Lampizator announcement: launch of our all new TOTL HORIZON DAC

Does anyone need a pair of the csf 5687wa open plate? Happy to sell 1 pair out of my lot if anyone needs them
I'm probably too late for this offer but if anyone else has the opportunity to sell a pair of csf 5687 I'm very interested. Please send PM.
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Hey everyone I’m a long time follower, but this really my first real post on WBF. It was worth the wait. I’m sitting here in my listening room being seduced by my new Horizon! Only a handful of days of break in but already enthralling.

Right now my current tube compliment is: Pysvane blue globe input tubes, a set of KT170’s a Western Electric 422A. I have a Takatsuki 274B arriving tomorrow, and I’m quite interested in what I brings to the table. I won’t be able to try any other input tubes until my 6922 to 6SN7 adapters arrive, since I have a wide variety that I’ve rolled with my Decware SE84UFO25 SET amp.

So my DAC journey has been an interesting one. Starting with a Metric Halo LIO8, then a Phasure NOS1, a Holo Spring, a Chord Dave with first an M-Scaler and then a custom linear power supply, the latest was a Holo May Level 2 (I still have all of them) and now the Horizon.

I arrived here following the Horizon thread and then North American debut at Steve William’s home with his wonderful system. It was really Ron’s interview with Lukasz that convinced me. Lukasz passion, philosophy and engineering prowess convinced, even with never owning a Lampizator product. It really felt right to me that this was going to be what I’d been searching for in a DAC finally realized!

I was fortunate enough to confirm my belief a Axpona, when I was able to hear the Horizon in person. I’d be completely remiss if I didn’t say my confidence in the decision was really bolstered upon meeting the guys from Lampizator NA. Fred and Rob. Wow! what a super team to represent Lukasz products. I felt like I’d found a lost brother in Fred! Just super down to earth and well ok, it didn’t hurt that he was a former wrestler and showed me a picture of his son carrying on the tradition! It brought back a lot of fond memories of my dad carting me around the country to wrestling tournaments since I was in first grade, and being there with me through my collegiate career. I was also unaware that Fred also represented Taiko, so I pulled the trigger on an Extreme. I’m really looking forward to all the things they’ve got coming to the Extreme platform. My DIY copy of the Extreme with Nenon’s spec’d power supply and the Taiko DC to ATX converter does a darn good job but it’s time for the real thing and all the knowledge that Emile and his team bring to bear.

So back to the HorIzon. I might not be the most eloquent writer in describing the sound of music being played through the Horizon, but I’ll give you my take on what makes it so compelling to listen to and why it‘s a game changer in my system.

When I think of dynamic range, I think of what I can hear from the quietest sound to the loudest portion of song I’m listening too and reproducing that with no compression. But with the HorIzon, I’m hearing that with every performer within the song! I’ve never heard that kind of delineation in my music play back until now! And what that does is allows me to hear the artistry of each individual performer within the composition. I‘m not sure if any of you can relate to how I‘m describing it, but for me, it just sucks me in and commands my attention. I literally feel the interplay of the performers and the vibe of the performance!
It is just so compelling and enticing that I can’t focus on anything else. There is just so much more information being communicated through the Horizon in a natural analog way. The Horizon is so sweet and delicate but also has such a grip and weight on the music. It is quite simply the best music reproduction I’ve heard, with the caveat that my experience with really high grade analog is limited. I will add though, that at Axpona I thought it bested both analog tape and vInyl in the room.

Well I’m going to wrap it up, and I know there’s plenty of break in that will take place over the next month and then of course the unlimited tube rolling permutations, but I’m one lifelong audiophile who’s finally found his endgame source!
Excellent summary. Was that you who received the “extra” Horizon that had arrived at Axpona due to shipping confusion? We were listening in the Acura/Lampizator room when Fred wheeled it out. We are prior Pacific owners who traded up as soon as the Horizon was announced, which qualified us to receive the Horizon used at Axpona. We too believe we have reached our endgame. The only thing left would be to hire musicians to play live in our living room.
wow very puzzling numbers indeed . but sound wins all always . do you adjust volume from the player ? can you adjust the input sensitivity of the preamp ? and i am just being curious not doubting findings . the device chain is always full of potholes to test us and adjust . im using a krell fbp 700 cx amp for now . its only 100 ohms input imp , there are not a whole lot of preamps to drive it well . but plenty who say it was not the best of krell amps lol . model below and above all had norm input imp values 10k and up . yet searching the web yields little results most claiming its a typo and is 100k . its not lol even krell says its 100 alone .
I have used the Horizon remote to adjust volume, and modify my last post to say I was listening to “Kind of Blue” last evening at 29. I now confess the rest of your note goes over my head. I would not know how to adjust the input sensitivity of the preamp portion of our integrated amp. If this is something that might be accomplished without using a screwdriver to open the unit, I would be eager to hear. If it means getting under the hood, I will respectfully decline.
am I the only Horizon user who keeps his in ByPass mode (63) and use my preamp to adjust the volume. I wouldn't have it any other way. For me the magic is in "bypass mode"

Mine is pinned on 63 as well.
Hey everyone I’m a long time follower, but this really my first real post on WBF. It was worth the wait. I’m sitting here in my listening room being seduced by my new Horizon! Only a handful of days of break in but already enthralling.

Right now my current tube compliment is: Pysvane blue globe input tubes, a set of KT170’s a Western Electric 422A. I have a Takatsuki 274B arriving tomorrow, and I’m quite interested in what I brings to the table. I won’t be able to try any other input tubes until my 6922 to 6SN7 adapters arrive, since I have a wide variety that I’ve rolled with my Decware SE84UFO25 SET amp.

So my DAC journey has been an interesting one. Starting with a Metric Halo LIO8, then a Phasure NOS1, a Holo Spring, a Chord Dave with first an M-Scaler and then a custom linear power supply, the latest was a Holo May Level 2 (I still have all of them) and now the Horizon.

I arrived here following the Horizon thread and then North American debut at Steve William’s home with his wonderful system. It was really Ron’s interview with Lukasz that convinced me. Lukasz passion, philosophy and engineering prowess convinced, even with never owning a Lampizator product. It really felt right to me that this was going to be what I’d been searching for in a DAC finally realized!

I was fortunate enough to confirm my belief a Axpona, when I was able to hear the Horizon in person. I’d be completely remiss if I didn’t say my confidence in the decision was really bolstered upon meeting the guys from Lampizator NA. Fred and Rob. Wow! what a super team to represent Lukasz products. I felt like I’d found a lost brother in Fred! Just super down to earth and well ok, it didn’t hurt that he was a former wrestler and showed me a picture of his son carrying on the tradition! It brought back a lot of fond memories of my dad carting me around the country to wrestling tournaments since I was in first grade, and being there with me through my collegiate career. I was also unaware that Fred also represented Taiko, so I pulled the trigger on an Extreme. I’m really looking forward to all the things they’ve got coming to the Extreme platform. My DIY copy of the Extreme with Nenon’s spec’d power supply and the Taiko DC to ATX converter does a darn good job but it’s time for the real thing and all the knowledge that Emile and his team bring to bear.

So back to the HorIzon. I might not be the most eloquent writer in describing the sound of music being played through the Horizon, but I’ll give you my take on what makes it so compelling to listen to and why it‘s a game changer in my system.

When I think of dynamic range, I think of what I can hear from the quietest sound to the loudest portion of song I’m listening too and reproducing that with no compression. But with the HorIzon, I’m hearing that with every performer within the song! I’ve never heard that kind of delineation in my music play back until now! And what that does is allows me to hear the artistry of each individual performer within the composition. I‘m not sure if any of you can relate to how I‘m describing it, but for me, it just sucks me in and commands my attention. I literally feel the interplay of the performers and the vibe of the performance!
It is just so compelling and enticing that I can’t focus on anything else. There is just so much more information being communicated through the Horizon in a natural analog way. The Horizon is so sweet and delicate but also has such a grip and weight on the music. It is quite simply the best music reproduction I’ve heard, with the caveat that my experience with really high grade analog is limited. I will add though, that at Axpona I thought it bested both analog tape and vInyl in the room.

Well I’m going to wrap it up, and I know there’s plenty of break in that will take place over the next month and then of course the unlimited tube rolling permutations, but I’m one lifelong audiophile who’s finally found his endgame source!
Thanks so much for taking the time to share this post and for the kind words, my friend.

It was amazing getting to meet in person and almost comical how much we have in common--I'm super happy that unit is in your home nad bringing you daily enjoyment now. You got your consolation prize ;-)

Yes, Carmen. Todd is the owner of the other Horizon. I didn't want to publicize the drama at the time, but DHL managed to misplace the first Horizon shipped to the show which was causing a nightmare ordeal and we needed to be sure we had one for our big room.

Todd was going to be our savior with a second backup unit, but thankfully at the last minute everything resolved itself and we ended up with both Horizons safe and sound and Todd got to bring his new baby home


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I’m not using a preamp at this time. But I don’t have the elaborate and well sort analog that you guys have. Plus my preamp is solid state and I didn’t figure it made much sense to put it between the tubed output of the Horizon and a SET amp. The only drawback is different albums and songs need different volumes, so it’s going to take awhile for the resisters in the volume ladder to break in.
Here’s what I have found. Mine is always at 63. Using my preamp the volume control is in the same position 99% of the time. If it varies it is no more than one position higher or lower on my preamp gain control
Here’s what I have found. Mine is always at 63. Using my preamp the volume control is in the same position 99% of the time. If it varies it is no more than one position higher or lower on my preamp gain control
Likewise me with an Absolare Integrated (48 step attenuator).
I don’t change my Horizon volume control setting but my preamp setting is all over the place because each recording is different.

I don’t see how the preamp volume can only vary by 1-2 steps. Some recordings are quiet and some are loud.
I don’t change my Horizon volume control setting but my preamp setting is all over the place because each recording is different.

I don’t see how the preamp volume can only vary by 1-2 steps. Some recordings are quiet and some are loud.
I think 90% of my albums are played within one or two steps of the volume control, the rest requires more adjustment.
24 but 5 of them await shipping still.
Hello Lukasz, I doubt if you'll remember me, my name is Tom and I met you at the Suncoast Audio store in Sarasota, FL, back when you were going around the USA demonstrating your --then-- soon to be released Pacific DAC! The Pacific DAC sounded so absolutely incredible, via Pass electronics and Magico A3 or A5 speakers I ended up pulling you aside with one of my friends Phil A. and asked you to play a song from a USB drive he brought with us. It turned out you liked the song so much that Phil A. gave you the USB drive as a gift for allowing us the privilege of hearing our music via your Pacific DAC. To be completely honest I'm absolutely amazed that you've built a new better DAC that transcends the Pacific's sound so dramatically because the Pacific DAC sounded so damn good, that it seemed like an almost impossible feat to improve upon it as much as the Horizon DAC does!. But do I wish you every success with your new Horizon DAC! All my best, Tom aka thetubeguy1954
Hey everyone I’m a long time follower, but this really my first real post on WBF. It was worth the wait. I’m sitting here in my listening room being seduced by my new Horizon! Only a handful of days of break in but already enthralling.

Right now my current tube compliment is: Pysvane blue globe input tubes, a set of KT170’s a Western Electric 422A. I have a Takatsuki 274B arriving tomorrow, and I’m quite interested in what I brings to the table. I won’t be able to try any other input tubes until my 6922 to 6SN7 adapters arrive, since I have a wide variety that I’ve rolled with my Decware SE84UFO25 SET amp.

So my DAC journey has been an interesting one. Starting with a Metric Halo LIO8, then a Phasure NOS1, a Holo Spring, a Chord Dave with first an M-Scaler and then a custom linear power supply, the latest was a Holo May Level 2 (I still have all of them) and now the Horizon.

I arrived here following the Horizon thread and then North American debut at Steve William’s home with his wonderful system. It was really Ron’s interview with Lukasz that convinced me. Lukasz passion, philosophy and engineering prowess convinced, even with never owning a Lampizator product. It really felt right to me that this was going to be what I’d been searching for in a DAC finally realized!

I was fortunate enough to confirm my belief a Axpona, when I was able to hear the Horizon in person. I’d be completely remiss if I didn’t say my confidence in the decision was really bolstered upon meeting the guys from Lampizator NA. Fred and Rob. Wow! what a super team to represent Lukasz products. I felt like I’d found a lost brother in Fred! Just super down to earth and well ok, it didn’t hurt that he was a former wrestler and showed me a picture of his son carrying on the tradition! It brought back a lot of fond memories of my dad carting me around the country to wrestling tournaments since I was in first grade, and being there with me through my collegiate career. I was also unaware that Fred also represented Taiko, so I pulled the trigger on an Extreme. I’m really looking forward to all the things they’ve got coming to the Extreme platform. My DIY copy of the Extreme with Nenon’s spec’d power supply and the Taiko DC to ATX converter does a darn good job but it’s time for the real thing and all the knowledge that Emile and his team bring to bear.

So back to the HorIzon. I might not be the most eloquent writer in describing the sound of music being played through the Horizon, but I’ll give you my take on what makes it so compelling to listen to and why it‘s a game changer in my system.

When I think of dynamic range, I think of what I can hear from the quietest sound to the loudest portion of song I’m listening too and reproducing that with no compression. But with the HorIzon, I’m hearing that with every performer within the song! I’ve never heard that kind of delineation in my music play back until now! And what that does is allows me to hear the artistry of each individual performer within the composition. I‘m not sure if any of you can relate to how I‘m describing it, but for me, it just sucks me in and commands my attention. I literally feel the interplay of the performers and the vibe of the performance!
It is just so compelling and enticing that I can’t focus on anything else. There is just so much more information being communicated through the Horizon in a natural analog way. The Horizon is so sweet and delicate but also has such a grip and weight on the music. It is quite simply the best music reproduction I’ve heard, with the caveat that my experience with really high grade analog is limited. I will add though, that at Axpona I thought it bested both analog tape and vInyl in the room.

Well I’m going to wrap it up, and I know there’s plenty of break in that will take place over the next month and then of course the unlimited tube rolling permutations, but I’m one lifelong audiophile who’s finally found his endgame source!
Todd, you are a lucky man! I think I was listening in on your conversation with Fred, while you two compared wrestling notes, etc. I was awaiting my turn to get his ear to put down my deposit for a new Horizon. Sure wish I could have driven home with one - - I'd have happily written the full check right then...

That revelation of musical inner detail through additional gradations of microdynamics is also a strong suit of the Taiko Extreme, so you are in for even more joy ahead, IME. It is amazing how much more sense of presence this brings to the reproduction. It truly communicates more of the artist's intent, it seems.
Got the word from Fred. My Duracell TOTL Horizon is scheduled to be shipped this week! Larry
Got the word from Fred. My Duracell TOTL Horizon is scheduled to be shipped this week! Larry
Have ou got a number on the waiting list? - Just counting down to getting mine ;)
Thank you! Charlie
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I don’t change my Horizon volume control setting but my preamp setting is all over the place because each recording is different.

I don’t see how the preamp volume can only vary by 1-2 steps. Some recordings are quiet and some are loud.
I find myself in the same position, some recordings I have to increase quite a bit
I find myself in the same position, some recordings I have to increase quite a bit
If you don't care about SQ, Roon has a leveling feature. Within Roon, I don't detect a drop in SQ.
Have ou got a number on the waiting list? - Just counting down to getting mine ;)
Thank you! Charlie
When I first ordered mine, Fred told me I was at the end of the second 30, IIRC. However, it could also have been at the end of the first 30. Getting old to remember details like that. Fred can correct me if I am wrong. Larry

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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