iFi Audio LAN iSilencer - The Official Thread

AMR / iFi audio

Industry Expert
Aug 21, 2019
Dear Friends,

We are happy to announce today's release of the iFi Audio LAN iSilencer. It is a network filter that helps minimize the electrical noise that distorts the audio signal from your network, and it is perfect for reducing the noise floor and interference if you want to minimize network noise in your wired LAN connection.


Check out the links below to find out more about the LAN iSilencer!

Product page: LAN iSilencer by iFi audio - LAN iSilencer
LAN iSilencer YouTube video:
I have a few I know that are trying them out. No reports yet other than the real estate needed at the connection point requires them to get a short E cable adapter in order to use it. My system is quiet enough to not need one, so no direct observations from myself.

Are you looking for trusted ear experiences or just feedback as to user experiences?

Are you looking for trusted ear experiences or just feedback as to user experiences?

Everything is appreciated.
@Puma Cat Well you might get it between the ER and cable modem or to whatever is connected. This will further reduce noise and show further improvement.
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Everything is appreciated.
@Puma Cat Well you might get it between the ER and cable modem or to whatever is connected. This will further reduce noise and show further improvement.
Yeah, perhaps. I'll think about it. I'm always up for experiments. Along those lines, I've actually been considering setting up another run of fiber between ER and the cable modem, I just need to get a short run of LC/LC fiber in to do that. Cheers.
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I have a few I know that are trying them out. No reports yet other than the real estate needed at the connection point requires them to get a short E cable adapter in order to use it. My system is quiet enough to not need one, so no direct observations from myself.

Are you looking for trusted ear experiences or just feedback as to user experiences?

We are eagerly waiting for your friends' experiences, please keep the thread updated if possible :)
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I heard back from him and this is what he stated....

It came today and it sounds good. Tightened the bass up, highs are sweet and little things in the music I am noticing that I didn't notice before....And that's right out of the box. The results were subtle but noticeable. Best $90 bucks ever.

He's now looking into other items to improve his streaming setup, among the items he ordered is the iFi - iPower X. Sounds to me like a positive review.

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Thank you for the update! I guess it’s also interesting to test the impact it has when Haies in different places in the network setup.
Very much recommended in front of the streamer but also (or a second one) used between switch and cable modem or before NAS etc.
I heard back from him and this is what he stated....

He's now looking into other items to improve his streaming setup, among the items he ordered is the iFi - iPower X. Sounds to me like a positive review.


I'm very glad to hear that your friend is enjoying the LAN iSilencer! I hope the iPower X brings just as much, if not more, improvement to the system of his. Do you own any iFi gear yourself?
I have been using many iFi products like iPowerX, iPower Elite, ZEN stream - all have in common a great price / performance ratio.
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I'm very glad to hear that your friend is enjoying the LAN iSilencer! I hope the iPower X brings just as much, if not more, improvement to the system of his. Do you own any iFi gear yourself?
I have 3 items from IFi. The noise harvester and two iFi Power Elite PS's. The noise harvester did not make any discernible difference (my system and a friend's system) and I spent so much on other aspects of my streaming setup over the last 3 months that I didn't feel like forking out another couple of grand or three for PC's, more DC cables and LPS's......so I got two of the Extremes.

I saw some measurements on the Extreme (compared to some LPS's) and was impressed with what I saw. So, I bought them until I had some extra funds to get the LPS's and associated gear. Truth be told, I really don't feel the need to upgrade them with everything else I have in the streaming setup. Perhaps one day but I was pleasantly surprised and quite impressed with how quiet they actually were. I wouldn't even bother with trying anything else in their spot if I wasn't constantly pushing the envelope to extract everything possible.

My streaming setup is as follows, with the exception that I have moved the Zero Zone LPS to the modem and the Elite now powers the EtherREGEN;

Network system leading up to the Canary Pre -
iFi iPower Elite 12v PS>
NETGEAR Nighthawk Multi-Gig Cable Modem CM2000 >
Shunyata Alpha Ethernet cable > to mesh router
iFi iPower Elite 12v PS>
NETGEAR Nighthawk Tri-band Mesh (MK83) AX3600 Router >
******wirelessly over Wi-Fi using a different band******
Dueland dca12 - 20 amp PC >
Richard Gray Pro400 Power Supply >
LPS #1 - AfterDark High Current LPS with 12V / HiFi Tuning Cryo Gold Fuse + Furutech Rhodium IEC, dual rail via >
DC PC's - Continental Triple Crown CFS DC Power Cable (Limited Edition), 0.8 Meter / Copper Conductor / DC 2.1mm - 2ea
DC PC #1 goes to the EtherREGEN v1 B side
CD PC #2 goes to the NETGEAR Nighthawk Extender (satellite) - Ethernet out to A side of the EtherREGEN via Shunyata Venom
LPS #2 - Zero Zone 12VDC 15W Linear Power Supply >
Master Clock - AfterDark Emperor Signature ClayX Giesemann OCXO 10MHz Reference, 75ohm >
Clock Cable - Project ClayX Black River Giesemann EVA Reference 75ohm BNC Clock Cable, 0.80m > B side of EtherREGEN
EtherREGEN B side out Ethernet via Shunyata Omega > Muon Pro Filter> Lumin UX1>
Audiolund xTreme Silver Series 1.5m furutech BNC>
LamipzatOr - Lampizator Level 5 Gen 4 tubed DAC with separate PS, KAS Audio Primus PC>
Snake River Signature Series Hybrid (Gold. Silver, Red Copper) RCA>
IsoMax Ci-2RR Isolation Transformer>
Snake River Cottonmouth (Gold/Red Copper) RCA> Canary

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I have 3 items from IFi. The noise harvester and two iFi Power Elite PS's. The noise harvester did not make any discernible difference (my system and a friend's system) and I spent so much on other aspects of my streaming setup over the last 3 months that I didn't feel like forking out another couple of grand or three for PC's, more DC cables and LPS's......so I got two of the Extremes.

I saw some measurements on the Extreme (compared to some LPS's) and was impressed with what I saw. So, I bought them until I had some extra funds to get the LPS's and associated gear. Truth be told, I really don't feel the need to upgrade them with everything else I have in the streaming setup. Perhaps one day but I was pleasantly surprised and quite impressed with how quiet they actually were. I wouldn't even bother with trying anything else in their spot if I wasn't constantly pushing the envelope to extract everything possible.

My streaming setup is as follows, with the exception that I have moved the Zero Zone LPS to the modem and the Elite now powers the EtherREGEN;

Network system leading up to the Canary Pre -
iFi iPower Elite 12v PS>
NETGEAR Nighthawk Multi-Gig Cable Modem CM2000 >
Shunyata Alpha Ethernet cable > to mesh router
iFi iPower Elite 12v PS>
NETGEAR Nighthawk Tri-band Mesh (MK83) AX3600 Router >
******wirelessly over Wi-Fi using a different band******
Dueland dca12 - 20 amp PC >
Richard Gray Pro400 Power Supply >
LPS #1 - AfterDark High Current LPS with 12V / HiFi Tuning Cryo Gold Fuse + Furutech Rhodium IEC, dual rail via >
DC PC's - Continental Triple Crown CFS DC Power Cable (Limited Edition), 0.8 Meter / Copper Conductor / DC 2.1mm - 2ea
DC PC #1 goes to the EtherREGEN v1 B side
CD PC #2 goes to the NETGEAR Nighthawk Extender (satellite) - Ethernet out to A side of the EtherREGEN via Shunyata Venom
LPS #2 - Zero Zone 12VDC 15W Linear Power Supply >
Master Clock - AfterDark Emperor Signature ClayX Giesemann OCXO 10MHz Reference, 75ohm >
Clock Cable - Project ClayX Black River Giesemann EVA Reference 75ohm BNC Clock Cable, 0.80m > B side of EtherREGEN
EtherREGEN B side out Ethernet via Shunyata Omega > Muon Pro Filter> Lumin UX1>
Audiolund xTreme Silver Series 1.5m furutech BNC>
LamipzatOr - Lampizator Level 5 Gen 4 tubed DAC with separate PS, KAS Audio Primus PC>
Snake River Signature Series Hybrid (Gold. Silver, Red Copper) RCA>
IsoMax Ci-2RR Isolation Transformer>
Snake River Cottonmouth (Gold/Red Copper) RCA> Canary

I'm glad to see parts of your streaming setup being powered by the iPower Elite :) This is some very serious gear you have there. Are there any further additions underway?
Though availability is horrible unfortunately of the LAN silencer. Amazon which delivers from iFi UK Audio has weeks as well as German dealer WOD Audio :-/
I'm glad to see parts of your streaming setup being powered by the iPower Elite :) This is some very serious gear you have there. Are there any further additions underway?
Thanks for the kind words. To answer your question? Of course!

In the streaming setup, I am looking at another tubed DAC (Abbas or ANK) to play around with, play around with tube rolling until I decide on which DAC to go with, I already have a Audio Sensibilities umbilical cord on order for in between the Lumin X1 PS and the U1 and some PC upgrades sprinkled in within strategic locations.

Thanks for the kind words. To answer your question? Of course!

In the streaming setup, I am looking at another tubed DAC (Abbas or ANK) to play around with, play around with tube rolling until I decide on which DAC to go with, I already have a Audio Sensibilities umbilical cord on order for in between the Lumin X1 PS and the U1 and some PC upgrades sprinkled in within strategic locations.

Looks promising, especially the AS cord. Make sure to post some updates once all is done!
Any further updates? Got mine between NAS and ISP modem/router and makes a noticeable difference.
@AMR / iFi audio Some more info / tech details as this is to many some hard to follow, understand product.
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Any further updates? Got mine between NAS and ISP modem/router and makes a noticeable difference.
@AMR / iFi audio Some more info / tech details as this is to many some hard to follow, understand product.
Hey, I'm glad you're enjoying the LAN iSilencer. As time passes, more and more information is going to roll out. It's important for us to make this product as understandable and accessible to anyone who needs to clean up their LAN signal. What further information would you like to see, is there something you'd like to be cleared up for you? :)
Hey, I'm glad you're enjoying the LAN iSilencer. As time passes, more and more information is going to roll out. It's important for us to make this product as understandable and accessible to anyone who needs to clean up their LAN signal. What further information would you like to see, is there something you'd like to be cleared up for you? :)
Glad to hear. Well, as you see there is a lot of insecurity / doubt about this product around on the net.
What would help is more data, measurement, insights about how specifically the LAN iSilencer is reducing noise. As you know there are still many users out there believing a TCP/IP bit-perfect Ethernet signal isn't prone to any noise and there is nothing it can do to have an impact ;-)

So keep the info rollout coming - it's really highly needed to reach acceptance about the product.

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