Facebook is for many things; family reunions, long lost friends, games, photos, videos, news, fun, etc.
It's a public social gathering for the entire world. Everything people find, steal, share, is there for people to share publicly...even if it shows private material possessions, including your face and clothes. It's like Twitter where people socialize and exchange ideas plus everything contained in the public domain world. ...Business, entertainment, family values, pop rock stars, movie Hollywood, new cars, best places in the world to visit, best places in the world not to visit, etc. ... including world's leaders disagreeing with each other on life's etiquette and principles...honor, freedom, human rights and family deepest values.
Facebook and Twitter are like two oceans joining together...the Pacific and the Atlantic...and all the other oceans around the five world's continent.
So, if your hi-fi stereo sound system from 1939 is there, with that 78rpm turntable, it's because someone must have take a picture of it before and posted it somewhere...usually you first.
We can remain private by never visiting the Internet cafe, never owning a cell phone, no regular phone, no camera, no video camera, and stay away from people who have any one of those. If an "accident" happens or someone steals your picture(s), you can try to sue them, charge them, or accept the breach of privacy and enjoy the distribution channels (free publicity of your material possessions plus all the emotions that comes with it).
Today we live in a very different world than the one of just 500 years ago; we adapt to it the best we can.
And people don't usually ask permission to adapt or not. :b
But yeah, use the human charter bill of rights, and exercise the power of the laws to their ultimate limit.
There won't be electric chairs for the guilty and all that Wall Street jazz, but few might jump to their death if losing all their money from the banks.
Then no more pictures to take of your next hi-fi stereo sound system...