Cats and music, meet Patty


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2020
This is Patty, she comes In the room most of the time when I’m Listening to music.. She sits center in The sweet spot when the music is on. I had other cats who also would sit between the speakers almost center each time.. I can see her ears moving to different instruments as they come on.. like she’s analyzing the music.. maybe she’s trying to get me to go analog..
A few years ago, One day as I was leaving the garage, Patty appeared .. She was maybe 2 to 3 months old.. She walked in like she owned the place.. Already having two other Cats, I was reluctant to take on another.. but the Mrs ruled in favor of keeping her as always..
Two weeks later Patty could barely move her rear legs.. Two surgeries later, and now a couple of years later.. she’s still doing fine.. Some kind of bone structure defect as she grew was causing the issue.. Apparently we had a good veterinary surgeon, and I have an audio buddy who doesn’t complain about my selections..F9720AC5-4741-4A95-9B98-8A6E8A74032D.jpeg
Sounds like she has good tastes :cool:
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I bet the XA25 makes beautiful music with the Daedalus....
Good day Jeffrey, I‘m not wanting for more at this time. The Daedalus are efficient, but need current to come alive.. The Pass is up to the task and does it with finesse. It has a glorious midrange.
It takes a Long time to warm Up to sound it’s best.. it’s listenable after an hour but gets even better
hours later..
This is Patty, she comes In the room most of the time when I’m Listening to music.. She sits center in The sweet spot when the music is on. I had other cats who also would sit between the speakers almost center each time.. I can see her ears moving to different instruments as they come on.. like she’s analyzing the music.. maybe she’s trying to get me to go analog..
A few years ago, One day as I was leaving the garage, Patty appeared .. She was maybe 2 to 3 months old.. She walked in like she owned the place.. Already having two other Cats, I was reluctant to take on another.. but the Mrs ruled in favor of keeping her as always..
Two weeks later Patty could barely move her rear legs.. Two surgeries later, and now a couple of years later.. she’s still doing fine.. Some kind of bone structure defect as she grew was causing the issue.. Apparently we had a good veterinary surgeon, and I have an audio buddy who doesn’t complain about my selections..View attachment 71785
What a discerning Kittty.......:)
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