Adding an EMC/EMI filter to my Farad Super3 Linear power supply


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2020
Federal Way, WA
I recently added several Schaffner EMC/EMI filters to my Farad Super3 linear power supplies. The results are a Significant improvement in clarity and lower noise floor. The midrange is dramatically clearer. I thought my system sounded pretty detailed and transparent but adding the Schaffner filters have taken it to another level. The improvement quite noticeable.

I had ordered the filters because I had been wondering how good the Farad's were at filtering incoming noise on the AC side as opposed to not generating noise on the DC side.

I think the answer is not so good. I think that is why I am hearing such a significant improvement adding the filter right before the Farad.

I have significant line conditioning in the system already with several dedicated AC lines, DC blocker, isolation transformer, and DigiBUSS. But apparently there is still room for improvement.

The Schaffner filters are pretty easy to implement. One side already has an IEC inlet and the other side has built in wire block. I connected some starquad 16awg with an IEC plug and was good to go.

Schaffner filters runs about $48 each for 10amp versions.


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Thanks for the tip, I just ordered 2, I will try and report.
It's my experience too that the farad is sensitive to the power input, cable etc.
Have you tried connecting the ground? or it's not necessary?
Did you make the starquad yourself?
I'm thinking of using the Canare 4S11

Are you also happy with the Viborg plug? You're using this one?
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Have you tried connecting the ground? or it's not necessary?
Did you make the starquad yourself?
I'm thinking of using the Canare 4S11

Are you also happy with the Viborg plug? You're using this one?

Just tried doesn't work for the farad 10 though confirmed. The sound went backwards . It does however work for Paul Haynes. The sound having another LPs arrive soon will see how that one works:)
It’s really amazing to see the potential of the Super3 upscale - so I was able to see steady improvement with better power cords from an Audioquest Monsoon up to a Dragon Source. Also there is an important filtering done as it’s connected to the Niagara 5000 power conditioner.
This 60$ unit also works well with Farad making Dave sound fuller and cleaner.
If it works it doesn't matter...but just this a real Furutech product do you think or a copy? Price is quite reasonable.
If you want to try something that works and is made by a true technology company Schaffner has this model:

You do have provide your own male ac end ( country dependent) They have other types in their catalog that are pre terminated- But I believe this one is the highest performing one.
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Just tried doesn't work for the farad 10 though confirmed. The sound went backwards . It does however work for Paul Haynes. The sound having another LPs arrive soon will see how that one works:)
Did you compare the super 3 to 10? What are you powering with the super 10?
What's your impression of it?
I have a super 3 powering a roon nucleus and contemplating ordering the 10

Just tried doesn't work for the farad 10 though confirmed. The sound went backwards . It does however work for Paul Haynes. The sound having another LPs arrive soon will see how that one

Just tried doesn't work for the farad 10 though confirmed. The sound went backwards . It does however work for Paul Haynes. The sound having another LPs arrive soon will see how that one works:)
Were the Farad Super10 and Paul Haynes powering the same component? If so, what component was it?
Different components. Just network gear:) in Australia we have internet called the nbn. It's powering that
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Powering the modem or router or modem/router?
I found the LPS improved the sound of the system the most(for streaming) when used on the farthest upstream device. Usually the modem for those in the US.

More recently I observed the filters improved the sound most when used on the most upstream device as well.
ys indeed worked better for the modem not the router for me too.

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