Lampizator announcement: launch of our all new TOTL HORIZON DAC

VT-99 and similar were inventory stock designations. 6F8G was the name of the original 6SN7, the latter overcoming the need for an external anode connection (cap). In a Supratek preamp, I found the early 1940’s Sylvania 6F8G to be excellent, especially if one likes a mildly warm & sweet sound. I have not heard the Tung-Sol version, but have found the 6SN7 Treasure Globe that Rachel at Grant Fidelity in Canada sells to be easily the best sounding of the several of that tube type I have heard (I’m not sure who in presumably China makes it, but don’t think it’s Psvane). In the preamp, I found the Melz 1578 to be a clear, fast, slightly laid back tube on the “cool-neutral” side and, to my tastes, non involving. There’s a thread on head-fi where it’s gotten a lot of favorable discussion.

I look forward to the Horizon insights making it down the line to the TRP.
Is that the red base Shuguang Treasure 6SN7? If so very nice. Lukasz says its a GRID cap, not anode cap on 6f8g tube. I hear that vintage sylvania 6sn7 sound great in the B3 Dac.
Is that the red base Shuguang Treasure 6SN7? If so very nice. Lukasz says its a GRID cap, not anode cap on 6f8g tube. I hear that vintage sylvania 6sn7 sound great in the B3 Dac.

Hmm... The piece that plugs into the top of the early tubes is commonly referred to on vendor sites as a "grid / plate anode cap." I assume Lukasz's correction about the 6F8G means what it's called, grid or anode, depends on its function per the tube type. Perhaps grid for 6F8G types and anode for rectifiers? Among the older tubes, I generally prefer the 6F8G over the 6SN7, but Sylvania made very nice tubes in either case.

The Treasure Globe I'm referring to has a yellowish base: Among other tube types that have been mentioned for the Horizon, I'd add that Sophia Electric's Aqua 274B and their Aqua KT88-ST and EL34-ST are worth a listen (their 274B and KT88 are my TRP favorites). The tubes I’m mentioning are probably not as familiar to many here because they source out of North America.
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I don't wanto put words in anyone's mouth.
I met Steve because he had what I believed was the best digital system I had seen. I do t think audiophiles hate digital or tubes. No offense but others have tried early on to match those two technologies. It is not tubes that have gotten better. In fact nos maybe better. Both the digital and analog sections have improved mightily

I have repeatedly posed the question why has digital gotten so much better.
Any problem benefits from attention. I did have a discussion with Lukasz about what did he think.Was it the digital or analog that had improved.. His answer was long but he seemed to give the nod to analog. Better parts and advances in digital technology were factors.

Audiophiles found it hard to accept digital as a primary source

Enter the Amber3. It was shoehorn into a $10k system at CAF. I found myself enjoying the music. After talking to the host I learned that the source was a tube based dac. Despite what people say audiophiles will pursue good sound wherever it takes us.
It is the Amber3 that started me down the digital path. There are plenty of good dacs. It appears to me that digotal is responding to the vinyl onslaught.
.44k euro is an expensive experiment for some but not for others. Hearing the Horizon in a first class system can be an epiphany for digiphobes. Take a listen if you get a chance. It will force you to reevaluate your position.
I am afraid things will be quiet here until the Horizons start showing up at people’s home.

Hopefully people will post pictures when they receive theirs.
The first commercial Horizon shipped yesterday morning. Second - thursday. And then one every other day untill the order pipeline is done. By end of March we will have 25 horizons in the "field" . By end of April 40. By end of May: 55 to 70, after we open the second factory building. There will be something to talk about. I am sure.
We will show them in Munich just got my space confirmed.
The first commercial Horizon shipped yesterday morning. Second - thursday. And then one every other day untill the order pipeline is done. By end of march we will have 25 horizons in the "field" . There will be something to talk about. I am sure.

Great to hear. I am ready!
And a huge shout out of thanks to Ron and Tinka for putting together this interview with Lukasz and some of the happenings last weekend. Ron's set up and microphones, camera, lighting etc was second to none ..When watching the video click on the highest res your player will give you. The video is in 1080P

And a huge shout out of thanks to Ron and Tinka for putting together this interview with Lukasz and some of the happenings last weekend. Ron's set up and microphones, camera, lighting etc was second to none ..When watching the video click on the highest res your player will give you. The video is in 1080P

Bravo to everyone involved! Very cool stuff!
And a huge shout out of thanks to Ron and Tinka for putting together this interview with Lukasz and some of the happenings last weekend. Ron's set up and microphones, camera, lighting etc was second to none ..When watching the video click on the highest res your player will give you. The video is in 1080P

I watched it with wet eyes. Thank you Steve, Ron and Tinka. (Watching in the Frankfurt airport gate)
And a huge shout out of thanks to Ron and Tinka for putting together this interview with Lukasz and some of the happenings last weekend. Ron's set up and microphones, camera, lighting etc was second to none ..When watching the video click on the highest res your player will give you. The video is in 1080P

Wow. That is an absolutely wonderful video and interview. Equal parts informative and emotive. An amazing window into the persistence and passion behind Lampizator product development. Further ratchets up my anticipation.
And very excited about the pipeline and the future "Horizon line".
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Tinka and I are appreciative of and grateful for everyone's kind words on the video. Thank you!
Well done and interesting video. Thank you
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Lukasz, In the video, you mention that the Horizon is a no-holds-barred version of the Baltic 3. On your website, there's a graphic showing the relative sound quality of the dacs. Does that graphic still represent your thinking or has the Baltic 3 jumped over one or two above it?
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Lukasz, In the video, you mention that the Horizon is a no-holds-barred version of the Baltic 3. On your website, there's a graphic showing the relative quality of the dacs. Does that graphic still represent your thinking or has the Baltic 3 jumped over one or two above it?
I've the same question.
Lukasz, In the video, you mention that the Horizon is a no-holds-barred version of the Baltic 3. On your website, there's a graphic showing the relative sound quality of the dacs. Does that graphic still represent your thinking or has the Baltic 3 jumped over one or two above it?
Actually to my mind, the Horizon has elements of the Baltic, Atlantic TRP and the Pac all rolled into one and taken to an extreme level...17 linear power supplies 5x overspecced.

The Pac has one 6n1p anode load tube in SE, while the Horizon has TWO pentodes to do the same job. Output on the Horizon is equivalent to one dual triode for SE, BUT a couple pins in the output triodes are blended with a couple the Pentode pins to form a VIRTUAL new tube. This give some semblance of the TRP circuit, B3 circuit with the anode load shedding of the Pac/B3....all done with outrageously elaborate componentry. On paper a significant step up over the Pac.
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Actually to my mind, the Horizon has elements of the Baltic, Atlantic TRP and the Pac all rolled into one and taken to an extreme level...17 linear power supplies 5x overspecced.
Ah, the question asked is about the Baltic 3, based on something said in the video about the process leading to the Horizon.
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IIRCsomething about the Horizon being the illegitimate son of the Baltic.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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