When I say 'the primary argument for streaming is access to new music', I'm just going on what I read here. No doubt you can sream Brothers in Arms.
I think there are dozens of reasons to stream and why people enjoy it. access to new music is a big one, but this subject is not simple. 'new music' can mean diving deep into a particular artist, or a genre, or a composition, or an instrument, or each member of a group, etc, etc. streaming also provides lyrics, and other cover versions of most tunes. and multiple versions of the same recording, and recording details of many tracks. really unlimited information....when you are in the mood.
in addition streaming can easily allow for multiple playlists and your recent history and listening time by period. if you can't recall a particular tune the search function is remarkable. a very big thing.
then there is high performance playback, at all sorts of resolutions. and steaming is constantly taking baby steps forward in performance with updates. it is getting better and better. it where the economic focus is for development.
so one can lose themselves into streaming for all sorts of strictly musical reasons.
streaming can be very cost effective to have unlimited access to any music, not just new music.
or even because you are not in the mood, or maybe you are not capable, or getting up to change physical media. so it accommodates you and your situation, and does not dictate the terms of or degree of ease of use.
I only relate this stream of consciousness to make the case that streaming is very much more than a simple ' new music' thing.
it's even a source of community as people can share discoveries real time and it can be a glue for relationship building. an easily shared experience.
I'm sure there are many reasons for streaming I've not touched on.
I have an enormous investment and commitment to physical media based formats, so streaming can be all it can be, yet physical media also has it's rightful place. we don't need to denigrate one to love the other. it's great to live at a time when we have all these fantastic choices. it's a great time for music reproduction lovers.