What's everyone's take on the recent microscopic investigation by Michael Fremer of stylus contamination by products like Onzow Zerodust ?

What’s everyone take on ultra Sonics ?
next if the cantilever is torn off is poor glue holding them on ?
What’s everyone take on ultra Sonics ?
next if the cantilever is torn off is poor glue holding them on ?
I think the so-called ultrasonic stylus cleaners are really just "sonic" and not "ultra". And perhaps would require full immersion, not just a drop of liquid, to be effective ultrasonic cleaning.

Anyways, if a cantilever (or stylus) is torn off from a sonic cleaner or gel dip, how the HELL was it going to survive the next several sides being cued onto and then dragged through vinyl grooves, anyways? What about playing those 12" 45 RPM's? If cantilever or stylus gets gone, I always think:
  1. User error
  2. Prior sustained damage
  3. Bad design
  4. Manufacturing defect
In my experience, MM cartridges are more likely to fail at the cantilever / suspension, and MC cartridges at the stylus / cantilever junction (by losing the former).
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Thanks i agree with your comments
i use arm raisers on all tables to make sure the cart don’t get killed by the label inside middle
one more thought how many carts have the cantilever bent from new
I mean if i look sone are
I have fixed some but I wonder what damage i
might have did to the support inside
if the cart is perfect the azimuth should be ok but it’s not always
next up arms with no pivot like uni pivot
Maybe I am more risky than others. And my cart is not a lot of money. I now lightly drag a little piece of magic eraser over my diamond, then swipe with a soft stylus brush.
I'm being reliably warned to never use Magic Eraser. It can destroy a stylus tip on one solitary use.
Blu Tak and artist's paint brush is the advice.
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Dragging / rubbing with a Magic Eraser is pretty bold! You risk a snag. Could be great for cantilever clean, though. Or, coming at a stylus from the side and rubbing / swiping down might work well, with less risk?

A dip and then pivoted rotation in ME will scrub all around the stylus without risking greater snagging forces - that's what I like to do. Adding a drop of water to the dip spot makes it much more effective.
I'm being reliably warned to never use Magic Eraser. It can destroy a stylus tip on one solitary use.
Blu Tak and artist's paint brush is the advice.
Who is saying this, and what's their rationale for it not being perfectly safe? Besides the risk of a snag, which can be eliminated with technique, what on earth is ME going to do to a solid diamond stylus besides polish it clean? I'm 3 years into using it on my Koetsu Blue Lace Diamond - rotational scrub as described above. Looks and plays like new.
This is the senior engineer at a top cartridge company. He has no axe to grind, just contends Magic Eraser is by definition abrasive whereas Blu Tak is neutral. It's not as if BT is super pricey and his company sells the product.
You should carry on using ME. I'll pass, based on this advice.
spititofmusic was it not only yesterday in post #20 you said “Bazelio, Blu Tack is really less damaging than Onzow? Amazing!”

Based on what you read in post #19 yesterday and now a day later you are an expert with Blu Tack. :eek:
Hey, that was a genuine expression of doubt. Now it's been backed up by the guy who fashioned six stylii for me at one of the world's leading cartridge marques.
I wouldn't ever claim I'm an expert. But I'd say he is.
And I'd say anyone who has read his misgivings about Magic Eraser and wants to carry in using it, should carry on straight ahead. Because of course, they're experts too Lol.
Of course Magic Eraser is abrasive, that's how it cleans so well lol. I also use it on a fiberglass tub, which is probably at least 1,000x softer than solid diamond, and scrub it a lot harder - and no signs of wear from that over the years. I seriously wonder what kind of engineer is concerned about the abrasive nature of melamine softly rubbing against solid diamond.
Dragging / rubbing with a Magic Eraser is pretty bold! You risk a snag. Could be great for cantilever clean, though. Or, coming at a stylus from the side and rubbing / swiping down might work well, with less risk?

A dip and then pivoted rotation in ME will scrub all around the stylus without risking greater snagging forces - that's what I like to do. Adding a drop of water to the dip spot makes it much more effective.

Snag? The tip barely goes in far enough to clean it.

There is no risk. You'd bend the cantilever before you got it into the eraser enough to catch anything. Impossibility. Just more delusional paranoia. Have fun not jumping too high in fear of falling off the planet.
I am a happy Magic Eraser user and feel that it does a good job in combination with a soft-bristled brush afterward.

What makes me laugh was what Linn recommended for cleaning styli many years ago.... they suggested using the strike pad from a book of matches!
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Snag? The tip barely goes in far enough to clean it.

There is no risk. You'd bend the cantilever before you got it into the eraser enough to catch anything. Impossibility. Just more delusional paranoia. Have fun not jumping too high in fear of falling off the planet.
Dude - I'm all FOR using the Magic Eraser. I was referring to a "snag" being a possible risk for the poster above me who said he was dragging a piece of magic eraser across the stylus tip. You'd have to be very careful with that motion, and with a very small cut piece. I'm not a simple dip & lifter either; I dip and twist / rotate to get scrubbing action.

LOL this topic really brings out the emotions in folks.
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Yes I take a small piece and drag it in the direction of play. I don't think twisting is safe. How are you going to keep from an accidental pull to the side and shearing off the cantilever. I have done a dip, dip, dip, dip. Is that really doing anything.

I read on Audionirvana some time back a long thread on magic eraser. They thought it safe there. Of course some say not. Heck, I bought the Onzow because blue tack was not safe. Owe Brother. What to use.

A diamond is pretty hard. I don't know how a puffed foam would damage a stone. A magic eraser will dull the gel coat on your boat. Don't use it there.
I have done a dip, dip, dip, dip. Is that really doing anything. ... A diamond is pretty hard. I don't know how a puffed foam would damage a stone. A magic eraser will dull the gel coat on your boat. Don't use it there.

Probably won't damage a diamond, but pulling ME across the stylus might cause it to loosen its attachment to the cantilever over time. That is a theory. However if you look at what ME is, it is very 'grabby'. I suggest dipping not dragging. From inspecting the stylus after dipping I can say yes it is really doing something, it is cleaning the stylus.

magic eraser.jpg
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I have a question if the diamond is glued onto the cantilever and the debris
need to removed. is there a solvent to do this. one that would not harm the cartridge?

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