rejecting interferences it is absorbed and causes audible feedback to the system. Although these designs are often considered grounded, the resulting radio-wave changes to electricity and magnetic fields can affect the whole system. We describe this sonically as causing a negative effect on background darkness, soundstaging and dynamics.

This finding is the same as in our mono amplifier. Moreover, as long as there is a current flowing through the conductors, the current generates a magnetic field absorbed by the metal shielding that introduces feedback into the system resulting in a dull and dynamically restricted sound.

Finally, we offer an optional carbon fiber sleeve for shielding, which will not be affected by any magnetic field and rejects interferences without absorption in nature. When used in conjunction with Vari-Twist Technology, this brings the already state-of-the-art cable to a whole new level.

This is the process and materials our cables are engineered from. Naturally, we will continue exploring the limits of this technology. That said, for the foreseeable future whether you purchase our digital, analog, or power cables users can be assured of owning a cable that delivers the lowest distortion and highest level of musical satisfaction. I hope all the users enjoy our products and “experience music as it is”.

For more information on our complete cable line please go to our website

To arrange an audition please contact our US Importer Gary Leeds
A word to the wise: I suggest you refrain from using the term 'Vari-Twist' because it is a registered Belden trademark. But I loved your white paper. It's a real hoot.
Tam Lin, thanks so much for letting us know about the trademark. I'll put my thinking cap on and Angus and I will come up with a new idea. The cable business is hard enough, so absolutely zero need to face a trademark challenge from a large firm like Belden:)

Thanks for taking an interest and glad you enjoyed the white paper!
Well, I have decided to get the Lumin X1 cable with premium carbon fiber shield layer. My only concern is that it is .6 meter in length. Hopefully putting the power supply that close to the X1 won’t negate any improvement from the cable.
Well, I have decided to get the Lumin X1 cable with premium carbon fiber shield layer. My only concern is that it is .6 meter in length. Hopefully putting the power supply that close to the X1 won’t negate any improvement from the cable.
Bud, thank you!. I just spoke with Angus and he indicated he would like to respond to your question on cable length with the DC carbon cable directly.
Well, I have decided to get the Lumin X1 cable with premium carbon fiber shield layer. My only concern is that it is .6 meter in length. Hopefully putting the power supply that close to the X1 won’t negate any improvement from the cable.
We don't find placing the PSU close to the main unit would have any negative effect. Is more of a "cosmetic" choice. Some user prefer the PSU to be placed on another level of the rack so they need a much longer cable.
I presume you mean for Esoteric digital products? If you will provide your model I'll inquire if that is a possibility. Please also let me know if you are located in the US or elsewhere?
The Westminster Labs cable arrived tonight (Tuesday) about 6:30 PM, which was perfect since Tuesday and Friday night are music and beer nights. Since this power cable is so short compared to the stock X1 power cable I had to move the X1 to the center of the rack, and put the power supply on the left side. Naturally, this turned into a major exercise as I tried to maneuver the Shunyata power cord from the right side of the rack to the left. Of course while doing this I managed to knock the power cord off of another piece of gear. Finally I got the gear rearranged and all the power cords installed and turned the gear back on. There were no flames or smoke so this exercise was successful.

Now that I have about 30 minutes of listening time on it I can say there is an obvious improvement in sound quality. The sound has a bit more presence and punch to it. Not that the previous sound was bad, but this is a bit clearer. I will let the cable get acclimated to its new home, and give another review Friday night. However, I am satisfied with my first audio purchase in 2-3 years.

The cable itself appears to be a solid, well made, piece of gear, and I am more than happy with this purchase.
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Not to hijack this thread, but I have to comment again on the cable.

Today, a week later, I have to say this cable is amazing. It has been installed and burning in for a week, and I am just amazed at how good the system now sounds. It is hard to believe that a 0.6 meter cable with premium carbon fiber shield carrying low voltage DC can make this big a sound difference. But it does! I am just amazed at the clarity and impact of the sound I am now hearing. Granted, this is my first audio purchase/upgrade in three year so I might be biased, but so be it. The audio detail is so clear while still being very, very musical. This has to be the best low cost ($1700) purchase I have ever made, or at least tied with an earlier Shunyata power cable purchase. If you have a Lumin X1 I can only say you should try this cable.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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