Counterfeit Culture :: Documentary Zone - Video ::


Feb 8, 2011
Vancouver Island, B.C. Canada
Please, tell me if you can access this link; if yes, do watch the documentary video,
it is essential viewing, ...and about 45 minutes long.

And if only Canadians can access it, and not other people of the world; I'll make new arrangements to make it accessible to ALL. ...DONE! :b



* Here's a preview:

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This content is not accessible from this region:mad:

I am not positivey 100% certain but I believe that because it is a brand new documentary, and that it is broadcasting still today later on; thus the reason why. ...Copyright of some sort.

Give me 24 hours or less and I will let you know if I can find it from another source.
I truly want this one, and no other at this point in time. ...Because that one is thee one!

I am convinced that it will soon be available to all to see, as it is an important documentary about the true reality of the world we live in. And it even encompasses our audio/video electronics, loudspeakers included.
...And that the toxic materials used in some of our products are killing large segments of the world population, no laughing around!
And our governments, in order to save money by cutting the budgets from several sectors, are directly involved in killing the people who elected them in the first place!
You don't need to be a rocket scientist to realize the direct implication; all in the name of money!

But it is also our own responsability (you, me, them, each one of us) to be well informed, to learn, to teach our elected candidates, and to take actions in our way of product consumption. Because if we don't change or ways as product consumers, we don't stand a nickel of a chance! It is up to all of us to demand genuine, healthy products, made under the best intentions for us the world consumers. ...And that includes the survival of not only our populations but also of our planet, Earth!

Furthermore; the most lucrative business in the world (bigger than oil, bigger than diamonds, bigger than gold, etc.); guns' sales (everything related to guns and guns of war that kill, wipe out complete families, cities, countries), are also counterfeited and kill their own owners! ...Because they backfire at them from failed mechanisms! ...Or not operating properly, so the enemy is killing our soldiers of protection, peace, freedom, and liberty.

And this, is happening all over the planet; not just in America, and Canada, and Australia, and Great Britain, and France, and Italy, and Germany, ...

And where are those counterfeits made in? ...From?
And accessible from where (for sale)? ...Hint: eBay! ...Made in 'Chichenitza'! ...With toxic chemicals from salvaged dumps!
Yes, and that includes the caps, the resistors, the transistors, the transformers in our electronics. ...You'd better watch out for that new amplifier of yours! ....

Stay tuned.

P.S. Excuse the typos.


Next, we'll be exploring the world of spies, and all the BS related to it, plus the zillions of wasted dollars by our governments. ...Our taxes.
And that includes the spy world of the Web!

But first; Counterfeit Culture!
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I've posted these from Doc Zone before and they should be accessible.
This content is not accessible from this region:mad:

---- I fixed it; the link from my original first post should work now. :b
And I added it again here, just below.

I've posted these from Doc Zone before and they should be accessible.

---- It is now.


New Video Link:

And just let me know if somehow someone from somewhere on this planet cannot access it.
And feel free to watch it, of course.

Then, you can comment by sharing your thoughts ....
Why do I get the feeling from that trailer that they're going to conflate the two key notions - those of 1) copying and 2) passing off? ;)

Ah I know why - its because she called it 'theft'.

It's much more than that; it's about profits (money), and everyone is guilty: the consumers for not doing their research, and the manufacturers for satisfying their innocence (lack of knowledge).
...But also our governments, for cutting and cutting budgets in order to save. But by saving money they are certainly not saving people!

Richard, it's a global phenomenon (major problem) that kills many innocent people.
And China, unfortunately, with their lack of stricter laws about environment, and also on people's health, plus the sheer power of the rise of global economy (or the decline), makes it the ideal country of counterfeiting (extremely talented people).
...They can copy everything in the world to exact "looks", right down to the smallest details.

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